
1 Introduction

Image denoising, which aims to recover a clear image from its degraded observation caused by noise contamination, is a classic and fundamental problem in computer vision [12,13,14]. Since image denoising is highly ill-posed, it is very challenging to achieve satisfactory results.

Numerous image denoising methods have been proposed [1,2,3,4, 9, 21,22,23, 26] in recent years with fantastic advancements. Most denoising methods are based on nonlocal self-similarity (NSS) priors [1, 3, 4, 18, 24]. NSS refers to the fact that a local patch often has many nonlocal similar patches across the image. Nonlocal means (NLM) [1] could be considered as a seminal work, bringing the new era of denoising by finding the NSS priors within a search window sliding across the image. It obtained a denoised patch by weighted averaging all other patches in the search window. Another famous benchmark, named block-matching and 3D filtering (BM3D) [4], remarkably combined NSS with an enhanced sparse representation in transform domain. It contained two general procedures: grouping and collaborative filtering. First, forming a 3D array by stacking together similar blocks. Second, obtaining 2D estimates of grouped blocks after performing collaborative filtering of the group. Instead of transforming images to other domains, low rank matrix approximation methods also attracted great attention in recent years. Representative and significant low-rank method was weighted nuclear norm minimization (WNNM) [9]. Based on the general prior knowledge that the larger singular values of the patch matrices of original image are more important than the smaller ones, WNNM achieved great success in image denoising.

Recently, methods based on neural networks [5,6,7, 11, 15, 17, 19] have shown significant success in many computer vision tasks, especially in image classification. Among these methods, Residual Networks (ResNet) [11, 25] and Dense Convolutional Networks (DenseNet) [15] are attracting the most attention. Inspired by such achievements, we try to investigate the properties of the two architectures: residual and dense. In this paper, we not only combine the two elements in terms of local/global way, but also adding adaptive parameters to keep a good balance when combining various skip connections (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Comparisons of residual/dense units. \(3\times 3\) represents a convolutional layer with kernel size of \(3\times 3\). indicates the summation way of connecting. As shown in Fig. 3(b), many lines focusing on one point is the concatenation way for combination. Lines with the same color share the same value. The following symbols have the same meanings. (Color figure online)

2 Discussion of ResNet/DenseNet

ResNets are usually composed of lots of residual blocks, which only contains one skip connection and two convolutional layers. Such a simple residual architecture is easy to train. However, these units lack enough power to transmit sufficient information merely through cascading, leading to the lower ability of the whole network. Especially when dealing with image processing problems, these networks are not strong enough to extract features from massive data. In addition, it is likely to lose useful information during the process of deep-layers of delivery without any effective connection.

In contrast, DenseNets have plenty of skip connections in one dense block and the dense block is diverse to be able to simulate complex functions, which is beneficial to learn features. However, one big problem is that such powerful networks lack efficient contacts among outputs of each block. This will increase the time consumption of training. What is worse, no connections between blocks will cause some distortion when transmitting features.

Taking into account the shortcomings owned by single ResNet/DenseNet separately mentioned above, we are going to combine the two elements in two ways: local and global, which will be explained completely in the following sections.

3 Local Residual/Dense and Global Residual/Dense Networks

3.1 Local Residual and Global Residual Networks (LR+GR)

As shown in Fig. 2, both the local recursive block and global connecting way are the residual manner. So we name this style of framework as local residual and global residual networks (LR+GR). Normally, the first and last \(3\times 3\) convolutional layers are usually used for extracting features and reconstruction separately. In detail, this network is composed of three residual blocks, three inner and three outer identity skip connections, and two convolutional layers. In particular, we use parametric rectified linear unit (PReLU) [10] as activation function in all networks, which are omitted in the figures for simplicity.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Framework of local residual and global residual network.

3.2 Local Residual and Global Dense Networks (LR+GD)

From Fig. 3, we can see that the inner connecting way of each block is residual while the global manner is dense. Similarly, this kind of architecture is named as local residual and global dense networks (LR+GD). Particularly, there are three residual blocks and one summation skip connection in each unit. From the overall point of view, it uses dense style and there are six concatenating shortcuts.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Framework of local residual and global dense network.

3.3 Local Dense and Global Residual Networks (LD+GR)

If the recursive units are dense style while the global way is residual skip connection, we would call this framework as local dense with global residual network (LD+GR), as shown in Fig. 4. In particular, there are two dense blocks, two residual shortcuts and two convolutional layers in this network, and each block contains three convolutional layers and three dense skip connections.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Framework of local dense and global residual network.

3.4 Local Dense and Global Dense Networks (LD+GD)

Local dense with global dense networks (LD+GD) represent such frameworks that both inner and outer connections of blocks are dense, as shown in Fig. 5. To be specific, there are three concatenating lines in each dense unit and three skip connections in a global view.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Framework of local dense and global dense network.

4 Local Residual/Dense and Adaptive Global Residual Networks

4.1 Local Residual and Adaptive Global Residual Networks (LR+AGR)

Based on the framework of LR+GR, adding some trainable variables before summation, the network will become local residual and adaptive global residual network (LR+AGR). Seeing Fig. 6, there are three extra pairs of scaling parameters compared to the above LR+GR in Fig. 2.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Framework of local residual and adaptive global residual network.

4.2 Local Dense and Adaptive Global Residual Networks (LD+AGR)

Similarly, on the basis of LD+GR in Fig. 4, if we add some adaptive scaling parameters at the output of each dense block to balance the importance of each part automatically, the framework will become local dense and adaptive global residual network (LD+AGR), as shown in Fig. 7. We could see two pairs of scaling parameters after two dense blocks.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Framework of local dense and adaptive global residual network.

4.3 Analysis and Discussions

In order to investigate more properties of the four basic frameworks and two adaptive ones mentioned above, we conducted the image denoising experiments using these networks. The training process has been recorded in Fig. 8(a). We controlled all the variables the same except the frameworks. As iteration increases, they are going to converge. Clearly, LD+AGR has the fastest convergence speed and achieves the best value at last. The following are LD+GD, LR+AGR, LD+GR, LR+GD, and LR+GR. Compared to LD+GR, LD+AGR has superior performance, which fully demonstrates the importance of introducing the adaptive and trainable scaling parameters.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

(a) PSNR(dB) comparisons of six frameworks during training. (b) Adaptive \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) of different output layers in our LD+AGR.

5 The Proposed LD+AGR Networks for Image Denoising

5.1 Architecture

Referring to the framework of LD+AGR, we build the improved network, as shown in Fig. 9(b). It is composed of six dense blocks and six adaptive residual skip connections. Focusing on one dense block (See Fig. 9(a)), there are six \(3\times 3\) convolutional layers for learning features continuously, one \(1\times 1\) convolutional layer for decreasing the dimension of feature mappings, and fifteen dense lines for concatenating features together. The biggest difference is that we introduce two adaptive scaling parameters outside each dense block to adjust the importance of the first output \(y_{0}\) and the latter output \(y_{i} (i=1,...,6)\). As for the number of convolutional layers in each dense block and total blocks, we choose seven (including the \(1\times 1\) convolutional layer) and six separately in this paper.

5.2 Adaptive Parameters

We trained three models for image denoising with noise level \(\sigma \) = 25, 50, and 75 using our LD+AGR framework. The learned parameters \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) of different layers can be observed in Fig. 8(b). Intuitively, all \(\alpha \)s are much bigger than \(\beta \)s, which means the original output \(y_{0}\) plays a more important role than latter output layers. Moreover, all \(\alpha \)s change rapidly while all \(\beta \)s shake slowly and softly. But the last output \(y_{6}\) seems to be more important than the other five ones. We also conducted such experiments on the condition that all \(\alpha \)s and \(\beta \)s are 0.5, but the denoising performance is far worse than the adaptive ones.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

(a) Dense block of our network. (b) Architecture of our LD+AGR networks. Grey circles represent \(3\times 3\) convolutional kernels, and white circle is \(1\times 1\) convolutional kernel.

6 Experiments

In this section, we compare the proposed LD+AGR image denoising model with several state-of-the-art denoising methods, including BM3D [4], EPLL [26], WNNM [9], MLP [2], and PCLR [3]. The implementations are all from the publicly available codes provided by the authors.Footnote 1

Fig. 10.
figure 10

The 14 test images (grey, 256 \(\times \) 256). From left to right: Baboon, Barbara, Boat, Couple, Hill, Lena, Monarch, R.R.Hood, Pentagon, Starfish, Cameraman, Man, Paint-full, Parrots.

6.1 Training Details

We use Berkeley Segmentation Dataset BSD500 [20] as the training set and 14 widely used test images as the testing set (It can be found in Fig. 10). To increase the training set, we segment these images to overlapping patches of size 50 \(\times \) 50 with stride of 10. We use the deep learning library Tensorflow on an NVIDIA GTX TITAN X GPU with 3072 CUDA cores and 12 GB of RAM to implement all operations in our network. The filter weights are initialized using the “Xavier” strategy [8] and biases are generated by tf.constant initializer using Tensorflow. We use Adam [16] algorithm to optimize the loss function of Mean Square Error (MSE).

Table 1. PSNR (dB) results with different \(\sigma \) over testing set (See Fig. 10). The best result for each image is highlighted.
Fig. 11.
figure 11

Sample image denoised results on Starfish with state-of-the-art methods (\(\sigma =\) 50). (Color figure online)

6.2 Quantitative Results

We record PSNR comparisons to other state-of-the-art algorithms on noise level \(\sigma \)=25, 50, and 75 in Table 1. On the whole, our LD+AGR has the overwhelming superiority over the other methods on average, especially when \(\sigma \)= 25 and 50, the superiority can reach up to 0.33 dB and 0.36 dB over the second best methods on PSNR.

From Table 1, on average, we have the best results on three noise levels. Concretely, among 14 testing images, there are 13, 14, and 8 reconstructed images by our methods achieve the best performance. Hence, no matter on the whole or individuals, our LD+AGR shows tremendous advance over other methods in terms of PSNR.

6.3 Visual Quality

As shown in Fig. 11, similarly, our LD+AGR has the best visual quality compared to other methods. Especially, in the green and red windows, it is easy for us to recognize lines and shapes of the starfish in our result. Even with the noise level \(\sigma \) = 75, our method can still recover the most valuable information, which can be found in Fig. 12. In the green window, the head of butterfly in our recovered image is distinct from others. Likewise, in the red block, our pattern is also much sharper than the others. In a word, from the view of visual quality, our LD+AGR performs better than other state-of-the-art image denoising methods.

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Sample image denoised results on Monarch with state-of-the-art methods (\(\sigma =\) 75). (Color figure online)

6.4 Running Time

We profile the time consumption of all the methods in a Matlab 2015b environment using the same machine (an NVIDIA GTX TITAN X GPU with 3072 CUDA cores and 12 GB of RAM) in Table 2. Obviously, based on the adaptive networks, our method has enormous advantage than all the traditional algorithms.

Table 2. Average running time (s) for one image with different noise level \(\sigma \) over testing set (See Fig. 10). The best result for each dataset is highlighted.

7 Conclusions

In this paper, we address the image denoising problem via a local dense and adaptive global residual (LD+AGR) network which learns high effective features to reconstruct the latent clean images from the corresponding noisy ones. Moreover, we introduce adaptive scaling parameters to balance the importance of different outputs. Experimental results fully illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a considerable margin in terms of PSNR. Noticeable improvements can also visually be found in the reconstruction results.