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Wind Turbine Aerodynamic Noise Sources

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Handbook of Wind Energy Aerodynamics


In this chapter, the basic phenomena and mechanisms responsible for wind turbine noise are investigated. Current scientific knowledge from theoretical and experimental points of view and existing studies on the subject are reviewed. Here, the focus is on aerodynamic noise sources as these are in usual conditions the main contributors to wind turbine noise, although some other noise mechanisms are also shortly discussed. Individual aerodynamic noise sources are investigated first. Then, the focus is set on noise from a wind turbine, and finally from a wind farm, as a whole.

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    As an example, stall may inadvertedly occur on part of the (or the whole) blade span due to peculiar operational conditions, triggering momentarily specific noise emission characteristics. This phenomenon is quite difficult to predict and simulate with accuracy, not least because stall itself is complex and difficult to precisely forecast.


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Bertagnolio, F., Fischer, A. (2021). Wind Turbine Aerodynamic Noise Sources. In: Stoevesandt, B., Schepers, G., Fuglsang, P., Yuping, S. (eds) Handbook of Wind Energy Aerodynamics. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-05455-7

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-030-05455-7

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