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1 Introduction

Congenital disorders of the cutaneous layers and ­appendages are most often hereditary and are associated with extracutaneous alterations, as components of complex syndromes, and are expressed clinically at birth or early infancy; once the linkage to specific gene mutations has been established, the disorders are classified as “genodermatoses” [1]. Developmental alterations of the skin generally exhibit marked pleomorphism, affecting single or multiple body segments, with dermatome(s) restrictions characteristic for some disorders [2]. Because multi-structural involvement is common and can be non-discernable clinically on imaging studies, ultrasound may become particularly essential for both diagnosis and follow-up of these patients.

2 Pathology

2.1 Pits, Fistulae, and Sinus

These congenital malformations of the head and neck result from the failure to close of the first and second branchial arches that form the external ear canal; inheritance is autosomal dominant incomplete, with low penetrance and variable expression [1]. Defective arch closure results in the formation of unilateral or bilateral pits, sinuses, or fistulae in front of the pinna, varying in size from small dimples (preauricular pits) to large and deep lesions (sinuses or fistulae). Sonography of the skin, in addition to determining the lesion relationships to regional anatomic landmarks (superficial temporal artery, anterior crus of the helix or tragus), can accurately assess lesion extension delineating sinusal tracts that show as hypoechoic structures with occasionally inner echoes from debris and peri-lesional increases in ­vascularity. Clinically, preauricular pits present as shallow invaginations on the skin anterior to the border of the crus of the helix (auricular cartilage) that may chronically discharge foul-smelling cheesy desquamated keratin debris. Preauricular fistulae or sinuses are deeper than the pit and lined by stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium; they may present with recurrent swelling from episodes of infection and purulent discharge. When the preauricular sinus opening is occluded, the sinusal cavity becomes dilated and turns into a cyst. Approximately 3–10 % of preauricular sinuses are manifestations of complex disorders, in particular, deafness and branchio-oto-renal (BOR) syndrome; thus, auditory testing and renal ultrasound should be considered at the time of diagnosis. While surgery is the preferred treatment, patients without pre-surgical ultrasound have recurrence rates of 9–42 %; in contrast, pre-operative planning that includes ultrasound has not been associated with reports of recurrences [24] (Figs. 3.1 and 3.2).

Fig. 3.1
figure 00031

(ac) Preauricular sinus. (a) Clinical image shows a small dimple in the right pre-auricular region (arrow). (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) demonstrates 1.7 cm long hypoechoic sinus tract (*) located superficial to the temporal vessels and closely attached to the anterior aspect of the cartilage of the pinna (c). (c). Color Doppler ultrasound image (transverse view, higher level) shows vascularity in the periphery of the sinus tract (*) and also the temporal artery and vein in the vicinity. Abbreviation: d dermis, ta temporal artery, tv temporal vein

Fig. 3.2
figure 00032

(ac) Dilated preauricular sinus. (a) Clinical image shows a small pit in the left pre-auricular region. (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) demonstrates dilated hypoechoic sinus tract (*) attached to the anterior aspect of the cartilage. (c) Color Doppler ­ultrasound image (transverse view) shows increased blood flow in the periphery of the sinus (*) and partial involvement (interruption, arrows) of the cartilage. Abbreviations: d dermis, c cartilage, ta temporal artery

2.2 Cysts

2.2.1 Branchial Clefts or Cysts

Brachial clefts or cysts are also the result of improper ­closure of branchial archs (most commonly the second arch), appearing as lesions in the upper neck, usually along the sternocleidomastoideus muscle. When presenting as cystic formations, they can drain externally or internally to the pharynx [4]. In most cases the sonographic appearance is that of well-defined cysts with wall thicknesses that range from almost imperceptible to very thick. Most ­commonly, cysts are anechoic and unilocular; hypoechoic forms with internal echoes or even hyperechoic with a pseudosolid appearance have also been described, and a multiloculated appearance with septations may occasionally be seen. The posterior acoustic enhancement typical of cystic entities is detected in up to 70 % of the lesions. Branchial clefts or tracts, usually seen as hypoechoic tortuous bands, can be connected to a cyst with or without debris, or septations [5, 6] (Fig. 3.3).

Fig. 3.3
figure 00033

(ac) Branchial cyst. (a) Clinical image shows a lump (arrows) in the right retroauricular region. (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, longitudinal view) demonstrates large anechoic cystic structure (*, arrows) with thick hypoechoic walls (o) located in the subcutaneous tissue. (c) Histology (HE zoom × 40 courtesy of Dr. Laura Carreño) shows a cystic cavity surrounded by stroma and epithelium with a rich lymphocytic component that conforms follicular nodules with germinal centers

2.2.2 Thyroglossal Cysts or Ducts

Thyroglossal cyst or duct anomalies result from defective migration of thyroid tissue from the base of the tongue to the anterior-lower neck, and may present as localized swelling in children or young adults. Cyst locations range from the tongue and submandibular regions to the suprahyoid area, hyoid bone, or infrahyoid region. On sonograms, ­thyroglossal cysts are well-circumscribed round or oval-shaped structures in the anterior neck close to the midline, most commonly anechoic, but hypoechoic; mixed patterns can also be seen. Most cysts have thin walls and show posterior acoustic enhancement; debris content noted occasionally represents proteinaceous secretion by the epithelial lining [79] (Fig. 3.4).

Fig. 3.4
figure 00034

(ad) Thyroglossal cyst. (a) Clinical image shows a bump in the anterior aspect of the neck in a psoriatic patient. (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) demonstrates a well-defined oval-shaped anechoic structure (*, between markers) attached to the anterior aspect of the trachea close to the midline of the neck. (c) 3D ultrasound image (transverse view) of the same lesion (*). (d) Histology (HE zoom × 100 courtesy of Dr. Claudia Morales) shows the wall of the cyst composed by a layer of cylindrical ciliary epithelium (arrowhead), thyroid follicles (arrow) and fibrous stroma. Abbreviations: d dermis, st subcutaneous, t trachea

2.2.3 Broncogenic Cysts

Broncogenic cysts are cutaneous sequestrations of the ­respiratory epithelium and present as mostly asymptomatic solitary nodules; malignant transformation is exceptional, and sometimes they have connecting tracts to the epidermis that drain mucoid secretion. Broncogenic cysts are usually located in the supraesternal region, and rarely in the lateral neck or even the scapular region. On sonograms, the lesions are thick-walled, round- or oval- shaped, anechoic, or hypoechoic lesions. When the lesions become inflamed, vascularity can be increased at the periphery of the cysts [1012] (Fig. 3.5).

Fig. 3.5
figure 00035

(ad) Broncogenic cyst. (a) Clinical image of the patient that presents a palpable lump in the sternal region (arrow). (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) shows oval shaped solid-cystic structure (between markers) in the subcutaneous tissue. The anechoic band corresponds to the cystic area and the hypoechoic region with the solid component. (c) Color Doppler ultrasound image (transverse view) demonstrates tiny vessels in the periphery and no detectable vascularity within the mass. (d) 3D reconstruction ultrasound image (transverse view) of the broncogenic cyst. Abbreviations: e epidermis, d dermis, st subcutaneous tissue, m muscle, c cystic, s solid

2.2.4 Dermoid Cysts

Dermoid cysts are typically found along the skull bone fusion lines (e.g., anterior fontanel, lateral frontal region, tail of the eyebrow, or submandibular region) presenting as non-tender and firm nodules, with sometimes bluish discoloration of the covering skin. Imaging studies are mandatory in dermoid cysts of the midline (nose, occipital region, or vertebral spine) to exclude the presence of tracts connecting to the central nervous system. At ultrasound examination the cysts are round or oval-shaped, anechoic, or of mixed echogenicity (anechoic- hypoechoic) sometimes with thick walls and with increased vascularity at the periphery when inflamed (Figs. 3.6 and 3.7). At times, floating bodies can appear in the cystic fluid that represent hypoechoic fat lobules, also called the “sac-of- marble” sign. Calcium deposits can also be found within dermoid cysts and show as hyperechoic deposits with fluidic movements upon compression [1315].

Fig. 3.6
figure 00036

(ad) Small dermoid cyst. (a) Clinical image shows a tiny nodule in the right ciliar region. (b) Ultrasound image (transverse view) demonstrates a 2.1 mm well defined round-shaped anechoic cyst (between markers). Notice the hyperechoic line (arrow) on top of the cyst that corresponds to the hair tract also visible in the clinical image. (c) Color Doppler ultrasound image shows a small vessel in the periphery and no vascularity within the cyst. (d) 3D reconstruction of the cyst (*). Abbreviations: e epidermis, d dermis, om and m orbicular muscle of the eyelid

Fig. 3.7
figure 00037

(ac) Large dermoid cyst. (a) Clinical image shows a swelling in the right ciliar region. (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) demonstrates well-defined oval-shaped anechoic cystic structure (*) that produces posterior acoustic enhancement artifact (arrow). (c) Color Doppler ultrasound image shows no vascularity within the cyst and scarce vascularity in the periphery

2.3 Hemangiomas of Infancy and Congenital Hemangiomas

Hemangiomas of infancy or common hemangiomas, the most frequent tumors found in infants, appear shortly after birth and go through an active growth phase over the first 2 years, ending in a slowly evolving involutional phase. Hemangiomas consist of localized endothelial proliferations in superficial or deep skin layers that can be highly localized segment-restricted tumors, or distributed through multiple locations. Hemangiomas are sometimes manifestations of dysmorphic conditions, such as in PHACES syndrome (­posterior fossa malformations, hemangiomas of the cervicofacial region, arterial anomalies, cardiac anomalies, eye anomalies, and occasionally, sternal defects). The most common brain abnormality associated with PHACES is the Dandy–Walker malformation (of the cerebellar vermis), although hemangioma-associated anomalies may affect all the major cerebral arteries; coarctation of the transverse aorta in the great vessels is the most common arterial anomaly, and congenital heart defects, optic nerve hypoplasia, and abnormal retinal vessels have been also described. Complications of hemangiomas of infancy include ulceration, bleeding, infection, and scarring [16, 17].

The term “congenital hemangioma” was introduced to denote other less common types of hemangiomas that attain maximal size at birth without further postnatal growth. These tumors are classified according to their postnatal evolution into RICH (rapidly involuting congenital hemangiomas) and NICH (non-involuting congenital hemangiomas). RICH are more common, with the majority disappearing completely by the age of 12 months; NICH display a pattern of growth proportional to the physical growth and require eventual excision. RICH and NICH test negative for the endothelial tissue marker glucose transporter-1 protein, also called GLUT-1. This differs from the common hemangioma of infancy that tests positive for the same marker. RICH and NICH generally present clinically as large masses in the head or near a joint in the limbs with violaceous discoloration, prominent venous vessels, and telangiectasias [17, 18]. On histology, RICH are composed of variably sized vascular conglomerates around a central draining vein and adjacent fibrosis usually without microfistula or hobnailed endothelium. NICH commonly present as large conglomerates of small vessels with arteriovenous or arteriolymphatic microfistulae or hobnailed endothelial cells, often with regressive endothelial changes such as dystrophic calcifications and fibrosis [19]. On ultrasound, both hemangiomas of infancy and congenital hemangiomas appear as ill-defined masses, but congenital hemangiomas usually consist of a single large tumor. The sonographic appearance of hemangiomas of infancy depends on the activity phase: in the active growth phase the highly vascular proliferating tumoral areas appear hypoechoic, while the pattern becomes heterogeneous during the involution phase to end as a mostly hyperechoic and hypovascular or avascular structure (Figs. 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11). Arterial and venous blood flow are usually detected within common hemangiomas of infancy, but arteriovenous shunts (arterialized venous flow) are typical of the proliferative phases. Calcifications (phleboliths), which are rarely founded in common hemangiomas of infancy, are more common in congenital hemangiomas. [19].Of interest, both RICH and NICH may show on color Doppler prominent venous vascularity that may extend to the local muscles that become swollen and congested, hardening the tumor to palpation, sometimes simulating a malignant tumor (Figs. 3.12 and 3.13). Therefore, variations in echogenicity, type of vessels, and presence or absence of calcifications, albeit subtle, can tilt the diagnosis in borderline cases toward common hemangioma of infancy or RICH/NICH congenital hemangiomas [20, 21]. Ultrasound is also important in evaluating the involvement of deeper structures such as tendons, muscles, cartilage, or bone.

Fig. 3.8
figure 00038

(ag) Hemangioma. (a) Clinical image of the lesion in the frontal region. (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) shows hypoechoic and heterogenous mass (*) that presents ill- defined borders and involves dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The most hypoechoic area corresponds to the most proliferative part of the hemangioma. (c) Color Doppler ultrasound image (transverse view) shows prominent blood flow within the mass. (d) Power Doppler image (transverse view) ­demonstrates increased and slow flow vascularity. (e) 3D power Doppler reconstruction shows the vessels within the lesion. (f) 3D ultrasound reconstruction of the lesion (*). (g) Histology (HE zoom × 20 courtesy of Dr. Laura Carreño) shows marked proliferation of vessels presenting variable thickness. Arteriolar vessels (arrowhead) and venous vessels (arrow) are detected. Abbreviations: e epidermis, d dermis, st subcutaneous tissue, m epicranius muscle, bm bony margin of the skull

Fig. 3.9
figure 00039

(af) Hemangioma in proliferative phase. (a) Clinical image of a lesion in the chin. (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) shows hypoechoic mass (*) that involves dermis and subcutaneous tissue. (c) Color Doppler ultrasound image (transverse view) demonstrates high presence of vascularity within the mass. (d) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse panoramic wide view) shows the hypoechoic mass within the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, and also a deeper involvement composed by the hypoechoic tissue superficial to the bony margin of the mandible (bm). (e) Ultrasound image (gray scale, longitudinal panoramic wider view) demonstrates the mass (*) in the other axis. (f) Color Doppler ultrasound image (longitudinal panoramic view) shows the increased vascularity within the superficial and deep components of the hemangioma

Fig. 3.10
figure 000310

Gray scale sonographic grading of echogenicity during the different phases of hemangiomas

Fig. 3.11
figure 000311

Color Doppler sonographic grading of vascularity during the different phases of hemangiomas

Fig. 3.12
figure 000312figure 000312

(ae) RICH (Rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma). (a) Clinical image of a lesion in the leg in a baby, 1 week after birth. (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, longitudinal view) shows a 5.9 cm long hypoechoic mass (*) affecting the cutaneous layers of the leg. Notice the thick anechoic and tortuous venous vessels at the bottom of the lesion. (c) Ultrasound image (gray scale, longitudinal view at a deeper focal zone) shows ingurgitation of the lateral gastrocnemius muscle with prominent venous vessels. (d) Power Doppler ultrasound image (longitudinal view) demonstrates increased vascularity within the lesion. (e) Color Doppler ultrasound image (longitudinal view) shows venous flow within a thick lesional vessel. Abbreviations: v venous ­vessels, m lateral gastrocnemius muscle

Fig. 3.13
figure 000313

(ae) RICH (Rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma). (a) Clinical image of an ulcerated RICH lesion in the leg (male baby, 2 months old). (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) shows hypoechoic and slightly heterogenous lesion (*) that involves all the cutaneous layers. Notice the increased hyperechogenicity in parts of the epidermis and the hypoechogenictity of the dermis and ­subcutaneous tissue. (c) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse panoramic view) demonstrates the lobulated shape and the central depression of the lesion (*). (d) Color Doppler ultrasound image (transverse view) shows the increased vascularity within the lesional area (*). (e) 3D ultrasound reconstruction of the congenital hemangioma (*)

2.4 Vascular Malformations

Vascular malformations (VM) present as localized or diffuse defects that reflect defective morphogenesis and do not correspond to actual vascular tumors. The overall incidence of VM is 1.5 %, evenly distributed by sex and race; approximately two thirds are venous, and one third are arterial, capillary, lymphatic, or mixed. According to blood flow velocity, VM can be classified into high-flow (i.e., arterial and arterio-venous lesions), and low-flow (i.e., venous, lymphatic, and capillary entities) [2225].

Unlike hemangiomas, VM remain basically unchanged after birth and are characterized by progressive ectasia of vascular structures resulting from increases in vessel diameter. Venous structures can be more selectively affected in complex congenital syndromes that include Sturge-Weber (angiomatosis encephalotrigeminal) and Cobb (cutaneomeningospinal angiomatosis) syndromes, as well as the Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita, Phacomatosis Pigmentovascularis, Blue Rubber Bleb, Parkes-Weber, Maffuci, Klippel-Trenaunay, and Proteus syndromes (Table 3.1) [22].

Table 3.1 Congenital syndromes associated with vascular ­malformations [22]

VM are generally attributed to sporadic mutations; for example, in Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome, the associated genetic defect is the translocation t (8; 14) (q 22.3; q 13), whereas in the Proteus syndrome there appears to exist a mosaic expression of an activating mutation in AKT1 kinase [22]. The histology of VM shows normal-appearing endothelium, with the vascular expansion related to hypertrophy and not hyperplasia of the vascular tissue.

On color Doppler ultrasound, VM are seen as tubular anechoic structures (arterial, venous, arterio-venous), pseudocystic anechoic structures (arterial, venous or lymphatic), or focal hyperechoic areas without discernible vessels (capillary) (Figs. 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17, and 3.18). Flat capillary lesions such as Port Wine stains can sometimes appear as dermal areas of low echogenicity or as focal hyperechoic spots or refringence areas in the epidermis; nevertheless, when the lesions are extremely flat and superficial they ultimately may become undetectable on ultrasound. Phle-boliths are seen as hyperechoic calcified spots and often present point to venous origin which can be further supported by the addition of spectral curve analysis to determine type and velocity of the blood flow, whereas pressure with the probe may also help by identifying the easily compressible venous malformations. VM are occasionally complicated by thrombosis (especially venous), that can be detectable on ultrasound as hypoechoic material within the lumen with absent flow on spectral curve analysis and lack of compressibility under probe pressure. VM may also produce local areas of subcutaneous fat hypertrophy or musculoskeletal overgrowth related to the chronic increase in blood flow and more rarely, result in segmental cutaneous atrophy. These reactive phenomena are readily detectable with ultrasound.

Fig. 3.14
figure 000314

(ad) Arterial vascular malformation. (a) Clinical image of a patient presenting with two erythematous bumps in the left ear pinna. (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) at the most lateral and large bump demonstrates hypoechoic lesion (between markers) with anechoic tubular and pseudocystic areas (*) that partially involves the cartilage. (c) Color Doppler ultrasound image (panoramic transverse view) demonstrates increased vascularity within the two focal lesions (between markers). (d) Color Doppler spectral curve analysis shows 20.5 cm/s arterial peak systolic velocity within the lesions

Fig. 3.15
figure 000315figure 000315

(ad) Arterial vascular malformation. (a) Clinical image shows a erythematous lump in the right nasofold line. (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) demonstrates multiple anechoic tubules and pseudocystic areas (*) in the subcutaneous tissue. (c) Color Doppler ultrasound image (transverse view) shows turbulent flow within the anechoic tubules and pseudocystic areas. (d) Color Doppler spectral curve analysis shows high arterial flow (43.9 cm/s peak systolic velocity) within the nest of vessels

Fig. 3.16
figure 000316figure 000316

(ag) Venous vascular malformation. (a, b) Clinical images of the lesions at the lower lip and tongue. (c) Ultrasound image (gray scale, longitudinal view) at the lower lip shows multiple anechoic tubular and pseudocystic structures affecting the dermis and the orbicular muscle of the lip. (d) Color Doppler ultrasound image demonstrates increased flow within the tubular and pseudocystic areas. (e) Color Doppler spectral curve analysis shows venous flow within the structures. (f) Ultrasound transverse view in the right aspect of the floor of the oral cavity shows similar anechoic structures. (g) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) of the right peribuccal region shows anechoic tubular tracts (*) and a hyperechoic calcified phlebolith (arrows)

Fig. 3.17
figure 000317figure 000317

(af) Venous vascular malformation in Proteous syndrome. (a) Clinical image of a patient with Proteus syndrome. (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view at the right thoracic region) shows multiple anechoic pseudocystic structures (*) in the subcutaneous tissue. (c) Color Doppler ultrasound image (transverse view, right thoracic region) demonstrates scarce flow within the pseudocystic areas. (d) Color Doppler ­spectral curve analysis shows low monophasic venous flow in some of the structures. (e) Ultrasound image (longitudinal view, left thigh) ­demonstrates lack of subcutaneous tissue and direct contact between the dermis and the muscular compartment in a perilesional region. (f) Histology (HE ×20 zoom, courtesy of Dr. Laura Carreño) shows multiple dilated and tortuous vessels with thin walls and blood filled lumen (*). Abbreviations: e epidermis, d dermis, st subcutaneous tissue, m muscle

Fig. 3.18
figure 000318

(ae) Lymphatic vascular malformation. (a) Clinical image of a lesion in the right arm. The scar in the axilla corresponds to a previous surgical removal of the malformation (without pre-surgical ultrasound). (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view at the right arm) shows multiple round and oval-shaped anechoic structures (*) of variable sizes in the subcutaneous tissue. (c) Color Doppler ultrasound image (transverse view) demonstrates lack of detectable blood flow within the structures. (d) 3D ultrasound image (longitudinal view) of the lesional area (*). (e) Histology (HE 10× zoom courtesy of Dr. Claudia Morales) shows dilated endothelial spaces without content and smooth muscle cell. Abbreviations: e epidermis, d dermis, st subcutaneous tissue, m muscle

2.5 Aplasia Cutis

As implied by the name, aplasia cutis (AC) is characterized by the local absence (partial or total) of skin at birth; it affects more often the scalp especially the parietal regions. AC is a single lesion in 70 % of the patients, affecting multiple areas in the remaining 30 %. AC lesions involving the midline are considered markers for an incomplete fusion of the neural tube [26, 27]. AC generally present clinically as small round or starry erosion or ulceration with superficial scarring, as blisters draining serous fluid, or as a cutaneous defect or depression covered by a thin and bright membrane (membranous aplasia cutis) [28]. AC is rarely associated with an underlying bony defect that could potentially increase the rate of complications [29]. Sonography in AC usually shows subcutaneous tissue atrophy, dermal hypoechogenicity, and sometimes thinning of the dermis (Fig. 3.19). Although unusual, it is important to exclude the occurrence of subjacent bony defects under the cutaneous lesion, particularly in the scalp; because the meningeal layers can be in direct contact with the dermis, which can be a potential threat for the development of meningitis.

Fig. 3.19
figure 000319

(ac) Aplasia cutis. (a) Clinical image of the lesional area showing two depression sites at the posterior aspect of the left elbow. (b) Ultrasound image (longitudinal view) demonstrates a focal lack of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the lesional area (*). Notice the close ­contact between the dermis and the cartilage of the olecranon process. (c) 3D ultrasound image (longitudinal view) of the same lesion (*). Abbreviations: e epidermis, d dermis, st subcutaneous tissue, c cartilage

2.6 Buske-Ollendorf Disease

Buske-Ollendorf disease, also called lenticular dermatofibrosis, is a genetic condition with an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance, and results from mutations in the gene LEMD (12q14). Clinically, it is characterized by the presence of yellow colored skin papules in the dorsum of the hands, trunk, gluteal and lumbosacral regions [3034]; furthermore, x-ray projections show isolated bony condensations or sclerosis (osteopoikilosis or osteopathia condensans disseminate) most commonly in the epiphyseal and metaphyseal regions of long bones, or in local clusters in the carpal or tarsal bones [35]. Sonography of the papules shows focal hypoechogenicity with dermal thickening, and usually, a hypovascular pattern on color Doppler ultrasound studies (Fig. 3.20).

Fig. 3.20
figure 000320

(ad) Bushke-Ollendorf disease. (a) Clinical lesion in the left gluteal region. (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view, left gluteal region) shows hypoechoic dermal thickening (*). (c, d) Radiographs (anteroposterior view) of the left foot (c) and left hand (d) demonstrate multiple hyperdense calcified deposits (arrows) that ­correspond to the associated osteopoikilosis. Abbreviations: d dermis, st subcutaneous tissue

2.7 Lipoid Proteinosis

Lipoid proteinosis, also called lipoidoproteinosis or Urbach-Wiethe disease (U-W), represents an autosomal recessive genetic disorder apparently caused by a mutation in a gene localized in chromosome 1q21 that codes for ECM1, a protein in the extracellular matrix [36]. Clinically, it appears as white or yellow papules in the tongue, lips, and vocal cords that results in hoarseness and weak crying. It is manifested during infancy by vesicles and hemorrhagic crusts on the face, trunk, axilla, groin, elbows, dorsum of the hands, palm of the hands, and/or soles of the feet and extremities; upon healing, the lesions may leave varioliform scars or yellow-colored hyperkeratotic plaques. Involvement of the scalp can result in scarring alopecia. Lipoid proteinosis can result in blending of the papules (moniliform blepharosis) in the free border of the eyelid. This condition can also manifest by the production of hyaline deposits in the cornea, conjuntival region, and retina (Bruch’s membrane) resulting in corneal opacities and secondary glaucoma from disruption of the trabecular meshwork. Diffuse lesional infiltration of the pharynx and larynx may result in dysphagia and respiratory insufficiency [3740].

Sonography of the papules shows localized thickening and hypoechogenicity of the dermis or equivalent submucosal regions. On color Doppler ultrasound, blood flow can be increased overall within the lesional tissue, although typically with slow-flow vessels. Hyperechogenicity from lesional involvement of the vocal cords (deposits of lipoproteins) may explain the occasional development of dysphonia (Fig. 3.21). Skull radiographs and CT may show comma-shaped intracranial calcifications in the temporal regions [41].

Fig. 3.21
figure 000321

(ad) Lipoid proteinosis. (a) Clinical white papules in the mucosa of the lip. (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) shows a submucosal hypoechoic deposit (*, between markers) in the lower lip superficially located to the orbicularis oris muscle. (c) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) shows the normal ­sonographic echogenicity of the vocal cords. (d) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) demonstrates increased echogenicity of the vocal cords (*) in lipoid proteinosis. Abbreviations: sm submucosa, mo orbicularis oris muscle of the lip

2.8 Neurofibromatosis

Neurofibromatosis (NF) belongs to the group of phakomatoses (i.e., hereditary developmental anomalies of ectodermal tissues), and are nerve tumors that appear as hamartomas disseminated throughout the skin [4246]. The genetic mutations causing NF occasionally occur de novo; the inheritance is autosomal dominant with variable penetration [42, 43].

Although eight different subtypes of NF have been recognized, NF-1 and NF-2 account for 99 % of cases. NF-1 (von Recklinhausen’s disease), the most common presentation, is characterized by the presence of multiple café-au-lait spots in the skin, peripheral neurofibromas, and pigmented hamartomas of the iris (Lisch nodules). NF-2 accounts for 10 % of cases and affects the central nervous system in addition to the skin, inducing bilateral acoustic neurinomas, meningiomas, and spinal tumors [44].

Morphologically, there are three forms of presentation of cutaneous neurofibromas: localized, plexiform, and diffuse. Localized neurofibromas appear sonographically as ovoid or fusiform hypoechoic nodules, and although originating from a neural tract in only 50 % of cases, it is possible to define the central afferent and efferent neural branches of the nodule. Thus, the difficult differential diagnosis with another neurogenic tumor, schwannoma may be possible when eccentrically located afferent and efferent tracts characteristic of the latter tumor, are clearly identified sonographically. Vascularity of localized neurofibromas ranges from hypo- to hypervascular on color Doppler ultrasound; the presence of increased vascularity may be associated with hemorrhagic episodes appearing as highly localized fluid-containing anechoic areas within the lesions (Fig. 3.22).

Fig. 3.22
figure 000322

(ad) Localized neurofibroma. (a) Swelling at the left wing of the nose. (b) Café-au-lait spots in the left forearm of the same patient. (c) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) shows hypoechoic dermal nodule (*) in the left wing of the nose. (d) Color Doppler ultrasound image (transverse view) demonstrates a few vessels within the nodule. (e) Histology (HE zoom × 20, courtesy of Dr. Laura Carreño) shows a circumscribed nodule without encapsulation and with interlacing bundles of cells with ovoid-to-spindle nuclei with shorter fusiform contours and collagen fibrils. Abbreviations: d dermis, c nasal cartilage

Because plexiform neurofibromas involve long nerve segments and branches, the tumors adopting a serpentine structure are better described as “bag of worms”. Ultrasound shows the affected nerves and branches as multiple and tortuous hypoechoic tracts, commonly hypovascular on color Doppler ultrasound (Fig. 3.23).

Fig. 3.23
figure 000323

(ac) Plexiform neurofibroma. (a) Clinical image of child with café-au-lait spots in the medial aspect of the ankle. The child presented difficulties for walking. (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view, medial aspect of the ankle) shows multiple hypoechoic round-shaped structures (*) following the course of the posterior tibial nerve and its branches. (c) Ultrasound image (gray scale, longitudinal view) demonstrates the thick fascicles (*) that compose an appearance of a “bag of worms”

Diffuse neurofibromas are characterized by infiltrative tumoral growth into the subcutaneous and dermal tissues, with entrapment of structures normally traversing those layers. Sonograms usually show multiple tubular tracts or nodules that are hypoechoic and sometimes interconnected, surrounded by hyperechoic tissue in a plaque-like appearance; anechoic ductal structures may be evident within the lesional tissue. Blood flow patterns ranging from hypo- to hypervascular can be seen on color Doppler ultrasound (Fig. 3.24).

Fig. 3.24
figure 000324

(af) Diffuse neurofibromatosis. (a, b) Clinical image shows multiple café-au-lait spots in the dorsal (a) and right upper extremity (b) regions. (c) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view, right arm) demonstrates a hypoechoic and heterogeneous dermal and subcutaneous plaque-like structure (*) with several hypoechoic tortuous tracts (arrows). (d) Color Doppler ultrasound image (transverse view) shows lack of detectable blood flow within the lesion. (e) Ultrasound image (gray scale, panoramic view) shows the extension of the lesion (between markers) both in dermis and subcutaneous tissue. (f) 3D ultrasound image (transverse view) of the lesion (*). Abbreviations: e epidermis, d dermis, st subcutaneous tissue

Histology shows a myxoid stroma infiltrated by tumoral cells and fibroblasts with occasional prominent vessels. In the diffuse form of NF, atypical Schwann cells with short fusiform contours are interspersed within a uniform matrix of fibrillar collagen [4547].

2.9 Neural Fibrolipomatosis

Neural fibrolipomatosis is considered a congenital tumor of the peripheral nerves (hamartoma) which undergo secondary adipose tissue infiltration. Most frequently it affects the median nerve (85 %), but may occasionally involve the acoustic, brachial, ulnar, and radial nerves or small nerve branches in the extremities [48, 49]. Clinically, neural fibrolipomatosis presents with diffuse or localized swelling adjacent to the affected nerves. It is associated with Lipomatous Macrodystrophia, a syndrome with circumscribed overgrowth of mesenchymal tissue that can, for example, affect the fingers (macrodactyly) [5052].

Sonography shows the enlargement of small cutaneous nerve branches as hypoechoic tracts within the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, usually without accompanying hypervascularity on color Doppler. Involvement of larger nerves may also be detected (Fig. 3.25).

Fig. 3.25
figure 000325

(ac) Neural fibrolipomatosis. (a) Clinical image of a child presenting macrodactyly in the right hand. (b) Ultrasound image (gray scale, longitudinal view at the thenar eminence) shows hypoechoic ill-defined pseudonodules and tracts (*) in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. (c) Ultrasound image (gray scale, transverse view) demonstrates the hypoechoic tortuous tracts and hyperechogenicity of the surrounding tissue. Abbreviations: d dermis, st subcutaneous tissue, m muscle

2.10 Ichthyosis

Ichthyosis is a heterogeneous group of disorders of epidermal cornification, both inherited and acquired, that share the manifestations of generalized hyperkeratosis and/or scaling of the skin. Vulgar ichthyosis is the most common form, and also the mildest form, characterized by only slight scaling that spares the intertriginous areas and face. More severe forms of ichthyosis include X-chromosome linked recessive icthyosis, lamellar icthyosis, bullous erythrodermic icthyosis, and Harlechin-type icthyosis, that present with ectropion (eversion of the eyelids) of varying degrees, eclabion (eversion of the lips), and hypoplasia of nasal and auricular cartilages. The scalp can be covered with thick scales and also palmoplantar keratoderma (thickening of the skin of the palms and soles) and ungual dystrophies such as onychogriphosis (thickening and increased curvature of the nail), ungual keratosis (thickening of the ungual plates), and ungual fissures or sulcus that may also involve the skin. As a functional consequence of the cutaneous alterations, there can be severe interference with the perspiration process resulting in hyperthermia, hypothermia, or dehydration; there is even an increased potential for the development of toxic effects while using topical dermatologic products [53]. The skin manifestations of ichthyosis are amenable to examination and quantification with ultrasound and thus, it is ­possible to objectively assess the results of commonly used systemic and topical therapies.

Congenital autosomal recessive ichthyosis (CARI) or lamellar variant results from mutations in at least three chromosomal loci. This is generally compatible with normal life expectancy. It has an unusual phenotype typically diagnosed at birth by a characteristic appearance: babies with CARI are born with marked erythrodermia encased in a collodion-like membrane that appears as an extra layer of skin (babies with collodion); the membrane is shed in 2–3 weeks and replaced with darker brownish-gray color scales [54, 55]. Histology shows epidermal hyperkeratosis and hyperplasia. The unremarkable granular layer of the epidermis does not show signs of inflammation.

The Harlequin-type ichthyosis is of particular interest because it can be diagnosed sonographically while still in utero with the finding of “uneven skin” on prenatal ultrasound [5661]. Postnatal ultrasound of the skin displays diffuse epidermal thickening with hyperechogenicity; there is also diffuse thickening of the nail plates in all fingernails and toenails with absent interplate space (the hypoechoic space that normally separates the ventral and dorsal ungual plates). The epidermis of the plantar regions appears as a single thick hyperechoic layer instead of the normal bilaminar pattern. Blood flow is generally normal (Fig. 3.26) [62].

Fig. 3.26
figure 000326

(ag) Ichthyosis. (a) Clinical image shows the ectropion (eversion of the eyelids) in the right eye and the scalp covered with thick scales. (b) Clinical image of the plantar keratoderma (thickening and scaling of the skin of the soles). (c) Clinical image showing ungual dystrophies and ungual keratosis (thickening of the ungual plates). (d) Ultrasound image (gray scale, right plantar region) demonstrates thickening of the epidermis that lose the normal bilaminar pattern. (e) 3D ultrasound image (transverse view, plantar region) shows the epidermal thickening. (f) 3D ultrasound image (longitudinal view) demonstrates the thickening of the nail plate that lose the normal bilaminar pattern. (g) Histology (HE 40 × zoom courtesy of Dr. Claudia Morales) shows epidermal hyperkeratosis and hyperplasia. Notice the thickening of the epidermal stratum corneum (sc) without inflammation. Abbreviations: e epidermis, d dermis, st subcutaneous tissue, pl nail plate, n nail bed, pnf proximal nail fold, dph distal phalanx