
1 Introduction

The main issue addressed by zero knowledge proofs (ZKP) is represented by identification schemes (entity authentication). Thus, building on the most important goal that a ZKP can achieve one may find elegant solutions to various problems that arise in different areas: digital cash, auctioning, Internet of Things (IoT), password authentication and so on [1].

A typical zero knowledge protocol involves a prover Peggy which possesses a piece of secret information x associated with her identity and a verifier Victor whose job is to check that Peggy really owns x. Two classical examples of such protocols (proposed for smartcards) are the Schnorr protocol [17] and the Guillou-Quisquater protocol [11]. Working in an abstract framework, Maurer shows in [12] that the previously mentioned protocols are actually instantiations of the same one.

Inspired by Maurer’s generic perspective, we considered of great interest extending the unification paradigm to contract signing protocols. Therefore, we construct our main idea considering the stringent issue of scheme compatibility which characterizes communication systems. Typical examples are the cases of certificates in a public key infrastructure and the general issue of upgrading the version of a system. Thus, working in a general framework may reduce implementation errors and save application development (and maintenance) time.

Various contract signing schemes which fall into three different design categories were proposed during the last decades: gradual release [8,9,10, 14], optimistic [2, 3, 13] and concurrent [4] or legally fair [6] models. A typical co-signing protocol involves two (mutually distrustful) signing partners, Alice and Bob wishing to compute a common function on their private inputs.

Compared to older paradigms like gradual release or optimistic models, concurrent signatures or legally fair protocols do not rely on trusted third parties and do not require too much interaction between co-signers. As such features seem much more attractive for users, we further consider legally fair co-signing protocols (rather than older solutions) in our paper.

To the best of our knowledge, in this work we present the first unified class of legally fair co-signing protocols without keystones and prove its security. Thus, we provide the reader with a common theoretical framework. To be more precise, we propose a class of UZK based co-signing protocols that maintains the valuable propertiesFootnote 1 of the scheme presented in [6].

As digital signature schemes represent the core of modern contract signing protocols, we preserve this perspective and prove the security of our main result building on the unified digital signature scheme we propose in Sect. 3.

Outline. We introduce notations, definitions, schemes and protocols used throughout the paper in Sect. 2. We present a signature scheme inspired by Maurer’s UZK paradigm in Sect. 3 and prove its security in Appendix A. In Sect. 4 we present our main result, namely a UZK based co-signing protocol built on the legally fair contract signing protocol of [6]. We conclude and discuss related open problems in Sect. 5.

2 Preliminaries

Notations. Throughout the paper, the notation |S| denotes the cardinal of a set S. The action of selecting a random element x from a sample space X is denoted by , while \(x \leftarrow y\) represents the assignment of value y to variable x. The probability of the event E to happen is denoted by Pr[E]. The subset \(\{0, \ldots , s\} \in \mathbb N\) is denoted by [0, s]. Let \(h: \{0, 1\}^* \rightarrow \mathcal C\) be a hash function, where \(\mathcal C \subset \mathbb N\).

2.1 Groups

Let \((\mathbb G, \star )\) and \((\mathbb H, \otimes )\) be two groups. We assume that the group operations \(\star \) and \(\otimes \) are efficiently computable. We further consider a more restrictive set of initial conditions compared to [12], in the sense that we also assume that \(\mathbb G\) is commutativeFootnote 2.

Definition 1

(Homomorphism). Let \(f: \mathbb G \rightarrow \mathbb H\) be a function (not necessarily one-to-one). We say that f is a homomorphism if \(f(x \star y) = f(x) \otimes f(y)\).

Throughout the rest of the paper we consider f to be a homomorphism as well as a one-way functionFootnote 3. To be consistent with [12], we denote the value f(x) by [x]. Note that given [x] and [y] we can efficiently compute \([x \star y] = [x] \otimes [y]\), due to the fact that f is a homomorphism. We further denote the set of public parameters by \(\mathsf {pp} = (\mathbb G, \mathbb H, f, h)\).

2.2 Zero-Knowledge Protocols

Let \(Q: \{0,1\}^* \times \{0,1\}^* \rightarrow \{\mathtt {true}, \mathtt {false}\}\) be a predicate. Given a value y, Peggy will try to convince Victor that she knows a value x such that \(Q(y, x) = \mathtt {true}\). We further recall a definition from [5]. This definition captures the notion that being successful in a protocol (PV) implies having the knowledge of a value x such that \(Q(y, x) = \mathtt {true}\).

Definition 2

(Proof of Knowledge Protocol). An interactive protocol (PV) is a proof of knowledge protocol for predicate Q if the following properties hold

  • Completeness: V accepts the proof when P has as input an x with \(Q(y,x) = \mathtt {true}\);

  • Soundness: there is an efficient program K (called knowledge extractor) such that for any \(\hat{P}\) (possibly dishonest) with non-negligible probability of making V accept the proof, K can interact with \(\hat{P}\) and output (with overwhelming probability) an x such that \(Q(y,x) = \mathtt {true}\).

Definition 3

(2-Extractable). Let Q be a predicate for a proof of knowledge. A 3-move protocolFootnote 4 with challenge space \(\mathcal C\) is 2-extractable if from any two triplets (rcs) and \((r, c', s')\), with distinct \(c, c' \in \mathcal C\) accepted by Victor, one can efficiently compute an x such that \(Q(y, x) = \mathtt {true}\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Maurer’s Unified Zero-Knowledge (UZK) Protocol.

According to [12], UZK (Fig. 1) is a zero-knowledge protocol if the conditions from Theorem 1 are satisfied. If the challenge space \(\mathcal C\) is small, then one needs several 3-move rounds to make the soundness error negligible. We further assume that UZK satisfies the conditions stated in Theorem 1.

Theorem 1

If values \(\ell \in \mathbb Z\) and \(u \in \mathbb G\) are known such that \(\gcd (c_0-c_1, \ell ) = 1\) for all \(c_0, c_1 \in \mathcal C\) with \(c_0 \ne c_1\) and \([u] = y^\ell \), then the protocol described in Fig. 1 is 2-extractable. Moreover, a protocol consisting of \(\alpha \) rounds is a proof of knowledge if \(1/|\mathcal {C}|^\alpha \) is negligible, and it is a zero-knowledge protocol if \(|\mathcal {C}|\) is polynomially bounded.

2.3 Signatures

Definition 4

(Signature Scheme). A Signature Scheme consists of three PPT algorithms: \(\mathsf {KeyGen}\), \(\mathsf {Sign}\) and \(\mathsf {Verify}\). The first one takes as input a security parameter and outputs the system’s parameters, the public key and the matching secret key. The secret key together with the \(\mathsf {Sign}\) algorithm are used to generate a signature \(\sigma \) for a message m. Using the public key, the third algorithm verifies that a signature \(\sigma \) for a message m is generated using the matching secret key.

Throughout the paper we only consider signature schemes which, on input m, produce triplets of the form \((\sigma _1, h(m \Vert \sigma _1), \sigma _2)\), independent of previous signatures. In these triplets we consider \(\sigma _2\) as being dependent on m, \(\sigma _1\) and \(h(m \Vert \sigma _1)\). In some cases \(h(m \Vert \sigma _1)\) is easily computable from the available data and, thus, can be omitted.

Lemma 1

(Forking Lemma). Let \(\mathcal A\) be a PPT algorithm, given only the public data as input. If A can find a valid signature \((m, \sigma _1, h(m \Vert \sigma _1), \sigma _2)\) with non-negligible probability, then, also with non-negligible probability, a replay of this machine with a different hashing oracle \(h'\) outputs two valid signatures \((m, \sigma _1, h(m \Vert \sigma _1), \sigma _2)\) and \((m, \sigma _1, h'(m \Vert \sigma _1), \sigma _2')\) such that \(h(m \Vert \sigma _1) \ne h'(m \Vert \sigma _1)\).

Security Model. We further present the security model of [16] for signature schemes.

Definition 5

(Signature Unforgeability - ef-cma). The notion of unforgeability for signatures is defined in terms of the following security game between the adversary \(\mathcal A\) and a challenger:

  1. 1.

    The \(\mathsf {KeyGen}\) algorithm is run and all the public parameters are provided to \(\mathcal A\).

  2. 2.

    \(\mathcal A\) can perform any number of signature queries to the challenger.

  3. 3.

    Finally, \(\mathcal A\) outputs a tuple \((m, \sigma _1, h(m \Vert \sigma _1), \sigma _2)\).

\(\mathcal A\) wins the game if \(\mathsf {Verify}(m, \sigma _1, h(m \Vert \sigma _1), \sigma _2) = \mathsf {True}\) and \(\mathcal A\) did not query the challenger on m. We say that a signature scheme is unforgeable when the success probability of \(\mathcal A\) in this game is negligible.

2.4 Legally Fair Signatures Without Keystones

In [6] the authors present a new contract signing paradigm that does not require keystones to achieve legal fairness. Their provably secure co-signature construction recalled in Fig. 2 is based on Schnorr digital signatures [17].

In Fig. 2, \(\mathcal {L}\) represents a local non-volatile memory used by Bob and \(\mathcal C = [0,q-1]\). During the protocol, Alice makes use of a publicly known auxiliary signature scheme \(\sigma _{x_A}\) using her secret key \(x_A\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The legally fair signature (without keystones) of message m.

Security Model. According to the analysis presented in [6], a legally fair signature scheme is secure when it achieves existential unforgeability against an active adversary \(\mathcal A\) with access to an unlimited amount of conversations and valid co-signatures, i.e. \(\mathcal A\) can perform the following queries:

  • Hash queries: \(\mathcal A\) can request the value of h(x) for an x of his choosing.

  • Sign queries: \(\mathcal A\) can request a valid signature t for a message m and a public key \(y_C\) of his choosing.

  • CoSign queries: \(\mathcal A\) can request a valid co-signature (rs) for a message m and a common public key \(y_{C,D}\) of his choosing.

  • Transcript queries: \(\mathcal A\) can request a valid transcript \((m, \rho , r_C, t, r_D, s_C, s_D)\) of the co-signing protocol for a message m of his choosing, between users C and D of his choosing.

  • SKExtract queries: \(\mathcal A\) can request the private key corresponding to a public key.

  • Directory queries: \(\mathcal A\) can request the public key of any user.

The following definition captures the notion of unforgeability in the co-signing context:

Definition 6

(Co-Signature Unforgeability). The notion of unforgeability for co-signatures is defined in terms of the following security game between the adversary \(\mathcal A\) and a challenger:

  1. 1.

    The \(\mathsf {KeyGen}\) algorithm is run and all the public parameters are provided to \(\mathcal A\).

  2. 2.

    \(\mathcal A\) can perform any number of queries to the challenger, as described above.

  3. 3.

    Finally, \(\mathcal A\) outputs a tuple \((m, r, s, y_{C,D})\).

\(\mathcal A\) wins the game if \(\mathsf {Verify}(m, r, s) = \mathsf {True}\) and there exist public keys \(y_C, y_D \in \mathcal D\) such that \(y_{C,D} = y_Cy_D\) and either of the following holds:

  • \(\mathcal A\) did not query SKExtract on \(y_C\) nor on \(y_D\), and did not query CoSign on \((m, y_{C,D})\), and did not query Transcript on \((m, y_C, y_D)\) nor \((m, y_D, y_C)\).

  • \(\mathcal A\) did not query Transcript on \((m, y_C, y_i)\) for any \(y_i \ne y_C\) and did not query SKExtract on \(y_C\), and did not query CoSign on \((m, y_C, y_i)\) for any \(y_i \ne y_C\).

We say that a co-signature scheme is unforgeable when the success probability of \(\mathcal A\) in this game is negligible.

3 A UZK Based Digital Signature Scheme

We describe our proposed UZK based digital signature scheme (further referred to as UDS) in Table 1. We further provide the security margins of our scheme in Sect. 3.2.

3.1 Description

By applying the Fiat-Shamir transform [7] to the UZK protocol in Fig. 1 we obtain the signature scheme presented in Table 1.

Table 1. A unified digital signature (UDS) scheme.

3.2 Security Analysis

The proofs presented in [15, 16] do not cover the generic case. Thus, we adapt the initial results to the UDS case and provide the reader with the proof of Theorem 2 in Appendix A.

Theorem 2

If an ef-cma attack on the UDS has non-negligible probability of success in the ROM, then the homomorphism \([\cdot ]\) can be inverted in polynomial time.

4 Main Protocol

We describe our main result (a UZK class of legally fair contract signing protocols) in Fig. 3 and discuss its correctness. We further prove the security of our proposed idea in Sect. 4.2 based on the security of the UDS scheme presented in Sect. 3.

Compared to the initial work on legally fair contract signing protocols without keystones [6], we give a more complete proof by taking into account the signature scheme \(\sigma \) too.

4.1 Description

To illustrate our unified paradigm, we now discuss a legally fair co-signing protocol built from the UDS (Fig. 3), which produces signatures compatible with standard UDS (Table 1). This contract signing protocol is provably secure in the ROM assuming the one-way property of \([\cdot ]\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

A class of legally fair co-signature schemes.

Correctness. To prove the correctness of the co-signing schemes class described in Fig. 3 we use the commutative property of \(\mathbb G\) which is preserved by f(x):

$$\begin{aligned}{}[s]&= [s_A \star s_B]\\&= [s_A] \otimes [s_B]\\&= [k_A] \otimes [x_A]^e \otimes [k_B] \otimes [x_B]^e\\&= [k_A] \otimes [k_B] \otimes ([x_A] \otimes [x_B])^e\\&= r \otimes y^e. \end{aligned}$$

4.2 Security Analysis

To prove that the unified co-signature protocol is secure in the ROM we use the following strategy: assuming \(\mathcal A\) is an efficient forger for the co-signature scheme, we turn \(\mathcal A\) into an efficient forger for UDS, then invoke Lemma 1 to prove the existence of an efficient inverter for the homomorphism \([\cdot ]\). We further address two scenarios: when the attacker plays Alice’s role, and when the attacker plays Bob’s.

4.2.1 Adversary Attacks Bob

Theorem 3

If \(\mathcal A_{\text {Alice}}\) plays the role of Alice and is able to forge a co-signature with non-negligible probability, then we can construct an ef-cma attack on the UDS that has non-negligible probability of success.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The simulator \(\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}\) (left) or \(\mathcal S_{\text {Alice}}\) (right) answers the attacker’s queries to the public directory \(\mathcal D\).


The proof consists in constructing a simulator \(\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}\) that interacts with the adversary and forces it to actually produce a UDS forgery. Here is how this simulator behaves at each step of the protocol.

Key Establishment Phase. \(\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}\) is given a target public key y. As a simulator, \(\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}\) emulates not only Bob, but also all oracles and the directory \(\mathcal D\) (see Fig. 4).

To inject a target \(y \leftarrow [x] \) into \(\mathcal {A}\), the simulator \(\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}\) reads \(y_{\mathcal {A}}\) from \(\mathcal D\) and poses as an entity whose public-key is \(y_{\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}} \leftarrow y \otimes (y_{\mathcal {A}})^{-1} \). It follows that \(y_{\mathcal {A}, \mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}}\), the common public-key of \(\mathcal {A}\) and \(\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}\) will be precisely \(y_{\mathcal {A}, \mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}} \leftarrow y_{\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}} \otimes y_{\mathcal {A}}\) which, by construction, is exactly y.

Then \(\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}\) activates \(\mathcal A_{\text {Alice}}\), who queries the directory and gets \(y_B\). At this point in time, \(\mathcal A_{\text {Alice}}\) is tricked into believing that she has successfully established a co-signature public-key set \((\mathsf {pp},y)\) with the “co-signer” \(\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}\).

figure a

Query Phase. \(\mathcal A_{\text {Alice}}\) will start to present queries to \(\mathcal S\). Thus, \(\mathcal S\) must respond to three types of queries: hash queries, co-signature queries and transcript queries. \(\mathcal S\) will maintain a table T containing all the hash queries performed throughout the attack. At start \(T \leftarrow \varnothing \). We further describe the simulations of the hash function in Algorithm 1 and the co-signature protocol in Algorithm 2. When \(\mathcal A_{\text {Alice}}\) requests a conversation transcript, \(\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}\) replies by sending \((m, \rho , r_A, t, r_B, s_B, s_A)\) from a previously successful interaction.

Output Phase. After performing queries, \(\mathcal A_{\text {Alice}}\) eventually outputs a co-signature (rs) valid for \(y_{\mathcal A, \mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}}\) where \(r = r_A \otimes r_B\) and \(s = s_A \star s_B\). By design, these parameters are those of a UDS and therefore \(\mathcal A_{\text {Alice}}\) has produced a UDS forgery.

figure b

To understand \(\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}\)’s co-signature reply (Algorithm 2), assume that \(\mathcal A_{\text {Alice}}\) is an honest Alice who plays by the protocol’s rules. For such an Alice, (rs) is a valid signature with respect to the co-signature public-key set \(\{\mathsf {pp},y\}\).

There is a case in which \(\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}\) aborts the protocol before completion: this happens when it turns out that \(1 \Vert m \Vert r \Vert \text{ Alice }\Vert \text{ Bob }\Vert t\) has been previously queried by \(\mathcal A_{\text {Alice}}\). In that case, it is no longer possible for \(\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}\) to reprogram the oracle, which is why \(\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}\) must abort. Since \(\mathcal A_{\text {Alice}}\) does not know the random value \(r_B\), such a bad event would only occur with a negligible probability exactly equal to \(q_h/q\), where \(q_h\) is the number of queries to \(\mathcal O_h\).

Therefore, \(\mathcal A\) is turned into a forger for the SFS with probability \(1-q_h/q\). As \(\mathcal A\) has a success probability \(\epsilon _{succ}\), the success probability of \(\mathcal A\) in the simulated environment is \(\epsilon _{sim} = (1-q_h/q)\epsilon _{succ}\).    \(\square \)

Corollary 1

If \(\mathcal A_{\text {Alice}}\) plays the role of Alice and is able to forge a co-signature with non-negligible probability, then the homomorphism \([\cdot ]\) can be inverted in polynomial time.

4.2.2 Adversary Attacks Alice

Theorem 4

If \(\mathcal A_{\text {Bob}}\) plays the role of Bob and is able to forge a co-signature with non-negligible probability, then we can construct an ef-cma attack on the UDS that has non-negligible probability of success if signature \(\sigma _{x_A}\) can be simulated without knowing the secret key \(x_A\).


Here also the proof consists in constructing a simulator, \(\mathcal S_{\text {Alice}}\), that interacts with the adversary and forces it to actually produce a UDS forgery. The simulator’s behavior at different stages of the security game is as follows.

figure c

The Key Establishment Phase. \(\mathcal S_{\text {Alice}}\) is given a target public key y. Again, \(\mathcal S_{\text {Alice}}\) impersonates not only Alice, but also all the oracles and \(\mathcal D\).

\(\mathcal S_{\text {Alice}}\) injects the target y into the game as described in Theorem 3. Now \(\mathcal S_{\text {Alice}}\) activates \(\mathcal A_{\text {Bob}}\), who queries \(\mathcal D\) (actually controlled by \(\mathcal S_{\text {Alice}}\)) to get \(y_A\). \(\mathcal A_{\text {Bob}}\) is thus tricked into believing that it has successfully established a co-signature public-key set \((\mathsf {pp},y)\) with the “co-signer” \(\mathcal S_{\text {Alice}}\).

Query Phase. \(\mathcal A\) will start to present queries to \(\mathcal S\). Thus, \(\mathcal S\) must respond to four types of queries: hash queries, signature queries, co-signature queries and transcript queries. We consider oracles \(\mathcal O_h\) as in Theorem 3. We denote by \(\mathcal O_\sigma \) the simulation of \(\sigma _{x_A}\). We further describe the simulation of the co-signature algorithm in Algorithm 3. When \(\mathcal A_{\text {Alice}}\) requests a conversation transcript, \(\mathcal S_{\text {Bob}}\) replies by sending \((m, \rho , r_A, t, r_B, s_B, s_A)\) from a previously successful interaction.

Output Phase. After performing queries, \(\mathcal A_{\text {Bob}}\) eventually outputs a co-signature (rs) valid for \(y_{\mathcal S_{\text {Alice}}, \mathcal A_{\text {Bob}}}\) where \(r = r_A \otimes r_B\) and \(s = s_A \star s_B\). By design, these parameters are those of a UDS and therefore \(\mathcal A_{\text {Bob}}\) has produced a UDS forgery.

As in Theorem 3, Algorithm 3 may fail with probability \(q_h/q\). Thus, the success probability of \(\mathcal A\) in the simulated environment is \(\epsilon _{sim} = (1-q_h/q)\epsilon _{succ}\).

   \(\square \)

Corollary 2

If \(\mathcal A_{\text {Bob}}\) plays the role of Bob and is able to forge a co-signature with non-negligible probability, then the homomorphism \([\cdot ]\) can be inverted in polynomial time if signature \(\sigma _{x_A}\) can be simulated without knowing the secret key \(x_A\).

5 Conclusion

In this paper we presented a signature scheme inspired by Maurer’s UZK paradigm from [12] and proved its security. We further described our main result, i.e. a UZK class of co-signing protocols based on both Maurer’s abstract perspective and the legally fair framework from [6] and then proved its security.

Open Problems. A couple of interesting related studies could be the analysis of our co-signature protocols’ resistance to SETUP (Secretly Embedded Trapdoor with Universal Protection) attacks and the proposal of suitable countermeasures.