
14.1 Introduction

A large number of papers in finance literature have documented evidence that firms earn abnormal returns over a long time period (ranging from 1 to 5 years) after certain corporate events. Kothari and Warner (2007) report that a total of 565 papers reporting event study results were published between 1974 and 2000 in five leading journals: the Journal of Business (JB), Journal of Finance (JF), Journal of Financial Economics (JFE), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA), and the Review of Financial Studies (RFS). Approximately 200 of the 565 event studies use a maximum window length of 12 months or more.

The evidence of long-horizon abnormal returns contradicts the efficient market hypothesis that stock prices adjust to information fully within a narrow time window (a few days). To reconcile the contradiction, Fama (1998) argues that “Most important, consistent with the market efficiency prediction that apparent anomalies can be due to methodology, most long-term return anomalies tend to disappear with reasonable changes in technique.” Several simulation studies such as Kothari and Warner (1997) and Barber and Lyon (1997) document evidence that statistical inference in long-horizon event studies is sensitive to the choice of methodology. Therefore, it is crucial to gain an understanding of the properties and limitations of the available approaches before choosing a methodology for a long-horizon event study.

At the core of a long-horizon event study lie two tasks: the first is to measure the event-related long-horizon abnormal returns, and the second is to test the null hypothesis that the distribution of these long-horizon abnormal returns concentrates around zero. A proper testing procedure for long-horizon event studies has to do both tasks well. Otherwise, two types of error could arise and lead to incorrect inference. The first error occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected, not because the event has generated true abnormal returns, but because a biased benchmark has been used to measure abnormal returns. A biased benchmark shifts the concentration of abnormal returns away from zero and leads to too many false rejections of the null hypothesis. The second error occurs when the null hypothesis is accepted, not because the event has no impact, but because the test itself does not have enough power to statistically discriminate the mean abnormal return from zero. A test with low power is undesirable, as it will lead researchers to reach the incorrect inference that long-term effect is statistically insignificant. Thus, the researchers would want a procedure that minimizes both sources of error or at least choose a balance between them.

Two approaches have been followed in recent finance literature to measure and test long-term abnormal returns. The first approach uses a benchmark to measure the abnormal buy-and-hold return for every event firm in a sample and tests whether the abnormal returns have a zero mean. The second approach forms a portfolio in each calendar month consisting of firms that have had an event within a certain time period prior to the month and tests the null hypothesis that the intercept is zero in the regression of monthly calendar-time portfolio returns against the factors in an asset-pricing model. To follow either approach, researchers need to make a few choices as illustrated in Fig. 14.1. For the calendar-time portfolio approach, researchers choose an asset-pricing model and an estimation technique to fit the model. Among the most popular asset-pricing models are Fama and French’s (1993) three-factor model and its four-factor extension proposed by Carhart (1997) that includes an additional momentum-related factor. Two techniques are commonly used to fit the pricing model: the ordinary least squares (OLS) technique and the weighted least squares (WLS) technique. On the other hand, if adopting the buy-and-hold benchmark approach, researchers choose either a reference portfolio or a single control firm as the benchmark for measuring abnormal returns and select either parametric or nonparametric statistic for testing the null hypothesis of zero abnormal return.

Fig 14.1
figure 1

Overview of the two approaches to choose a methodology for long-horizon event study

Permutations of these choices under both approaches generate a large number of possible testing procedures that can be used in a long-horizon event study. It is neither practical nor sensible to implement all the testing procedures in an empirical study of a financial event. Therefore, it would be very useful to provide guidance on the strength and weakness of the procedures based on simulation results. Simulation study generates large number of repetitions under various circumstances for each testing procedure, which allows the tabulations of these two types of error for comparison.

We organize this chapter as follows. Section 14.2 discusses the fundamental issues in long-horizon event studies that have been documented in the literature. Section 14.3 reviews existing simulation studies. Section 14.4 reports results from a simulation study of large-size samples. Section 14.5 contains some suggestions for future research.

14.2 Fundamental Issues in Long-Horizon Event Studies

14.2.1 The Buy-and-Hold Benchmark Approach

The long-term buy-and-hold abnormal return of firm i, denoted as AR i , is calculated as

$$ A{R}_i={R}_i-B{R}_i, $$

where R i is the long-term buy-and-hold return of firm i and BR i is the long-term return on a particular benchmark of firm i. The buy-and-hold return of firm i over τ months is obtained by compounding monthly returns, that is,

$$ {R}_i={\displaystyle {\prod}_{t=1}^{\tau}\left(1+{r}_{it}\right)}-1, $$

where r it is firm i’s return in month t. Calculation of the benchmark return BR i is given below. The benchmark return, BR i , estimates the return that an event firm would have had if the event had not happened.

Several articles clearly show that long-term abnormal returns are very sensitive to choice of benchmarks; see, e.g., Ikenberry et al. (1995), Kothari and Warner (1997), Barber and Lyon (1997), and Lyon et al. (1999). If wrong benchmarks were used in measuring long-term abnormal returns, inference on the significance of a certain event would be erroneous. Most existing studies use either a single matched firm or a matched reference portfolio as the benchmark. Barber and Lyon (1997) point out that the control firm approach eliminates the new listing bias, the rebalancing bias, and the skewness problem. It also yields well-specified test statistics in virtually all the situations they consider. Further, Lyon et al. (1999) advocate a reference portfolio of firms that match on size and BE/ME. The issue on choice of the benchmark is practically unresolved. Ang and Zhang (2004) additionally argue that the control firm method overcomes another important problem that is associated with the event firm not being representative in important aspects of the respective matched portfolio in the reference portfolio approach. This leads to the matched portfolio return generating a biased estimate of expected firm return. This problem is particularly severe with small firms.

A common practice in computing an event firm’s long-term abnormal return is to utilize a benchmark that matches the event firm on size and BE/ME. The practice is often justified by quoting the findings in Fama and French (1992) that size and BE/ME combine to capture the cross-sectional variation in average monthly stock returns and that market beta has no additional power in explaining cross-sectional return differences. However, in a separate paper, Fama and French (1993) demonstrate that expected monthly stock returns are related to three factors: a market factor, a size-related factor, and a book-to-market equity ratio (BE/ME)-related factor. To resolve this issue, Ang and Zhang (2004) show that matching based on beta in addition to size and BE/ME does not improve the performance of the approach.

A recent trend is to use computation-intensive bootstrapping-based tests, such as the bootstrapped Johnson’s skewness-adjusted t-statistic (e.g., Sutton 1993 and Lyon et al. 1999) and the simulated empirical p-values (e.g., Brock et al. 1992 and Ikenberry et al. 1995). These procedures rely on repeated random sampling to measure the significance of relevant test statistics. Due to the nature of random sampling, the resultant measurement of significance varies every time such a procedure is used. As a consequence, different researchers could reach contradictory conclusions using the same procedure on the same sample of event firms. In contrast, simple nonparametric tests, such as the Wilcoxon signed-rank test or the Fisher’s sign test, are free from random sampling variation. Barber and Lyon (1997) examined the performance of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test in a large-scale simulation study. They show that the performance depends on choice of the benchmark. The signed-rank test is well specified when the benchmark is a single size and BE/ME matched firm and misspecified when the benchmark is a size and BE/ME matched reference portfolio. However, Barber and Lyon (1997) present only simulation results for 1-year horizon. No simulation study in the finance literature has examined the performance of these simple nonparametric tests for 3- or 5-year horizons, which are the common holding periods in long-horizon event studies. Footnote 1

Power is an important consideration in statistical hypothesis testing. Lyon et al. (1999) report that bootstrapping-based tests are more powerful than Student’s t-test in testing 1-year abnormal returns in a large-scale simulation study. However, they do not report evidence on the power of these tests for the longer 3- or 5-year horizon. In statistics literature, bootstrapping is primarily for challenging situations when the sampling distribution of the test statistic is either indeterminate or difficult to obtain and that bootstrapping is less powerful in hypothesis testing than other parametric or simple nonparametric methods when both bootstrapping and other methods are applicable (see, e.g., Efron and Tibshirani 1993, Chap. 16 and Davison and Hinkley 1997, Chap. 4). In a recent study on 5-year buy-and-hold abnormal returns to holders of the seasoned equity offerings, Eckbo et al. (2000) note that bootstrapping gives lower significance level relative to the Student’s t-test.

Ang and Zhang (2004) find that most testing procedures have very low power for samples of medium size over long event horizons (3 or 5 years). This raises concern about how to interpret long-horizon event studies that fail to reject the null hypothesis. Failure to reject is often interpreted as evidence that supports the null hypothesis. However, when power of the test is low, such interpretation may no longer be warranted. This problem gets even worse when event firms are primarily small firms. They observe that all tests, except the sign test, have much lower power for samples of small firms.

More recently, Schultz (2003) argue via simulation that the long-run IPO underperformance could be related to the endogeneity of the number of new issues. Firms choose to go IPO at the time when they expect to obtain high valuation in the stock market. Therefore, IPOs cluster after periods of high abnormal returns on new issues. In such a case, even if the ex ante returns on IPO are normal, the ex post measures of abnormal returns may be negative on average. Schultz suggests using calendar-time returns to overcome the bias. However, Dahlquist and de Jong (2008) find that it is unlikely that the endogeneity of the number of new issues explains the long-run underperformance of IPOs. Viswanathan and Wei (2008) present a theoretical analysis on event abnormal returns when returns predict events. They show that, when the sample size is fixed, the expected abnormal return is negative and becomes more negative as the holding period increases. This implies that there is a small-sample bias in the use of long-run event returns. Asymptotically, abnormal returns converge to zero provided that the process of the number of events is stationary. Nonstationarity in the process of the number of events is needed to generate a large negative bias.

The issues discussed above are associated with the buy-and-hold approach to testing long-term abnormal returns.Footnote 2 In addition, this approach suffers from the cross-correlation problem and the bad model problem (Fama 1998; Brav 1999; Mitchell and Stafford 2000). The cross-correlation problem arises because matching on firm-specific characteristics fails to completely remove the correlation between event firms’ returns. The bad model problem arises because no benchmark gives perfect estimate of the counterfactual (i.e., what if there was no event) return of an event firm and benchmark errors are multiplied in computing long-term buy-and-hold returns. Therefore, Fama (1998) advocates a calendar-time portfolio approach.Footnote 3

14.2.2 The Calendar-Time Portfolio Approach

In the calendar-time portfolio approach, for each calendar month, an event portfolio is formed, consisting of all firms that have experienced the same event within the τ months prior to the given month. Monthly return of the event portfolio is computed as the equally weighted average of monthly returns of all firms in the portfolio. Excess returns of the event portfolio are regressed on the Fama-French three factors as in the following model:

$$ {R}_{pt}-{R}_{ft}=\alpha +\beta \left({R}_{mt}-{R}_{ft}\right)+ sSM{B}_t+ hHM{L}_t+{\varepsilon}_t, $$

where R pt is the event portfolio’s return in month t; R ft is the 1-month Treasury bill rate, observed at the beginning of the month; R mt is the monthly market return; SMB t is the monthly return on the zero investment portfolio for the common size factor in stock returns; and HML t is the monthly return on the zero investment portfolio for the common book-to-market equity factor in stock returns.Footnote 4 Under the assumption that the Fama-French three-factor model provides a complete description of expected stock returns, the intercept, α, measures the average monthly abnormal return on the portfolio of event firms and should be equal to zero under the null hypothesis of no abnormal performance.

A later modification that has gained popularity is the four-factor model that added a momentum-related factor to the Fama-French three factors:

$$ {R}_{pt}-{R}_{ft}=\alpha +b\left({R}_{mt}-{R}_{ft}\right)+ sSM{B}_t+ hHM{L}_t+ pPR{12}_t+{\varepsilon}_t, $$

where PR12 t is the momentum-related factor advocated by Carhart (1997). Typically, we compute PR12 t by first ranking all firms by their previous 11-month stock return lagged 1 month and then taking the average return of the top one third (i.e., high past return) stocks minus the average return of the bottom one third (i.e., low past return) stocks.

Under the assumption that the asset-pricing model adequately explains variation in expected stock returns, the intercept, α, measures the average monthly abnormal return of the calendar-time portfolio of event firms and should be equal to zero under the null hypothesis of no abnormal performance. If the test concludes that the time series conforms to the asset-pricing model, the event is said to have had no significant long-term effect; otherwise, the event has produced significant long-term abnormal returns. Lyon et al. (1999) report that the calendar-time portfolio approach together with the Fama-French three-factor model, which shall be referred to as the Fama-French calendar-time approach later, is well specified for random samples in their simulation study.

However, we do not know how much power the Fama-French calendar-time approach has. Loughran and Ritter (1999) criticize the approach as having very low power. They argue that reduction in power is caused by using returns on contaminated portfolios as factors in the regression, by weighting each month equally and by using value-weighted returns of the calendar-time portfolios. However, their empirical evidence is based only on one carefully constructed sample of firms and is hardly conclusive. No large-scale simulation study has been done to examine power of the Fama-French calendar-time approach, which we will remedy in this paper.

The Fama-French calendar-time approach, estimated with the ordinary least squares (OLS) technique, could suffer from a potential heteroskedasticity problem due to unequal and changing number of firms in the calendar-time portfolios. The weighted least squares (WLS) technique, which is helpful in addressing the heteroskedasticity problem, has been suggested as a way to deal with the changing size of calendar-time portfolios. When applying WLS, we use the monthly number of firms in the event portfolio as weights.

14.3 A Review of Simulation Studies on Long-Horizon Event Study Methodology

Several papers have documented performance of testing procedures in large-scale simulations. Table 14.1 surveys these papers with reference to testing procedures under their investigation and their simulation settings. The simulation technique was pioneered by Brown and Warner (1980, 1985) to evaluate size and power of testing procedures. In this section, we review these simulation studies.

Table 14.1 Summary of existing simulation studies

As shown in Fig. 14.1, there are two approaches for a long-term event study: the calendar-time portfolio approach versus the buy-and-hold benchmark approach. There has been a debate on which approach prescribes the best procedure for long-term event studies. Both approaches have been under criticisms. The buy-and-hold benchmark approach is susceptible to biases associated with cross-sectional correlation, insufficient matching criteria, new equity issues, periodic balancing, and skewed distribution of long-term abnormal returns, while the calendar-time portfolio approach may suffer from an improper asset-pricing model and heteroskedasticity in portfolio returns. See Kothari and Warner (1997), Barber and Lyon (1997), Fama (1998), Loughran and Ritter (1999), Lyon et al. (1999); and others for more detailed discussions. Kothari and Warner (1997) argue that the combined effect of these issues is difficult to specify a priori and, thus, “a simulation study with actual security return data is a direct way to study the joint impact, and is helpful in identifying the potential problems that are empirically most relevant.”

In their simulation study, Kothari and Warner (1997) measure the long-term (up to 3 years) impact of an event by cumulative monthly abnormal returns, where monthly abnormal returns are computed against four common models: the market-adjusted model, the market model, the capital asset-pricing model, and the Fama-French three-factor model. They find that tests for cumulative abnormal returns are severely misspecified. They identify sample selection, survival bias, and bias in variance estimation as potential sources of the misspecification and suggest that nonparametric and bootstrap tests are likely to reduce misspecification.

Barber and Lyon (1997) address two main issues in their simulation study. First, they argue that buy-and-hold return is a better measure of investors’ actual experience over a long horizon and should be used in long-term event study (up to 5 years). They show simulation evidence that approaches using cumulative abnormal returns cause severe misspecification, which is consistent with the observation in Kothari and Warner (1997). Second, they use simulations to measure both size and power of testing procedures that follow the buy-and-hold benchmark approach. An important finding is that using a single control firm as benchmark yields well-specified tests, whereas using reference portfolio causes substantial over-rejection.

In a later paper, Lyon et al. (1999) report another simulation study (for up to the 5-year horizon) that investigates the performance of both buy-and-hold benchmark approach and calendar-time portfolio approach. They find that using the Fama-French three-factor model yields a well-specified test. However, they advocate a test that uses carefully constructed reference portfolio as benchmark and the bootstrapped Johnson’s statistic for testing abnormal returns. They present evidence that this test is well specified and has high power at the 1-year horizon.

Two questions remain unanswered in Lyon et al. (1999). First, how much power does the bootstrap test have for event horizons longer than 1 year (e.g., 3 or 5 years that is common in long-horizon studies)? It is known in statistics literature that a bootstrap test is not as powerful as simple nonparametric tests in many occasions (see Efron and Tibshirani 1993, Chap. 16 and Davison and Hinckley 1997, Chap. 4). It is necessary to know the actual power of such test for event horizons beyond 1 year. Second, is the calendar-time portfolio approach as powerful as the buy-and-hold benchmark approach? Loughran and Ritter (2000) argue that the calendar-time portfolio approach has low power, using simulations and empirical evidence from a sample of new equity issuers. However, they do not measure how much power the approach actually has, which makes it impossible to compare the two approaches directly in more general settings.

Mitchell and Stafford (2000) is the only study that empirically measures power of the calendar-time portfolio approach using simulations. Their main focus is to assess performance of several testing procedures in three large samples of major managerial decisions, i.e., mergers, seasoned equity offerings, and share repurchases (up to 3 years). They find that different procedures lead to contradicting conclusions and argue that the calendar-time portfolio approach is preferred. To resolve Loughran and Ritter’s (2000) critique that the calendar-time portfolio approach has low power, they conduct simulations to measure the empirical power and find that the power is actually very high with an empirical rejection rate of 99 % for induced abnormal returns of ±15 % over a 3-year horizon. Since they have a large sample size, this finding is actually consistent with what we document in Table 14.5. However, their simulations focus on only samples of 2,000 firms. Many event studies have much smaller sample sizes, especially after researchers slice and dice a whole sample into subsamples. More evidence is needed in order to have great confidence in applying the calendar-time portfolio approach in such studies.

Cowan and Sergeant (2001) focus on the buy-and-hold benchmark approach in their simulations. They find that using the reference portfolio approach cannot overcome the skewness bias discussed in Barber and Lyon (1997) and that the larger the sample size, the smaller the magnitude of the skewness bias. They also argue that cross-sectional dependence among event firms’ abnormal returns increases in event horizon due to partially contemporaneous holding periods, which may cause the overlapping horizon bias. They propose a two-group test using abnormal returns winsorized at three standard deviations to deal with these two biases and report evidence that this test yields correct specifications and considerable power in many situations.

All previous simulation studies use only size and BE/ME to construct benchmarks, which is often justified by the findings in Fama and French (1992) that size and BE/ME together adequately capture the cross-sectional variations in average monthly stock returns. Ang and Zhang (2004) use two other matching criteria to explore whether better benchmarks could be used for future studies. The two criteria are market beta and pre-event correlation coefficient. Using market beta is motivated by the fact that Fama and French’s (1993) three-factor model has a market factor, a size-related factor, and a BE/ME-related factor. Matching on the basis of size and BE/ME does not account for the influence of the market factor. The rationale for using pre-event correlation coefficient is that matching on size and BE/ME may fail to control for other factors that could influence stock returns, such as industry factor, seasonal factor, momentum factor, and other factors shared by only firms of the same characteristics, such as geographical location, ownership, and governance structures. Matching on the basis of pre-event correlation coefficient helps remove the effect of these factors on the event firm’s long-term return.

The main findings in Ang and Zhang (2004) include the following. First, the four-factor model is inferior to the well-specified three-factor model in the calendar-time portfolio approach in that the former causes too many rejections of the null hypothesis relative to the specified significance level. Second, WLS improves the performance of the calendar-time portfolio approach over OLS, especially for long event horizons. Third, the Fama-French three-factor model has relatively high power in detecting abnormal returns, although power decreases sharply as event horizon increases. Fourth, the simple sign test is well specified when it is applied with a single firm benchmark, but misspecified when used with reference portfolio benchmarks. More importantly, the combination of the sign test and the benchmark with the single most correlated firm consistently has much higher power than any other test in our simulations and is the only testing procedure that performs well in samples of small firms.

Jegadeesh and Karceski (2009) propose a new test of long-run performance that allows for heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. Previous tests used in Lyon et al. (1999) implicitly assume that the observations are cross-sectionally uncorrelated. This assumption is frequently violated in nonrandom samples such as samples with industry clustering or with overlapping returns. To overcome the cross-correlation bias in event firms’ returns, they recommend a t-statistic that is computed using a generalized version of the Hansen and Hodrick (1980) standard error. Their simulation studies show that the new tests they propose are reasonably well specified in random samples, in samples that are concentrated in particular industries, and also in samples where event firms enter the sample on multiple occasions within the holding period.

In summary, these simulation studies show that testing procedures differ dramatically in performance. Some procedures reject the null hypothesis at an excessively high rate, while others have very low power. These findings confirm the Fama (1998) statement that evidence for long-term return anomalies is dependent upon methodology and suggest that caution must be exercised in choosing the proper methodology for a long-term event study.

14.4 A Simulation Study of Large-Size Samples

A simulation study of large-size samples serves two purposes. First, it is well documented that the distribution of buy-and-hold abnormal returns tends to be skewed to the right. Kothari and Warner (2007) mention that the extent of skewness bias is likely to decline with sample size. It is of interest to provide evidence on how much is the level of right-skewness in the average abnormal returns of large-size samples. Second, although it is expected that testing power increases with sample size, it is of practical interest to know more precisely how much power a test can have in a sample of 1,000 observations. Large sample simulation defines the limits of a procedure.

14.4.1 Research Design

In this simulation study, we construct 250 samples each consisting of 1,000 event firms. To produce one sample, we randomly select, with replacement, 1,000 event months between January 1980 and December 1992, inclusively.Footnote 5 , Footnote 6 This allows us to calculate 5-year abnormal returns until December 1997. For each selected event month, we randomly select, without replacement, one firm from a list of qualified firms. The qualified firms satisfy the following requirements: (i) They are publicly traded firms, incorporated in the USA, and have ordinary common shares with Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) share codes 10 and 11; (ii) they have return data found in the CRSP monthly returns database for the 24-month period prior to the event month; (iii) they have nonnegative book values on COMPUSTAT prior to the event month so that we can calculate their book-to-market equity ratios.

The 250 samples, each of 1,000 randomly selected firms, comprise the simulation setting for comparing the performance of different testing procedures.Footnote 7 We apply all testing procedures under our study to the same samples. Such controlled comparison is more informative because it eliminates difference in performance due to variation in the samples.

For the buy-and-hold approach, we compute the long-term buy-and-hold abnormal return of firm i as the difference between the long-term buy-and-hold return of firm i and the long-term return of a benchmark. The buy-and-hold return of firm i over τ months is obtained by compounding monthly returns. In case that firm i does not have return data for all τ months, we replace missing returns by the same-month returns of a size and BE/ME matched reference portfolio.Footnote 8 We evaluate a total of five benchmarks and four test statistics in this study. We briefly describe them in the following and give the details in the Appendix.

Three of the benchmarks are reference portfolios. The first reference portfolio consists of firms that are similar to the event firm in both size and BE/ME. We follow the same procedure as in Lyon et al. (1999) to construct the two-factor reference portfolio. We use the label “SZBM” for this benchmark. The second reference portfolio consists of firms that are similar to the event firm not only in size and BE/ME but also in market beta. We use the label “SZBMBT” for this benchmark. The third reference portfolio consists of ten firms that are most correlated with the event firm prior to the event. We use the label “MC10” for this benchmark.

The other two of the five benchmarks consist of a single firm. The first single firm benchmark is the firm that matched the event firm in both size and BE/ME. To find the two-factor single firm benchmark, we first identify all firms whose market value is within 70–130 % of the event firm’s market value and then choose the firm that has the BE/ME ratio closest to that of the event firm. We use the label “SZBM1” for this benchmark. The second single firm benchmark is the firm that has the highest correlation coefficient with the event firm prior to the event. We use the label “MC1” for this benchmark.

We apply four test statistics to test the null hypothesis that the mean long-term abnormal return is zero. They include Student’s t-test, Fisher’s sign test, Johnson’s skewness-adjusted t-test, and the bootstrapped Johnson’s t-test. Fisher’s sign test is a nonparametric test and is described in details in Hollander and Wolfe (1999, Chap. 3). Johnson’s skewness-adjusted t-statistic was developed by Johnson (1978) to deal with the skewness-related misspecification error in Student’s t-test. Sutton (1992) proposes to apply Johnson’s t-test with a computationally intensive bootstrap resampling technique when the population skewness is severe and the sample size is small. Lyon et al. (1999) advocate use of the bootstrapped Johnson’s t-test because long-term buy-and-hold abnormal returns are highly skewed when buy-and-hold reference portfolios are used as benchmarks. We follow Lyon et al. (1999) and set the resampling size in the bootstrapped Johnson’s t-test to be one quarter of the sample size.

For the Fama-French calendar-time approach, we use both the Fama-French three-factor model and the four-factor model. We apply both ordinary least squares (OLS) and weighted least squares (WLS) techniques to estimate parameters in the pricing model. The WLS is used to correct the heteroskedasticity problem due to the monthly variation in the number of firms in the calendar-time portfolio. When applying WLS, we use the number of event firms in the portfolio as weights.

14.4.2 Simulation Results for the Buy-and-Hold Benchmark Approach

In this section, we examine the performance of testing procedures that follow the buy-and-hold benchmark approach. Implementation of the buy-and-hold benchmark approach involves choosing both benchmark and test statistic. For this reason, rather than focusing on what is the best among all benchmarks, or focusing on what is the best among all test statistics, we address the more practical question of finding the best combination of benchmark and test statistic. Combination of the five benchmarks and the four test statistics yields 20 testing procedures, out of which we look for the best combination.

For each sample of 1,000 abnormal returns, we compute mean, median, standard deviation, interquartile range, skewness coefficient, and kurtosis coefficient. Table 14.2 reports the average of these statistics over 250 samples.

Table 14.2 Descriptive statistics of abnormal returns in samples of 1,000 firms

Since these event firms, being randomly selected, may not experience any event or may experience events that have offsetting effects on averaged stock returns, we expect their abnormal returns to concentrate around zero. In Table 14.2, means are close to zero for all five benchmarks at all three holding periods, but medians differ systematically according to the type of benchmark used. Medians are clearly negative under the three reference portfolio benchmarks (i.e., SZBM, SZBMBT, and MC10), but close to zero under the two single firm benchmarks (i.e., SZBM1 and MC1). The evidence suggests that reference portfolio benchmarks overestimate holding period returns of many event firms, resulting in far too many event firms having negative abnormal returns under the portfolio-based benchmarks. The extent of the overestimation bias by portfolio-based benchmarks is quite severe and gets worse as the time horizon lengthens. The bias, as measured by the magnitude of median, ranges from around 4 % at a 1-year horizon to 12 % at a 3-year horizon and to more than 20 % at a 5-year horizon. Bias of this magnitude could cause too many events to be falsely identified as having significant long-term impact.

Volatility of abnormal returns increases with the length of holding period under all five benchmarks. For the same holding period, volatility is higher under the two single firm benchmarks than under the three reference portfolio benchmarks. This is expected because reference portfolios have lower volatility due to averaging. As for kurtosis, all five benchmarks produce highly leptokurtic abnormal returns, with kurtosis coefficients ranging from 41.4 to 67.5, which are far greater than three, the kurtosis coefficient of any normal distribution. At last, skewness coefficients for the two single firm benchmarks are close to zero regardless of event horizons, while skewness coefficients for the three portfolio benchmarks are excessively positive.

To sum up, probability distributions of long-term abnormal returns exhibit different properties, depending on whether the benchmark is a reference portfolio or a single firm. Under a reference portfolio benchmark, the distribution is highly leptokurtic and positively skewed, with a close-to-zero mean but a highly negative median. Under a single firm benchmark, the distribution is highly leptokurtic but symmetric, with both mean and median close to zero. Statistical properties of long-term abnormal returns have important bearings on performance of test statistics. Overall, it seems single firm benchmarks have more desirable properties. Between the two single firm benchmarks, MC1 shows better performance than SZBM1, because the abnormal returns based on MC1 have both mean and median being closer to zero and smaller standard deviation.

A superior test should control for the probability of committing two errors. First, it is important to control for the probability of misidentifying an insignificant event as having statistical significance; in other words, the empirical size of the test, which is computed from simulations, is close to the prespecified significance level at which the test is conducted. When this happens, the test is well specified. Second, power of the test should be large, that is, the probability of finding a statistically significant event if one did exist.

Table 14.3 reports empirical size of all 20 tests for three holding periods. Empirical size is calculated as the proportion of 250 samples that rejects the null hypothesis at the 5 % nominal significance level. With only a few exceptions, Student’s t-test is well specified against the two-sided alternative hypothesis. Despite excessively high skewness in abnormal returns from reference portfolio benchmarks, Student’s t-test is well specified against two-sided alternative hypothesis because the effect of skewness at both tails cancels out (see, e.g., Pearson and Please 1975). When testing against the two-sided alternative hypothesis, Johnson’s skewness-adjusted t-test is in general misspecified, but its bootstrapped version is well specified in most situations. The sign test is misspecified when applied to abnormal returns from reference portfolio benchmarks, and the extent of misspecification is quite serious and increases in the length of holding period. This is not surprising because abnormal returns from reference portfolio benchmarks have highly negative medians.

Table 14.3 Specification of tests in samples of 1,000 firms

Table 14.4 reports empirical power of testing the null hypothesis of zero abnormal return against the two-sided alternative hypothesis. We follow Brown and Warner (1980, 1985) to measure empirical power by intentionally forcing the mean abnormal return away from zero with induced abnormal returns. We induce nine levels of abnormal returns ranging from −20 % to 20 % at an increment of 5 %. To induce an abnormal return of −20 %, for example, we add −20 % to the observed holding period return of an event firm. Empirical power is calculated as the proportion of 250 samples that rejects the null hypothesis at 5 % significance level.

Table 14.4 Power of tests in samples of 1,000 firms
Table 14.5 Rejection frequency of calendar-time portfolio approach in samples of 1,000 firms

With a large sample size of 1,000, the power of these tests remains reasonably high at the longer holding period. Ang and Zhang (2004) report that, with the sample size of 200, the power of all tests deteriorates sharply as holding period lengthens from 1 to 3 and to 5 years and is alarmingly low at the 5-year horizon. For example, when the induced abnormal return is −20 % over a 5-year horizon, the highest power of the bootstrapped Johnson’s t-test is 13.6 % for a sample of 200 firms, whereas the highest power is 62.8 % for a sample of 1,000 firms.

We compare the power of the three test statistics: Student’s t-test, the bootstrapped Johnson’s skewness-adjusted t-test, and the sign test. All three test statistics are applied together with the most correlated single firm benchmark. The evidence shows that all three tests are well specified. However, the sign test clearly has much higher power than the other two tests.

14.4.3 Simulation Results for the Calendar-Time Portfolio Approach

Table 14.5 reports the rejection frequency of the calendar-time portfolio approach in testing the null hypothesis that the intercept is zero in the regression of monthly calendar-time portfolio returns, against the two-sided alternative hypothesis. Rejection frequency is measured as the proportion of the total 250 samples that reject the null hypothesis. We compute rejection frequencies at nine nominal levels of induced abnormal returns, ranging from −20 % to 20 % at an increment of 5 %. Since monthly returns of the calendar-time portfolio are used in fitting the model, to examine the power of testing the intercept, we need to induce abnormal returns by adding an extra amount to actual monthly returns of every event firm before forming the calendar-time portfolios. For example, in order to induce the −20 % nominal level of abnormal holding period return, we add the extra amount of −1.67 % (=−20 %/12) to an event firm’s 12 monthly returns for a 1-year horizon, or add the abnormal amount of −0.56 % (= −20 %/36) to the firm’s 24 monthly returns for a 3-year horizon, or the abnormal amount of −0.33 % (=−20 %/60) to the firm’s 60 monthly returns for a 5-year horizon.

Note that the nominal induced holding period return is different from the effective induced abnormal holding period return, because adding the abnormal amount each month does not guarantee that an event firm’s holding period return will be increased or decreased by the exact nominal level. We measure the effective induced holding period return of an event firm as the difference in the firm’s holding period return between before and after adding the monthly abnormal amount. The average effective induced holding period return is computed over all event firms in the 250 samples. The average induced holding period return allows us to compare power of the buy-and-hold benchmark approach with that of the calendar-time portfolio approach at the scale of holding period return.

We first examine empirical size of the calendar-time portfolio approach, which is equal to the rejection frequency when no abnormal return is induced. In Table 14.5, the empirical size is in the column with zero induced return. It is very surprising that when the four-factor model is used, the test has excessively high rejection frequency at 3-year and 5-year horizons. The rejection frequency, for example, is 94.0 % at the 5-year horizon with the WLS estimation! In contrast, when the Fama-French three-factor model is used, the empirical sizes are not significantly different from the 5 % significance level. The evidence strongly suggests that the three-factor model is preferred for the calendar-time portfolio approach, whereas the four-factor model suffers from overfitting and should not be used.

Table 14.5 shows that, for a sample of 1,000 firms, the power of this approach remains high as event horizon increases. WLS estimation does improve the power of the procedure over the OLS, and the extent of improvement becomes greater as holding period gets longer. By comparing Tables 14.4 and 14.5, we find that the power of the Fama-French calendar-time approach implemented with WLS technique (i.e., FF, WLS) has almost the same power as the buy-and-hold benchmark approach implemented with the most correlated single firm and the sign test (i.e., MC1, sign), at the 1-year horizon, but slightly less at the 3- and 5-year horizons.

14.5 Conclusion

Comparing the simulation results in Sect. 14.4 with those in Ang and Zhang (2004), we find that sample size has a significant impact on the performance of tests in long-horizon event studies. With a sample size of 1,000, a few tests perform reasonably well, including the Fama-French calendar-time approach implemented with WLS technique and the buy-and-hold benchmark approach implemented with the most correlated single firm (MC1) and the sign test. In particular, they have reasonably high power even for the long 5-year holding period. On the contrary, with a sample size of 200, Ang and Zhang (2004) find that the power of most well-specified tests is very low for the 5-year horizon, only in the range of 10–20 % against a high level of induced abnormal returns, while the combination of the most correlated single firm and the sign test stands out with a power of 41.2 %. Thus, the most correlated single firm benchmark dominates for most practical sample sizes, and in addition, the simplicity of the sign test is appealing.

The findings have important implications for future research. For long-horizon event studies with a large sample, it is likely to be more fruitful to spend efforts on understanding the characteristics of the sample firms, than on implementing various sophisticated testing procedures. The simulation results here show that the commonly used tests following both the Fama-French calendar-time approach and the buy-and-hold benchmark approach perform reasonably well. In a recent paper, Butler and Wan (2010) reexamine the long-run underperformance of bond-issuing firms and find that straight debt and convertible debt issuers appear to have systematically better liquidity than benchmark firms, and controlling for liquidity by having an additional matching criterion eliminates the underperformance. This resonates well with Barber and Lyon’s (1997) suggestion that “as future research in financial economics discovers additional variables that explain the cross-sectional variation in common stock returns, it will also be important to consider these additional variables when matching sample firms to control firms” (pp. 370–71). One reason why the benchmark with a single most correlated firm performs well in our simulations may be that returns of highly correlated firms are likely to move in tandem in response to changes in risk factors that are well known, such as the market, size, and book-to-market ratio, but also changes in other factors, such as industry, liquidity, momentum, and seasonality.

On the other hand, for long-horizon event studies with a small sample, it may be necessary to use a wide range of tests and interpret their outcome with care. This prompts researchers to continue searching for better test statistics. For example, Kolari and Pynnonen (2010) find that even relatively low cross-correlation among abnormal returns in a short event window causes serious over-rejection of the null hypothesis. They propose both cross-correlation and volatility-adjusted as well as cross-correlation-adjusted scaled test statistics and demonstrate that these statistics perform well in samples of 50 firms. It is an open and interesting question whether these statistics have high power in long-horizon event studies with a small sample.