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EUS and Its Role in Pancreatic Cancer

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Pancreatic Cancer


Endosocopic ultrasound (EUS) has become an indispensable tool in pancreatic diseases especially in cancer. This article provides an overview about basic principles as well as current developments in the field. It reviews recent literature regarding the use of EUS in pancreatic cancer. The key focus is on EUS-guided tissue sampling by EUS-fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA). Further main aspects include cystic pancreatic neoplasias, screening of individuals at risk for familial pancreatic cancer, and EUS-guided therapy.

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Grote, T., Gress, T.M. (2016). EUS and Its Role in Pancreatic Cancer. In: Neoptolemos, J., Urrutia, R., Abbruzzese, J., Büchler, M. (eds) Pancreatic Cancer. Springer, New York, NY.

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