
1 Introduction

With the development of wireless communication technology (e.g. WiFi, WiMax, LTE) and the popularity of mobile intelligent terminal (e.g., smartphone, tablet PC), the network brings more and more convenience to the people. The requirement of users on network mainly in mobility support and business diversification have become an increasingly high demand, especially the real-time services such as interactive streaming and voice also bring challenges to the mobile wireless networks (MWN). Compared with the limitation of the traditional wired networks, the MWN arouses the interest in industry and academia for its deploying flexibility, easy installation, low cost and mobility [1, 2]. A typical MWN involves three kinds of entities, i.e. many mobile terminals (MTs), a lot of access points (APs), an authentication server (AS). Each AP has limited geographic coverage, when a MT moves out of the current AP’s coverage, it needs to handover to the new AP to continue the ongoing sessions. As discussed in [3], the total handover time should be limited to 50 ms, and the ideal time of the authentication module should not exceed 20 ms. In order to provide seamlessly continuous access services for the mobile terminals, it is essential to design a secure and efficient handoff authentication protocol to reduce communication latency and improve Quality-of-Service (QoS).

A handover authentication overview is showed in Fig. 1. In the authentication process, a MT first submits relevant information to the AS for registration, then connects to an AP and subscribes services or starts a session with other MT. In the course of the session, if the MT moves from the current AP (e.g., AP1) to another AP (e.g., AP2)’s coverage, the handover authentication mechanism should be performed between the MT and the AP2. By this way, the MT and the AP2 can authenticate each other and generate a session key in order to provide integrity and confidentiality for the future communication. Meanwhile, the illegal users are prevented from unauthorized access.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A typical handover authentication scenario in mobile wireless networks

1.1 Related Works

Since the messages are transmitted between the related parties in a wireless channel instead of a wired connection, this provides an opportunity for an adversary to eavesdrop the transferred messages and temper with them. Thus, security and privacy are serious issues in handover authentication services. In particular, mobile users are extremely concerned about the protection of sensitive information such as their identity and location. Therefore, the handover authentication should achieve the user anonymity and untraceability.

For the purpose of improving efficiency and preserving user privacy, a number of handover authentication schemes using different methods have been proposed for MWN. In these schemes, elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC), provides the same security level with smaller keys and faster computation compared with the other public key cryptography such as RSA, e.g., a 160-bit ECC based public key can provide security level of 1024-bit RSA based public key. Thus, the authentication schemes based on ECC are more beneficial for mobile devices than other cryptosystems.

To achieve efficiency and handover seamlessly, He et al. [3] proposed a handover authentication scheme named PairHand on bilinear pairing, in which they introduced the concept of short-lived unlinkable pseudonyms and the corresponding private keys to preserve user privacy. Moreover, considering to reduce the communication overhead and alleviate the heavy burden on AS, their scheme just requires two handshakes for handover authentication and key agreement between the mobile client and the AP. However, He et al. [4] and Yeo et al. [5] pointed out that PairHand is insecure since the private key of mobile client can be recovered by adversary from the signature in the transferred message, and they presented an improved version to fix the security weakness respectively. Later, Tsai et al. [6] and Wang et al. [8] found that the enhanced version of PairHand cannot withstand an attack named algorithm of Pohlig and Hellman [7], and the private key can be recovered from signature by employing linearly combining method, respectively. And they also put forward the countermeasures to eliminate the security risks. However, the security of handover protocols [3, 4, 6, 8, 9] rely on time-consuming bilinear pairings leading to inefficient with regard to computation cost and cannot improve performance of PairHand and its improved version.

It is very important to improve efficiency of the handover authentication for mobile client in which computation capability is inefficient and battery power is limited while maintaining the security in wireless network. For this purpose, some studies have been proposed with pairing-free for handover services [10,11,12,13,14]. Sun et al. [10] described a certificateless authenticated key agreement protocol with pairing-free and claimed it is practical for low-power devices, but the excessive operations of elliptic curve multiplication make it hard to be implemented on mobile devices. Islam and Khan [11] presented an identity-based handover authentication protocol with pairing-free for WMW. In addition, in order to achieve the goal of efficiency, their protocol adopts light-weight hash function instead of time-consuming map-to-point hash function. In 2012, Cao et al. [15] proposed a handover authentication schemes with pairing-free for mobile networks to decrease the system complexity and computation cost. However, Li et al. [16] found that Cao et al.’s protocol failed to achieve true user anonymity and untraceablity, then put forward a privacy-aware identity-based scheme for mobile devices without pairing operation, and argued that their new scheme can provide user anonymity, resistance to replay attack and mutual authentication. Unfortunately, Xie et al. [13] pointed out that Li et al. [16]’s scheme is suffered from impersonation attack in the response of the handover authentication phase and cannot provide mutual authentication. As a remedy, Xie et al. presented an improved handover authentication scheme. However, both Li et al. [16] and Xie et al. [13] suffered from impersonation attack, because in their authentication phase, the request message contains all the parameters to construct verified expression in the AP side, and this request message transferred in public channel can be intercepted by the adversary, as a result, the adversary can select some parameters satisfying the form of verified expression and fake a request message and send it to AP, thus the AP would consider the adversary as a legal user. In the same year, Chaudhry et al. [14] also showed that the scheme in [16] is suffered from access point impersonation attack and proposed an improved scheme. However, there is a mistake in the authentication phase of their scheme, that is when the AP computes the parameter Zj, the AP does not know mj in advance. There are some other recent studies [17,18,19,20,21] proposed the user authentication schemes with privacy preservation using different techniques for mobile devices. Unfortunately, these schemes are found neither satisfy some security requirement nor be practical for mobile environment [22,23,24,25,26].

As the analysis aforementioned, due to their different inherent design weakness, most of the current handover authentication schemes are either insecure to withstand some serious attacks [13, 15, 16], or inefficient to be implemented in MWN [10]. As pointed out in [25], to date, how to develop a privacy-preserving handover authentication scheme which can withstand various known attacks while maintaining efficiency, is still an open problem.

1.2 Our Contribution

Motivated by above observation, we propose a new efficient and robust handover authentication protocol making use of ECC algorithm in MWN context. In short, our protocol has the following features:

  • The proposed protocol is more efficient than the other related works with regard to computation cost and communication overhead.

  • The proposed protocol not only achieves user anonymity and user untraceablity, but also provides mutual authentication and fast handover authentication with two handshakes between the MT and the AP in heterogeneous wireless network environment.

  • The proposed protocol is proved to be secure with cryptographic protocol verifier ProVerif.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2, we give a brief view of preliminary and security goals. Details of our handover authentication protocol for WMN are described in Sect. 3, the security analysis and formal security verification are incorporated in Sect. 4. Next, the performance comparison is introduced in Sect. 5. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Sect. 6.

2 Preliminary and Security Goals

In this section, we provide a brief description of mathematical problems on elliptic curve and the security goals.

2.1 Mathematical Problems

An elliptic curve E/Fp is defined by the equation y2 mod p = x3 + ax + b mod p, where p is a big prime number, and a, b  Fp with (4a3 + 27b2) mod p  0. Two important mathematical problems that rely on the elliptic curve are described below.

  • Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP): Given Q, P  G, find an integer a  [1, p  1] such that Q = aP  G is hard.

  • Computational Diffie-Hellman Problem (CDHP): Given (P, aP, bP) for any a, b  [1, p  1], finding abP  G is hard.

2.2 Security Goals

A secure handover protocol should achieve the following goals:

  • Anonymity: Except AS, the MT’s identity should be unknown to other entities including AP.

  • Untraceability: No strong global adversaries can track the actions of MTs.

  • Mutual authentication: Both MT and AP should authenticate each other over insecure channels without disclosing their identities.

  • Key agreement: The MT and AP should establish a symmetric session key to encrypt the messages in their future conversations. Additionally, the session key should not be compromised to compute previous keys and the future ones. This means the scheme can provide backward and forward secrecy.

  • Robustness: The protocol should be able to withstand various kinds attacks like impersonation attack, replay attack, man-in-middle attack, etc.

  • Integrity: The transferred messages via open channels should not be tempered, replayed, altered by adversaries. Also, the eavesdropped messages should prevent the adversaries from getting plaintext.

3 The Proposed Protocol

In this section, we present a new efficient mutual authentication protocol for WMN. Our protocol consists of three phases, i.e., system setup phase, handover preparation phase, handover authentication phase.

3.1 System Setup Phase

The AS selects a security parameter n as an input to generate all the system parameter in the following ways:

  1. (1)

    Chooses a t-bit prime number p and the field size q where q = 2p + 1 and generates an elliptic curve E/FP which is defined on a finite field Fp with order p, an additive cyclic group G over E/FP with order q and determines a generator P of G.

  2. (2)

    Selects the master key \( s\, \in \,Z_{q}^{*} \), and computes Kpub = sP as the public key.

  3. (3)

    Selects five one way hash functions H1(), H2(), H3(): {0,1}*x G  {0,1}n.

  4. (4)

    Publishes system parameter {FP, E/FP, p, P, Kpub, G, H1(), H2(), H3()} and keeps s secretly.

Afterwards, the AS computes the private key and the public key for each AP:

  1. (1)

    Assigns a unique IDAP for each AP.

  2. (2)

    Selects a random number \( r_{j} \, \in \,Z_{q}^{*} \), computes Rj = sH1(IDAP||rj), sets the tuple (rj, Rj) as the private key of AP. ‘||’ is the concatenate operation.

  3. (3)

    Assume that a pre-shared key has been built between AP and AS before. The AS encrypts the tuple (rj, Rj) with the pre-shared key and emits them to the AP.

Upon receiving the encrypted message, the AP decrypts (rj, Rj) and keeps (rj, Rj) secret, and computes KAP = RjP as his public key.

3.2 Handover Preparation Phase

When the MT registers to AS with his real ID, in order to provide user anonymity and untraceability, the AS selects a set of unlink-able pseudo-identifiers (PID1, PID2,…, PIDn) for the MT. For each pseudo-ID PIDi, AS computes a private key and the corresponding public key AS follows:

  1. (1)

    AS selects \( r_{i} \, \in \,Z_{q}^{*} \) at random, and computes Ri = riP.

  2. (2)

    AS computes di = ri + sH1(PIDi||Ri).

  3. (3)

    AS sends (PIDi, di, Ri) to MT via a secure channel.

MT sets (di, Ri) AS his private key after receipt of the tuple (PIDi, di, Ri) from AS, and computes his public key Di = diP = Ri + H1(PIDi||Ri)Kpub.

3.3 Handover Authentication Phase

Assume the AP periodically broadcasts a beacon message with its identity, public key and other regular information to declare service existence. If MT moves out of the coverage of current AP and receives the beacon message of the new AP, he extracts the identity and the public key and performs handover authentication with the new AP AS follows:

  1. (1)

    MT → AP: {PIDi, hMT, Ri, S, Di}

MT selects a random number \( a\, \in \,Z_{q}^{*} \), and computes TMT = AP, then MT generates a signature S = a/(di + hMT) with private key di, where hMT = H2(TMT||PIDi). Finally, MT sends the message {PIDi, hMT, Ri, S, Di} to the target AP.

  1. (2)

    AP → MT: {IDAP, PTAP, MAC}

On receiving the message, AP computes hAP = H2(PIDi||Ri), (TMT′ = S(Ri + hAPKpub + hMTP), and checks whether the equation H(TMT′||PIDi) ? = hMT holds. If it is unsuccessful, AP aborts this session. Otherwise, AP selects a random number \( b\, \in \,Z_{q}^{*} \), computes TAP = bP, Kam = Di · b · KAP, lAP = H2(IDAP||rj), PTAP = TMT′  (lAP||TAP), and the message authentication code MAC = H3(PIDi||Kam||TMT′||IDAP). Finally, AP sends the message {IDAP, PTAP, MAC} to MT. ‘’ is the exclusive-or operation (XOR).

  1. (3)

    After receipt of message from P, MT computes (lAP||TAP) = PTAP ⊕ TMT, the session key Kma = di · TAP · lAP · Kpub, MAC’ = H3(PIDi||Kma||TMT||IDAP). MT further verifies the equation MAC’ = MAC. If the result is unsuccessful, the MT terminates this session. Otherwise, MT treats the AP AS a legal service provider, and completes the mutual handover authentication. Finally, a secure channel is established with the session key Kam (=Kma) between MT and AP.

The proposed handover authentication phase is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Handover authentication phase

4 Security Analysis and Formal Security Verification

4.1 Security Analysis

we analyze the security of the proposed protocol with regard to security goals described in Subsect. 2.2.

4.1.1 Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement

In the handover authentication phase, AP verifies the legitimacy of MT based on the signature S, and MT verifies the legitimacy of AP based on his private key and AP’s public information issued by AS. If one of these two verifications is unsuccessful, the session would be aborted. Otherwise, the proposed protocol achieves mutual authentication between MT and AP.

It is easy to see that the session key Kam generated by AP and Kma generated by MT are identical, which is shown AS follows:

figure a

4.1.2 Provide User Anonymity and Untraceability

In the proposed scheme, each MT will obtain a series of pseudo identifiers PIDi (1  i  n) and the corresponding secret key di when he registers in AS. And at the beginning of the handover authentication phase, MT picks an unused PIDi to replace his real identifier in order to preserve privacy. Therefore, only AS knows the relationship between pseudo identifier PIDi and the real ID of MT. Furthermore, the adversary, even the AP cannot discern the two sessions whether are initiated by the same MT because there is no link between these pseudo identifiers.

4.1.3 Resistance to Attacks

The design of a secure protocol needs to consider the ability to resist various attacks. Our protocol can meet this requirement. For replay attack, if the adversary intercepts the message {PIDi, hMT, Ri, S, Di} and impersonate MT to replay this message to AP, but the adversary cannot compute a right MAC’ to pass MT’s verification without the knowledge of a and TMT. Moreover, if the adversary intends to impersonate the AP and replay {IDAP, PTAP, MAC} to MT, it is infeasible because the random number b is different in each exchanged message. For man-in-the-middle attack, the key agreement of proposed protocol is based on the ECDLP and CDHP, and the session key between MT and AP is established with partial keys from each party which are long-term private keys so that the proposed protocol can prevent the attacker from eavesdropping the exchanged message to forge or replay the messages in the middle. It is also infeasible for the adversary impersonating the authorized MT or AP to receive data message owing to the fact that the long term secret key of participant is issued by the AS.

4.1.4 Provide Forward and Backward Secrecy

In the proposed protocol, the session key Kma = di · TAP · lAP · Kpub is computed by MT and the session Kma = Di · b · KAP is computed on AP side. The forward secrecy and the backward secrecy is to say that if the private key di of MT and the private key rj of AP are comprised, the adversary cannot breach the secrecy of the session key whether it is previous or subsequent. It is clear that if the private key di of MT and the private key rj of AP are comprised, the adversary cannot compute Kam or Kma without the knowledge of secret number a and b. Moreover, the random number a and b are selected by MT and AP when MT moves out of the coverage of current AP and performs the handover authentication mechanism everytime. Thus, the proposed protocol can provide forward and backward secrecy.

4.2 Formal Security Verification via ProVerif

ProVerif is an effective automatic cryptographic protocol verifier based on pi calculus in Dolev-Yao model [27] and implements many cryptographic primitives, such as symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption, signatures, hash, mac, Diffie-Hellman key agreements. Many protocols have been tested by ProVerif to prove their secrecy, authentication and other correspondence properties [27]. Here, we use ProVerif to provide a formal security verification of the proposed protocol to ensure that our scheme can provide the secrecy and authentication property.

According to the protocol description, we introduce three channels, channel ch1 is used for the secure (private) communication between AP and AS, channel ch2 is used for secure communication between MT and AS. In particular, channel ch3 models the public insecure communication between MT and AP.

figure b

Next, we define two private variables kma and kam, which represent the session keys generated by MT and AP, respectively.

figure c

The constants and variables are declared AS follows:

figure d

The cryptographic functions are described as follows.

figure e

To model the symmetric decryption, the destructor is introduced.

figure f

Four events are introduced to verify the mutual authentication between MT and AP. For example, event beginAP represents that AP receives the authentication request from MT, the event endAP occurs says that AP sends the response to MT. In particular, we can use ProVerif to ensure the authenticity by testing whether the begin event occurs before the end event.

figure g

We define three distinct process macros AServer, APoint, MTerminal for participant AS, AP, MT in terms of the operations of AS, AP, MT during the proposed protocol execution, respectively. The macro AServer is modeled as follows.

figure h

The macro APoint is modeled as follows.

figure i

The macro MTerminal is modeled as follows.

figure j

The modeled protocol is emulated AS running in parallel for these three macros AS follows.

figure k

In order to verify the adversary’s capabilities in breaching the secrecy of the session key Kma generated by MT and Kma generated by AP (Kma and Kma are actually equal), we define the queries as follows:

figure l

Furthermore, to verify the mutual authentication between MT and AP, we model the correspondence assertions as follows:

figure m

The output of these processes as running in ProVerif v1.98 (latest version) is showed as follows.

figure n

The experimental result in line 1–2 indicates that the proposed protocol can provide mutual authentication between MT and AP. Meanwhile, line 3–4 shows that the attacker cannot obtain the session key Kam or Kma. In other words, because all these results are true, attacker can neither break the secrecy of the session key generated by each party nor break the authentication property that is verified by correspondence assertions in Dolev_Yao model.

5 Performance Comparison

In this section, we compare the computation cost and communication overhead in handover authentication phase with related protocols [13, 14, 28].

We set q to be the order of the super singular curve, p to be the order of non-super singular curve E over a finite field Fp, and their values are set to 512 bits and 160 bits, respectively. For brevity, let Tm, Ta be the execution time for an elliptic curve multiplication in G, the execution time for an elliptic curve addition in G, respectively. The execution time of other operations, e.g., a one-way hash function operation and a message authentication code operation, are ignored because they are much less than that of Tm or Ta. All of the cryptographic operations are benchmarked on environment AS follows: PBC library (version 0.5.14) on 32-bit [29], 3.4 GHz Intel i7 processor, 2 GB main memory, running Ubuntu desktop 14.04. In our experiment, Tm takes approximately 0.017 ms, while Ta takes 0.013 ms. The comparison of computation cost between our scheme and the related protocols is shown Table 1.

Table 1. Computation cost comparison

To facilitate comparison in communication overhead, we set li, lp, lh, lt, lmac be the length of client’s identifier, a point, an one-way hash value, a timestamp, a message authentication code, respectively. And their corresponding values are defined as 32 bits, 1024 bits, 160 bits, 32 bits, 160 bits, respectively. Table 2 demonstrates the comparison of communication overhead between our scheme and the related protocols.

Table 2. Communication overhead comparison

From Table 1, we can learn that on both MT and AP, the consumed time of the proposed scheme is 0.098 ms, which is much less than other related protocols [13, 14, 28]. Thus, the proposed scheme is more efficient than [13, 14, 28] both on MT side and AP side. Moreover, from Table 2, we can see that the communication overhead of our scheme is 4320 bits, which is slightly lower than that of [14] and decreases greatly AS compared with [13, 28]. Therefore, the proposed scheme has the advantage in communication overhead compared with [13, 14, 28]. Overall, the proposed scheme has better performance than [13, 14, 28].

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we summarize the current handover authentication schemes and put forward an efficient anonymous handover authentication protocol with privacy-preserving for mobile wireless network. Owing to the hardness of ECDLP and CDHP assumption, the proposed scheme has merits of efficiency and robust security. We also provide a formal security verification via the automatic cryptographic protocol verifier ProVerif to show that our scheme can preserve the secrecy of the session key and provide mutual authentication property. In particular, our protocol achieves excellent performance as compared with the related up-to-date handover protocols. Based on these merits, we are convinced that the proposed scheme provides a reasonable deployment solution for handover in mobile wireless network.