
1.1 Introduction

The two main recent trends in higher education during the last two decades have been the integration of ICT and the growing momentum of internationalisation. One underlying factor can be seen as growing mobility and growing connectivity as well. The IRNet project accepts this status and faces the new challenges that will need more and more attention in the coming years as otherwise the ambition for internationalisation will fade away quickly. The problem can be characterised as follows. About 20–30% of university students have a natural tendency to study abroad. In this mood they are quite open to meet a different culture. However local students do not necessarily have the needed exotic mindset to assimilate inbound students in their local study arrangements. In other words, the effort to acculturate foreign students is only one aspect; even more crucial is the question if and how local students want to benefit from the multicultural situation that has arisen at that very moment. This article attempts to clarify this fundamental deficit in ongoing practice of international student exchange. The crucial enabler in this process will be Web 2.0 infrastructures, such as social media and social networking, both for students and teachers (Kommers et al. 2015).

1.2 Causes and Conditioning of Innovative MA Programme “E-learning in Cultural Diversity”

Developing the innovative MA Programme “E-learning in Cultural Diversity” has several causes and conditioning factors (Fig. 1.1).

Fig. 1.1
An illustration with Causes and conditioning as a central part with contributions from Positive experience in different countries, international cooperation, expectations and interests from future students, expectations of the labor market, and formal and legal changes.

Causes and conditioning of innovative MA Programme “E-learning in Cultural Diversity”. (Source: Own work)

1.2.1 Expectations of the Labour Market

The Digital Agenda for Europe 2013–2014 ( analyses and describes in particular 5 entrepreneurship and digital jobs and skills, and in this document it is stressed that “A coalition is needed to take practical steps to avoid one million ICT jobs going unfilled by 2015 because of lack of skilled personnel”. Additional action is needed to boost the overall number and the employability and mobility of ICT experts. Therefore the Commission will launch a “Grand Coalition on Digital Skills and Jobs”. In Cedefop (2016) Figure 1 shows the level of ICT skills needed to do the job, adult employees, 2014, EU-28.

The European Commission has published the results of the 2018 Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), a tool which monitors the performance of Member States in digital connectivity, digital skills online activity, the digitisation of businesses and digital public services (

The EU has more digital specialists than before, but skills gaps remain.

The EU has improved very little in the number of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) graduates (19.1 graduates per 1000 people aged 20–29 years old in 2015, compared to 18.4. in 2013);

43% of Europeans still do not have basic digital skills (44% last year).

Alongside the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition, the Commission has launched the Digital Opportunity Traineeships to tackle the digital skills gap in Europe. The pilot initiative will provide digital traineeships for up to 6000 students and recent graduates until 2020 in another EU country (

1.2.2 Formal and Legal Changes

Thanks to such features as flexibility, availability, worldwideness, system base, modularity, low costs and new role of the student and the tutor in the education process, distance education is becoming one of major, most popular and effective methods, forms and technologies of teaching and learning. This form and method of teaching is implemented practically at all Polish universities as well as all over the world. Proper level and technical conditions for holding distance classes at the University of Silesia are ensured by the Education Centre. The formal and legal conditions are provided by Regulation No. 66/22 of the Rector of the University of Silesia on principles of teaching didactic classes at the University of Silesia with the use of distance education methods and techniques, dated of 3 July 2012.

§ 1 of the Regulation provides as follows:

  1. 1.

    The didactic classes in full-time and extramural studies taught at the University of Silesia with the use of distance education methods and techniques, hereinafter referred to as distance classes, shall be realised with the use of the University distance teaching platforms or of the platforms made available for the University by other entities, including foreign ones, under partner agreements.

  2. 2.

    The Manager of the Distance Education Centre at the University of Silesia shall be responsible for proper operation of the University distance education platform and for making it available.

In § 2, it has been emphasised that the fundamental condition of realisation of this type of classes “1. […] shall be completion of a special training course organised by the Distance Education Centre at the University of Silesia”.

In point 5 of the document, the most important conditions for conducting distance classes have been indicated:

The academic teacher conducting distance classes:

  1. 1.

    shall make available on the platform the syllabus of the subject, the necessary elements of which are: the plan indicating the dates, on which the classes will be conducted in a traditional way as well as online; description of the classes together with the number of ECTS scores; the manner of verification of the assumed education effects, the assessment criteria; the form of contact with the students, together with the contact address,

  2. 2.

    shall make available on the platform the relevant materials allowing for acquisition of educational content, doing auto-evaluation tests in the network as well as contact with the tutor in the form adjusted to the requirements of the IT systems operating at the University of Silesia,

  3. 3.

    shall provide the students with the possibility of personal consultations in the amount of at least 1.5 clock hours once a week,

  4. 4.

    shall verify the education effects (knowledge, skills and social competences of the students), while completion of the subject and module as well as the examinations may take place solely in the premises of the University.

In § 4, it has been pointed out that “The maximum number of hours of distance classes may not exceed 60% of the total number of hours of the didactic classes determined in the curriculum”.

The materials provided on the distance education platforms of the University of Silesia shall be subject to protection in compliance with the Act on Copyright and Related Rights dated of 04 February 1994.

The standards relating to development of an e-learning course are described in detail in a document made available on the website of the Distance Education Centre of the University of Silesia (

Distance classes within the field of study e-learning in culturally diversified environment have been planned in compliance with the requirements determined above, on the basis of Regulation No. 66/2012. The use of the distance education platform of the Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science of the University of Silesia, based on MOODLE system, has been planned for their practical realisation; the platform shall be used for:

  1. 1.

    Didactic support for courses of curriculum subjects (Fig. 1.2) run as a full-time and extramural course (blended learning)

  2. 2.

    Preparation of future teachers in the field of distance education for the use of e-learning in their professional work as well as for performance of the function of the tutor

  3. 3.

    Conducting pedagogical research and experiments

  4. 4.

    Strengthening international cooperation in the field of e-learning and creation of regional and global educational and information European space

Fig. 1.2
A page of the University of Silesia Katowice displays the curriculum, including field of study, basic and special subjects, internship and fieldwork, other requirements, and groups of modules.

Curriculum of the MA Programme “E-learning in Cultural Diversity”. (Source: Own elaboration)

At the University of Silesia, Poland, for example, Decree No. 66/2012 formally allows one to teach up to 60% of classes in the remote mode. Proper operation of university distance learning platforms and their availability is coordinated by the Director of the Distance Learning Centre (DLC) at the University of Silesia. A prerequisite for an academic teacher of distance-mode classes is to undergo special training, organised by the DLC at the University of Silesia (5 h for lecturers and 20 h for authors). The Dean may exempt an academic teacher who has experience in the methods and techniques of distance education from the educational training. Field activities, workshops and laboratories are not carried out in the remote mode.

An academic teacher can teach classes in the distance mode during the academic year for no more than 50% of the hours of their normal working hours (Decree No. 66). The number of hours in remote mode does not exceed 60% of the total number of hours of classes (Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 9 May 2008). The number of ECTS points that can be obtained as part of education using distance learning methods and techniques cannot exceed 50% of the overall number of ECTS points (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland, 28 September 2018, item 1861 - Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education1) of September 27, 2018 on Higher Education Studies).

In Ukraine the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 30 April 2013 is applicable. The Regulation defines the distance form similar to the remote form. The Regulation does not detail the time which can be used by teachers of the University to conduct classes online.

The Resolution (authorization) on the implementation of distance education, as a separate form of student training, can be granted to universities by the Ministry of Education and Science in respect of the structural units that are geographically distant from the head office of the University. The University is not allowed to freely choose and implement such learning. On 1 July 2014, the Ministry of Education and Science allowed only 15 universities to implement distance education officially. All the other universities have to conduct blended learning.

Since 2013, the indicators of the universities rating conducted by Ministry of Education and Science and public organisations indicators have been supplemented by indicators that are connected with the presence of university resources in the Internet – webometrics indicators.

Such indicators are an incentive for the heads of universities to implement distance learning and expand e-resources that are part of the electronic learning environment of the University. The formal and legal aspects of the implementation of e-learning at BGKU, Ukraine) have been addressed through the enactment of the following regulations, in particular: regulation on e-learning courses in LMS Moodle and special requirements for e-learning courses certification, 2012; the concept of e-dean in LMS Moodle and its use in the educational process of the University, № 329\2013; regulations on the DL at the University, 2014; regulations on the use of DT in a part-time form of study, according to which in the intersession period (80% of teaching time), in LMS Moodle, containing certified e-learning courses for students, is mandatory, 2014 (Kommers et al. 2015).

1.2.3 Positive Experience in Different Countries

E-learning managers already prepared in some countries within the framework of different specialisations. Presented below are several examples of positive experience in the UK, the USA, Canada, Israel and Ukraine.

According to the concept of e-learning manager preparation in the UK, you can distinguish the following main roles:

  • The organiser of e-learning responsible for creating e-learning strategies and for managing individual projects:

    • Strategist

    • Learning analyst

    • Project manager

    • Marketer

  • Programmer responsible for developing e-learning programmes and structuring content:

    • Instructional designer

    • Writer

    • Graphic designer

    • Programmer

    • Audio-visual specialist

    • Tester

  • E-tutor or mentor responsible for consulting in the process of training listeners online:

    • Administrator

    • Coach

    • Subject-matter expert

    • Assessor

Directions of preparing e-learning managers (Israel):

  • Technologies, databases and programming

  • Design, user interfaces, graphics and video

  • Psychology, working with people, presentation and providing information (didactic) materials

In Canada, to create e-learning projects in practice requires a degree of bachelor in communication, information technology and education. Besides, experience in teaching is needed (E-learning Ontario –

The diagram “Related Job Salaries” shows the most popular skills for work manager of e-learning and the corresponding salary in the USA (Source: E-Learning Specialist Salary, 2015 (

Main goals of American e-learning managers are defined as follows:

  • Establishment and support of a database for analysing the participants’ learning outcomes, their responses and the ability to resolve technical issues

  • Coordination and support of e-learning, marketing and technical infrastructure offers

  • Developing new online courses and converting existing courses into an e-learning format, from curriculum analysis to final evaluation

  • Recommendation and searching for special computer programmes and network services, creating content and interactive media

The chart “Popular Skills for E-Learning Specialist” shows the most popular skills for this job and what effect each skill has on pay (Source: E-Learning Specialist Salary, 2015 (

E-Learning Specialists report using a diverse set of skills on the job. Most notably, skills in Articulate – E-Learning Software, Course Design, Training Program Development, and Video Editing are correlated to pay that is above average, with boosts between 6 percent and 11 percent. At the other end of the pay range are skills like Adobe Photoshop. Training Program Development is a skill commonly found among those who know Articulate E-Learning Software. (

The eLearning Guild has released the 2015 Global eLearning Salary & Compensation Report. Based on data received from more than 5000 Guild members, the average base salary of an eLearning employee increased to $78,310 for the year 2014, which is up 2.5% from 2013. The report, free to Guild members at all levels from Associate to Premium, provides an in-depth analysis of trends in the industry and the multitude of factors that determine a person’s salary. (

The Ukrainian experience of the possibility of training e-learning specialists to manage the IT infrastructure of educational institutions is described in Morze et al. (2017). The contents and results of professional competencies, skills and soft skills formation in the course of “Managing the IT infrastructure of an educational institutions” are studied. The authors stressed that “Training specialists in e-learning is considered for the most part as training an expert who has to pick up the tools for e-learning and is able to design an e-environment, but the manager needs an active stance, a holistic perception of ICT in the educational institution, and should define IT policy and its consequences, pick, design, and build an IT infrastructure depending on the educational process objectives. These requirements necessitated the study of the ‘Managing the IT infrastructure of educational institutions’ course by pedagogy students in preparing them to be managers of e-learning”.

1.2.4 International Cooperation, International Projects (Including IRNet)

One of the goals and expected results of international project IRNet ( is the development and implementation of an interdisciplinary programme supporting the development of the modern tools and methods in the field of the information and communicationtechnology (ICT) in pedagogic science and distance education as well as development of pedagogy in the context of intercultural competences in the countries of the European Union and in Australia, Russia and Ukraine.

IRNet scientific network:

  1. 1.

    Beneficiary 1: The University of Silesia in Katowice (US), Poland

  2. 2.

    Beneficiary 2: The University of Twente (UT), Netherlands

  3. 3.

    Beneficiary 3: The University of Extremadura (UEx), Spain

  4. 4.

    Beneficiary 4: The University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra (UKF), Slovak Republic

  5. 5.

    Beneficiary 5: The Lusíada University in Lisbon (LU), Portugal

  6. 6.

    Beneficiary 6: The University of Ostrava (OU), Czech Republic

  7. 7.

    Partner 1: The Curtin University in Perth (CU), Australia

  8. 8.

    Partner 2: The Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (BGKU), Ukraine

  9. 9.

    Partner 3: The Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University (DSTU), Ukraine

  10. 10.

    Partner 4: The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg (HSPU), Russian Federation

Strengthening of cooperation among higher education institutions of EU and non-EU countries through mobility and secondment of researchers.

  1. 5.

    The goal of the project is the assessment of competences in the field of ICT and e-learning as well as development of effective strategies of implementation of the innovative tools in the educational activity in the context of education globalisation through:

    1. (a)

      Examination of the education performance indicators in the EU and in the non-EU states participating in the project

    2. (b)

      Analysis and assessment of competences in the field of the use of innovative education forms and proposing of effective strategies of implementation of the innovative ICT strategies in the educational process

    3. (c)

      Analysis and assessment of the social, ethical, scientific, economic, technical and humanist aspects of the use of ICT and e-learning as well as justification of the proposed innovative methods and models developed in Europe and in partner non-European countries

    4. (d)

      Assessment of effectiveness of the existing models/methods aimed at ensuring of the development of the e-learning techniques as well as enhancement of the intercultural awareness

    5. (e)

      Development of the new distance education model as well as shaping of the intercultural competences based on the existing models/methodology and literature

    6. (f)

      Assessment and presentation of the new models/methods of effective distance work in the field of cooperation and improvement of information technologies in higher education in the EU and in other countries

    7. (g)

      Transfer of knowledge in order to generate strategic effects in the scope of the area of the research

    8. (h)

      Promotion of the scientific discussion on integrity and compatibility of education systems, with emphasis put on the special role of the competence issues in the context of globalisation and internationalisation of higher education and other

1.2.5 Expectations and Interest from Future Students

Evaluation survey for students, teachers, employees of companies, public institutions and nonpublic institutions

The survey conducted in the years 2014–2015 included a description of the proposal of a new field of study. The survey was conducted in three voivodeships: Silesian Voivodeship, Opole Voivodeship and Lesser Poland Voivodeship. The majority of the respondents – 70 persons – expressed a positive opinion and showed interest in participation in such studies.

1.3 Programme of Study

Connection between a field of study and a university development strategy, including the university mission

The development strategy for the E-learning in Cultural Diversity field of studies fulfils the development vision of the University of Silesia.

The development area of the field includes the key tasks, strategic and operational objectives and activities set forth in the University of Silesia in Katowice – development strategy 2012–2020. Therefore, it will contribute to the sustainable development of the field at the University of Silesia. E-learning in Cultural Diversity, as a multinational course, includes information on ICT, e-learning, pedagogy, psychology of multicultural education and practical knowledge based on social practice. The key tasks include four strategic objectives of the University:

  1. 1.

    Attention to the level of scientific research and strong research teams

  2. 2.

    Increase and improvement of innovative and modern education forms and the teaching offer

  3. 3.

    Intensification and expansion of cooperation with the environment and with foreign universities

  4. 4.

    System management of the course on the division level, in line with the system management of the University

The implementation of those objectives will enable to boost creativity among employees and students, create possibly the best environment to study and carry out research and open to the needs of the University and external units it cooperates with. Areas of activities within the E-learning in Cultural Diversity course are based on the following rules: openness, modernity and creativity. Shaping civic behaviour and prosocial attitudes will significantly influence the broadly understood socio-economic environment.

The development strategies of E-learning in Cultural Diversity, in respect to the strategic objectives of the University of Silesia, include the following:

  • Strategic Objective 1: Strong research teams and research projects on international level consist in, i.a., providing support in educational development of the employees, implementing an internal quality control system of research, creating conditions and opportunities for possibly best scientific development of the educational establishments.

  • Strategic Objective 2: Innovative education and modern teaching offer consist in, i.a., implementing the idea of lifelong and innovative learning towards students; providing students with knowledge and specialised skills compatible with the field of studies and the possibility for further education; implementing the field in line with the organisational and programme rules of the Polish Qualification Framework; employing modern technologies in the education process; ensuring high level of education; providing substantive, psychological and social support to students; and adjusting educational conditions to the needs of disabled people.

  • Strategic Objective 3: Active cooperation between the University and the environment consists in, i.a., cooperating with schools and other care and nurture institutions, self-government units, cultural establishments and institutions, cultural and educational companies and other companies, with cooperation and activities coordinating business together with external partners in order to popularise and employ a practical outcome of scientific research; offering patronage and honorary patronage over undertakings carried out in the region and country; ongoing cooperation with institutions and associations on the regional, national and international level; and creating positive image of the field of studied and its brand in media and in the external environment.

  • Strategic Objective 4: System management of the University consists in, i.a., long- and short-time planning of the field development; obtaining grants for development of the field activities and their efficient implementation; making sure the organisational culture in the field, at the Department and University, is on high level; increasing self-efficiency of candidates, students and employees aided by services available online; and preparing development and modernisation plan of the camp for better realisation of the teaching aims.

Number of semesters – 4. Graduates are awarded the degree of magister (Master’s Degree).

The Area (or areas – for joint or interdisciplinary studies) of education to which the programme is assigned and the leading discipline of art or science for the POL-on system, which is an integrated information system providing information on science and higher education.

Areas and disciplines of art or science to which the learning outcomes of the field of study are related indicate the respective percentage shares: • humanistic studies • humanities – 16%; • management • social studies • social studies – 84%; and • education • psychology • sociology.

The number of ECTS credits required to achieve the qualification equivalent to the level of study is 120.

Percentages of the ECTS credits for each of the areas to which the learning outcomes are related to the total number of ECTS credits are the following:

  • Humanistic studies – 16%

  • Social studies – 84%

Percentage of the ECTS credits for optional modules in relation to the total number of ECTS credits is 30%.

Total number of ECTS credits that a student must obtain in the modules taught is 110.

The number of ECTS credits that a student must obtain in modules from humanities or social science areas of education (not less than 5 ECTS) – in the case of fields of study assigned to areas other than, respectively, the humanistic or social studies 120.

The diploma-obtaining process in the Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science for the field of study “E-learning in Cultural Diversity” is organised according to Chapters VI and VII of the Regulations of Studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice.

The diploma-obtaining process in the Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science for the field of study E-learning in Cultural Diversity is organised and runs according to relevant provision of Chapters VI and VII of the Regulations of Studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice.

  1. 1.

    The student shall select the seminar and the supervisor from the list of the reported diploma seminars in the given academic year. The diploma seminar shall last three semesters.

  2. 2.

    The student shall determine the topic of the diploma paper and the course of the process of its realisation together with the supervisor.

  3. 3.

    The student shall file an application to the Faculty Council/Institute Council for approval of the topic of the diploma paper after its approval by the supervisor – Appendix 1 to Regulation 16 of the Rector of the University of Silesia in Katowice dated of 28 January 2015.

  4. 4.

    The student shall submit the diploma paper in USOS system ( according to the principles and schedule of archiving of diploma papers of the University of Silesia in Katowice – Regulation 16 of the Rector of the University of Silesia in Katowice dated of 28 January 2015 on implementation of the procedure for submission and archiving of written diploma papers.

  5. 5.

    The student shall submit the diploma paper in printed and electronic version together with the set of documents not later than to 25 September.

  6. 6.

    The diploma paper should be prepared in a language being compliant with selection of the language version of the curriculum, according to the guidelines and recommendations relating to organisation of the diploma-obtaining process and preparation of diploma papers in the Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Science of the University of Silesia in Katowice, inserted on the website:

  7. 7.

    After acceptance of the diploma paper by the supervisor, the Dean shall refer it for two reviews.

  8. 8.

    The Dean shall accept the reviews of the diploma paper and shall potentially (in case of a negative grade of the reviewer) appoint another reviewer; if another reviewer assesses the paper negatively, it may not be the basis for completion of the studies.

  9. 9.

    The Dean shall admit the student to the diploma examination after realisation of the plan of studies and education effects provided for by the curriculum as well as after obtaining of positive grade of the diploma paper.

  10. 10.

    The Dean shall appoint a commission conducting the diploma examination.

  11. 11.

    The Dean shall set the anticipated date of the diploma examination not later than within 6 months from the date determined in point 5.

  12. 12.

    The commission shall conduct an oral diploma examination.

  13. 13.

    The Dean shall set the date of the resit diploma examination not earlier than before expiry of 1 month and not later than after expiry of 3 months from the date of the first examination. The Dean may set the ultimate additional date of the examination in case when the student obtains unsatisfactory grade on the second resit date of the examination; in case of obtaining of the unsatisfactory grade from this examination on the final date, the Dean shall issue a decision on deletion of the student from the list of students.

  14. 14.

    The examination commission shall calculate the final result of the studies on the basis of the diploma examination protocol in compliance with § 34 points 2 and 3 of the Regulations of Studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice, subject to § 34 point 4.

  15. 15.

    The graduate shall obtain higher education diploma of the relevant degree.

24. Internships (hours and conditions) in the case of practical programmes and in general university programme – if such requires internship

  1. I.

    Characteristics of the apprenticeship

    • Number of hours: 160 hours

    • Forms of getting of the credit: ECTS scores with a grade; 3 (semester 3)

  2. II.

    Objectives of the apprenticeship

    1. 1.

      Acquisition of professional readiness for independent work of the project manager of e-learning in intercultural environment

    2. 2.

      Shaping of own pedagogic skills and skills in the field of e-learning in intercultural environment on the basis of observation and work in natural conditions

    3. 3.

      Ability to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practical activities of the student

    4. 4.

      Development of interests and shaping of proper attitudes in the pedagogic work of the project manager of e-learning in an intercultural environment

    5. 5.

      Inspiration for self-assessment and recognition of one’s own professional predispositions by the student in various fields and scopes of activity within e-learning in an intercultural environment

  3. III.

    Tasks to be realised

    1. 1.

      Acquaintance with the tasks resulting from the organisational regulations (statute) and the regulations of work of the given institution

    2. 2.

      Acquaintance of the student with the framework schedule of the day of work of the institution, in which they realise the apprenticeship, its internal organisation and plan of work

    3. 3.

      Acquaintance with the conditions and with the specificity of the work of the teams working in the institution: internal structure and division of competences, specialist personnel and kept documentation

    4. 4.

      Acquaintance with the work of the project team dealing with implementation of e-learning in the given institution, authors of e-learning trainings, multimedia didacticians and distance education methodologists

    5. 5.

      Realisation of the statutory objectives of the centre during the apprenticeship

    6. 6.

      Engagement in the works of the given institution

    7. 7.

      Observance of classes/training courses realised with the use of the e-learning platform of the given institution, conducting of selected trainings

  4. IV.

    Lists of institutions in which the students of the field of study E-learning in Intercultural Environment may realise the apprenticeship

    • Educational institutions (schools, education offices, teacher excellence centres)

    • Distance education centres of public and nonpublic universities

    • State or private companies rendering educational and consulting services

    • Training departments of various business sectors

    • Training departments of public administration institutions

    • Companies dealing with development of distance courses

1.3.1 Learning Outcomes Knowledge

The Graduate

K_W01 has in-depth knowledge on the principles of operation of distance education institutions and systems, has ordered knowledge on participants of the distance education as well as on the methods of diagnosing of their needs and expectations, is familiar with their communication capabilities and is able to establish cooperation in diversified educational environment (P7S_WG (hum. sc.), P7S_WG (social sc.), P7S_WK (hum. sc.)).

K_W02 has extended knowledge on the principles, standards and tools for designing of courses as well as on innovative methods of teaching in distance education and the information and communication technology (ICT), applies the principles for management of educational projects and the principles for their evaluation and understands the conditions relating to copyright and intellectual property (P7S_WG (hum. sc.), P7S_WG (social sc.), P7S_WK (hum. sc.), P7S_WK (social sc.)).

K_W03 has thorough knowledge on the types of computer networks and programming technologies and on the principles of their functioning and application in the methodology of distance teaching, knows the principles of safety in the cyberspace and has extended knowledge on the ethical principles and standards in distance education (P7S_WG (social sc.)).

K_W04 has in-depth knowledge on the issues in the field of theory and methodology of multi- and intercultural education; has exhaustive knowledge on the diversified environments, their specificity, phenomena and processes occurring therein; and has thorough knowledge on the cultural conditions of the educational processes (P7S_WG (social sc.)).

K_W05 has ordered knowledge on the processes of communication, establishment of relations and relationships between individuals, groups and organisations in an environment being diversified in terms of religion and nationality as well as in economic, social and cultural terms (P7S_WG (hum. sc.), P7S_WG (social sc.) P7S_WG (social sc.))

K_W06 has ordered and extended knowledge on the methodological standpoints in social science and humanities – knows research orientations, strategies, quantitative and qualitative research methods and techniques (P7S_WG (hum. sc.), P7S_WG (social sc.)) Skills

K_U01 can diagnose the conditions of the process of distance education, analyse the needs and expectations of the participants of the distance education process and perform evaluation of the education process (P7S_UW (hum. sc.), P7S_UW (social sc.)).

K_U02 can select the teaching methods and the didactic means in the process of distance education and can select and apply the information and communicationtechnology tools for creation of e-learning courses and platforms (P7S_UW (social sc.)).

K_U03 can initiate new projects connected with distance education, determine principles of cooperation and use IT applications for creation of documents as well as cooperation and communication tools (P7S_UW (hum. sc.), P7S_UW (social sc.)).

K_U04 analyses the cultural phenomena as well as the scientific problems relating to intercultural pedagogy and distance education in a critical and reflexive way and is able to use the normative systems in relation to the social bond and social standards in the course of solving of the theoretical and practical problems (P7S_UW (hum. sc.), P7S_UW (social sc.)).

K_U05 has in-depth research skills; formulates research problems; properly selects methods and techniques for them as well as constructs adequate research tools; interprets the data and draws conclusions; observes, diagnoses and reasonably assesses educational situations and social phenomena of various nature; analyses the reasons; and displays of human behaviour (P7S_UW (hum. sc.), P7S_UW (social sc.)).

K_U06 communicates in a foreign language, using the communication linguistic competences on advanced level, and has the reading comprehension skill in relation to complicated scientific texts and in-depth skill relating to preparation of various written papers (including research ones) as well as speeches relating to the detailed issues from the scope of the given field in a foreign language (P7S_UK (hum. sc.), P7S_UK (social sc.)). Social Competences

K_K01 recognises the significance of knowledge in educational processes as well as in solving of research and social problems; is characterised by striving for deepening of knowledge, development and observance of professional ethics; and understands the need of continuous personal and professional development (P7S_KR (hum. sc.)).

K_K02 is characterised by responsibility in the scope of professional activities as well as in the scope management of e-learning in the intercultural environment (P7S_KR (hum. sc.)).

K_K03 as a participant of the cultural life notices social, cultural and individual differences, notices educational and auto-educational processes and demonstrates responsibility in self-improvement and in acting to the benefit of the natural environment (P7S_KR (hum. sc.)).

1.3.2 Tracking Career Paths of Graduates of the Field of Study

The system of graduate career tracking at the Faculty of Ethnology and Sciences of Education has been in operation for a number of years. Tracking the careers of graduates of the field of study E-learning in Cultural Diversity will be carried out by, among other things, the career office and by means of personal surveys and graduates’ associations. A graduate database will be set up helping to maintain contact with students who have completed their studies. This will allow for monitoring their career development and creativity. In addition, with regard to tasks carried out by the Field of Study Education Quality Assurance Teams and the Departmental Education Quality Assurance Team, specified in the resolution of the Council of the Faculty of Ethnology and Sciences of Education concerning the adoption of a document entitled Internal Education Quality Assurance System for Ethnology and Sciences of Education:

  • A specimen questionnaire will be prepared to survey satisfaction levels of students graduating from the field of study E-learning in Cultural Diversity.

  • Monitoring will be carried out of the education effects achieved in particular modules planned to be offered as part of the field of study.

  • Measures will be put in place to monitor education effects achieved during student practicums.

  • An analysis will be carried out of results of a study into graduates’ career paths and an analysis of compatibility between expected education effects and labour market requirements.

In addition, student career tracking will also be based on experience to date gained in offering the field of study referred to as E-learning in Cultural Diversity.

1.4 Conclusions

This chapter describes the innovative MA Programme “E-learning in Cultural Diversity” within the framework of the European research IRNet project ( in conditions of strengthening international cooperation in internalisation of higher education, digitalisation and global competences. The causes and conditioning factors are presented of innovative MA Programme such as expectations of the labour market; formal and legal bases and changes; positive experience in different countries; international cooperation, international projects (in particular IRNet); and expectations and interest from future students. Additionally, a description is provided of the plan and programme of the MA course, effects of teaching, main modules and tracking career paths of graduates of the field of study.

In February 2018 Erasmus Mundus EMJMD application proposals were submitted with participation of 5 and 9 associated partners. In June we expect positive evaluation and results for our project proposal. A new grant will be a new important stage and support for implementation of the innovative MA Programme E-learning in Cultural Diversity. On the other hand, new support and conditions are expected to be provided for development and strengthening international cooperation in internalisation of higher education, digitalisation and global competences.