
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Building a search application for source code available on the Web can be a major undertaking. The specificities and needs for code search pose interesting opportunities and challenges to build effective code search applications. For example, unlike natural language text, source code has an inherent scarcity of terms that describe the underlying implementation. From an information retrieval perspective source code can be much harder artifact to retrieve if we rely solely on the terms that are present in it. On the other hand, source code has rich structure compared to natural language text. The structure comes from the organization of source code entities in the implementation, and also the various relations that exist among those entities. As a result, code search applications can leverage structural information extracted from source code for effective retrieval.

Sourcerer is an infrastructure that facilitates collection, analysis, and searching of source code harnessing its inherent structural information. This chapter provides details on the aspects of Sourcerer that makes it a unique state-of-the-art platform to build code search applications. Rest of the chapter is organized as follows. Section 8.2 provides an overview of three code search applications that Sourcerer supported, and presents the infrastructure requirements demanded by the code search applications. Section 8.3 introduces the key elements of Sourcerer’s Architecture (Fig. 8.1). Section 8.4 provides an in-depth discussion of various models that lie at the core of Sourcerer’s architecture. Section 8.5 summarizes the contents that are stored in Sourcerer’s repository, and Sect. 8.6 discusses services that allow access to the stored contents. Section 8.7 provides details on the tools developed to build the contents and services in Sourcerer. This chapter concludes by summarizing key features that enabled the three code search applications (Sect. 8.8) and discusses related work in Sect. 8.9.

Fig. 8.1
figure 1figure 1

Elements of Sourcerer infrastructure

2 Infrastructure Requirements for Code Search Applications

Sourcerer enabled building three code search applications during the course of its development. These code search applications put forth various requirements on Sourcerer as a code search infrastructure. Overall, these requirements boil down to three basic functionalities:

  1. 1.

    Collection and Storage: Fetching source code from forges on the Web and storing them locally with required metadata intact.

  2. 2.

    Analysis and Indexing: Extract both lexical (textual) and structural information (entities and relations) from the source code downloaded from the Web.

  3. 3.

    Search and Retrieval: Provide access to underlying contents (source, search index, and structural information) as needed by different applications

The core of these requirements demanded code-specific analyses and heuristics to be incorporated into various models, services and tools. A pragmatic decision was made to only provide support for the Java programming language in Sourcerer to be able to meet these requirements without being overburdened with the complexity of analyzing and supporting all possible programming languages.

Next, we briefly introduce the three code search applications and look at the infrastructure requirements they brought in.

2.1 Sourcerer Code Search Engine

Sourcerer Code Search Engine (SCSE) is a web-based code search engine to find code entities in open source projects. SCSE provides a central user interface, code specific search operators (e.g. limiting search on comments or code portions), and employs a ranking scheme that leverages underlying structure and relations in code. As a code search engine, SCSE aggregates and presents meta-data related to code entities in the search results. This meta-data includes the origin information about the code (i.e. the name and location of the open source project where the code came from), license information, version, and category of the project. SCSE also allows viewing and browsing source code, following usage relations, and provide detail information on code structure (threading properties, Java attributes, and micropatterns [11]).Footnote 1 With these features SCSE allowed a central access to search thousands of open source projects. Implementation of SCSE itself required development and integration of several core infrastructure pieces of Sourcerer. Since its development several commercial applications are now available that offer similar features as Sourcerer. Therefore, the infrastructure requirements for SCSE resemble much similarity to the requirements to build a large-scale code search engine.

2.2 CodeGenie: A Test-Driven Code Search Application

CodeGenie is a code search application that allows a developer to start from a unit test and search for a working set of code entities (classes) that would implement the desired feature as specified in the unit test. CodeGenie is a plugin for Eclipse IDE that works as a Test-Driven Code Search (TDCS) application. TDCS combines the ‘Test-First’ principle of Test-Driven Development with code search. CodeGenie allows a developer to start from an existing unit test that specifies a desired functionality to be implemented. After this, CodeGenie can construct a query from the unit tests, execute a search using the query on Sourcerer, and bring back found code entities. A developer can choose any of the found entity, look at its source code, and merge the code in her workspace to get the desired functionality originally being tested in the unit test. While merging the code, CodeGenie uses a special service provided by Sourcerer, called the code slicing service, that computes and extracts a dependency slice (a set of synthesized code entities that makes the found code entity compilable and workable in the workspace). CodeGenie has features external to the infrastructure that eases the selection and merging process, for example an ‘unmerge’ operation to get rid of previously merged code and select a new entity to be merged in the workspace. CodeGenie relies on Sourcerer for these features to work. For example, CodeGenie provides the merging and unmerging of code entities that came from the dependency slice by using a unique identifier given to the dependency slice by Sourcerer.

2.3 Sourcerer API Search

Sourcerer API Search (SAS) helps developers to find code snippets that serve as API usage examples. Developers working with large frameworks and libraries might not know or remember all APIs available to them. SAS attempts to provide an exploratory search interface to help such developers in finding code snippets to learn the names and usage patterns of APIs to perform certain programming tasks.

There are four major features in SAS that make finding code snippets easier. First, a list of code snippets that show sections of code with auto-generated comments highlighting the APIs that are used (showing their fully qualified names) and their patterns of usage (by showing relations such as calls, instantiations etc.). Second, a list of code entities that constitute the most popular APIs in a given search result; these APIs can be used as filters to narrow down search results. Third, a set of words as tag-cloud with every result set, where the words can be used for query reformulation. These words are picked by analyzing the names of the code entities found, names of the popular APIs used, and names of code entities that are similar to the entities in the result in terms of API usage. Fourth, a more like this feature to find similar code entities based on API usage. This allows users to get recommendation on entities that exhibit similar API usage patterns which is helpful to find more examples once a candidate example (or code entity) is found.

Structural Semantic Indexing (SSI): SAS uses an index with a set of relevant terms mapped to each code entity found in a code collection. These terms are extracted from various places: the source for the entity itself, the source for the APIs that the entity uses, and the source for the code entities that have similar API usage as the code entity. With terms coming from various places the index is able to match queries with relevant code entities (for API examples) even if the source for the entity does not contain all of the terms in the query. The indexing technique used for this is called Structural Semantic Indexing (SSI), and was enabled using various pieces of the Sourcerer infrastructure.

2.4 Infrastructure Requirements

SCSE, being the first and the most general application has the basic requirements. CodeGenie and SAS have some common requirements as SCSE, along with some new ones of their own. The overall infrastructure requirements to build the three different code search applications emerge out as follows:

Common Requirements::


  • Crawling open source forges, extracting project metadata; downloading and checking out source code from open source forges and associating project metadata with the checked out code

  • Language aware parsing of source code to extract structural information (entities and relations)

  • Indexing source code entities to make them searchable

  • Ability to store and retrieve source code for code entities



  • Compute rank using structural and lexical information



  • Code search service that could accept a structured code query, where the query expresses matches on various parts of the code such as class name, method signature, return types, and method arity (number of arguments)

  • Search results at the granularity of code entities such as classes and methods so that the IDE can show types and method signatures in the result pane

  • A special code slicing service that could construct a set of synthesized code entities that makes the retrieved code entity declaratively complete (i.e., all dependencies must be resolved)



  • Data sources to produce an index using SSI

  • For a given set of code entities in search result, ability to get a list of most popular APIs that are used by the code entities

  • For a given code entity, ability to get a list of other code entities that have similar API usage

  • For a given code entity, and a set of APIs, ability to provide details on where and how the APIs are used

3 Infrastructure Architecture

Sourcerer provides the requirements posed by three code search applications through a collection of services. These services provide programmatic access to the underlying data (stored contents) that Sourcerer produces and stores. The format and schema of the data is defined by a set of models that are developed considering various needs for storage and retrieval needed for the services. Sourcerer also consists a set of standalone tools that collect, analyze, produce, and persist the needed contents. Figure 8.1 depicts how services, stored contents, Models, Tools, and (Code Search) Applications constitute Sourcerer’s overall architecture.

4 Models

Three models define the basic mechanisms for storing and retrieving information from the source code available in Sourcerer’s repository.

4.1 Storage Model

The Storage Model defines the structure and physical layout of files in Sourcerer’s local repository. A layered directory structure was chosen for two main reasons. First, it allows projects from the same source to be grouped together, which makes adding or removing contents more straightforward. Second, some sort of branching turned out to be required, not to overburden the file system with tens of thousands of subdirectories in a single directory. The files collected from open source projects are stored in a folder according to the following template:


Above, <repo_root> is a folder assigned as the root of Sourcerer’s file repository. Given the root folder, the individual project files are stored in a two-level directory structure defined by the path fragment <batch>/<id>. <batch> is a top-level folder in the directory structure that indicates a given batch. For example, a crawl from a specific online repository or a collection of fixed number of projects can denote a batch. Inside <batch>, another set of folders exists. Each second-level folder in the local repository, indicated by <id> in the above template, contains the contents of a specific project. Each <id> directory contains a single file and two sub-directories, as shown below:




Above, is a text file that stores the project metadata as a list of name value pairs. download is a folder that contains the compressed file packages that were fetched from the originating repository (e.g., a project’s distribution in Sourceforge). content contains the expanded contents of the download directory. Once the contents of the download directory have been expanded, the directory itself is usually emptied in order to free up space.

The project contents in the content directory can take two different forms, depending on its format in the initial repository. If the project contents are checked out from a remote software configuration management (SCM) system such as svn and cvs, the file located at a relative path path in the originating repository (e.g., Sourceforge) exists in Sourcerer’s file repository at the following absolute path:


Instead, if the project is fetched from a package distribution, a source file can be found in Sourcerer’s file repository at the following absolute path:


Above, package.<i> indicates a unique folder for each ith package that is found in a remote repository. path indicates a relative path of a source code file that is found inside the ith archived package, which is unarchived inside the package.<i> folder.

Project metadata: The file is a generic project description format that generalizes the project metadata from the online repositories. Many attributes in are optional, except for the following:

  • crawledDate: indicates when the crawler picked up the project information

  • originRepositoryUrl: URL of the originating repository; e.g.,

  • name: project’s name as given in the originating repository

  • containerUrl: project’s unique URL in the originating repository

And, one or both of the following: (i) Information on project’s SCM system indicated by scmUrl (ii) Information on project’s source package distributed on the originating repository, as indicated by the following fields:

  • package.size indicating total number of packages distributed.

  • i indicating name of the ith package, where \(1 <= i <= package.size\), and i indicates a unique integer denoting a package number.

  • package.sourceUrl. i indicating the URL to get the ith package from the originating repository.

The example below shows metadata description for a project crawled from Google code hosting.

00 #Thu Sep 24 16:15:01 PDT 2009

01 releaseDate=null

02 name=dlctarea1

03 category=DLC, Java, Netbeans, FileChooser

04 languageGuessed=Java

05 versionGuessed=$SCM

06 scmUrl=svn checkout



07 license=GNU General Public License v2

08 keywords=null

09 sourceUrl=null

10 exractedVersion=$SCM

11 projectDescription=Tarea n\uFFFD 1

12 fileExtensions=null

13 originRepositoryUrl=http\://

14 containerUrl=http\://

15 contentDescription=null

16 crawledDate=2009-Sep-23

Jar Storage: In addition to the top-level batch directories described above, the local repository also contains a single jars directory. The jars directory is structured as follows:




The project subdirectory contains all of the jar files that come packaged with the projects in the main repository. This directory is populated by crawling through the repository itself, and copying every jar found. The copying is done so that these jar files can be modified, if necessary, without altering the original projects. The maven subdirectory contains a mirror of the Maven2 central repositoryFootnote 2 [43]. Lastly, index.txt contains an index that maps from the MD5 hash of a jar file to its location in the directory structure. This index is used to link the jar files from the projects to the files contained in the jars directory.

Sourcerer’s project metadata format enables capturing description of projects and contents across various online repositories.

The Storage Model provides a standard for storing project files in Sourcerer and is not directly used by applications. Applications rely on other higher-level abstractions to access the contents stored in Sourcerer.

4.2 Relational Model

Sourcerer’s relational model defines the basic source code elements and the relations between those elements. It supports a fine-grained representation of the structural information extracted from source code. It also links the code elements/relations with their locations in physical artifacts.

Two major goals guided the design of Sourcerer’s relational model. First, it had to be sufficiently expressive to allow fine-grained structure-based analyses and search over code structure. Second, it had to be efficient and scalable enough to include the large amount of code from thousands of open source projects. To meet these two goals we decided to use an adapted version of Chen et al.’s [7] C++ entity-relationship-based metamodel as Sourcerer’s relational model for source code. In particular, their decision to focus on what they termed a top-level declaration granularity provides a good compromise between the excessive size of finer granularities and the analysis limitations of coarser ones.

The relational model consists of the following five elements: Project, File, Entity, Comment, and Relation.

A Project model element exists for every project contained in Sourcerer’s repository, as well as every unique Jar file. A project therefore contains either a collection of Java source files and jar files, or a collection of class files. A File model element represents these three types of files: source (.java), jar (.jar) or class (.class). Both source and class files are linked to sets of Entities contained within them, and to the Relations that have these entities as their source and target. Jar files, on the other hand, are linked to their corresponding jar projects, which in turn contains all of the Entities and Relations.

An Entity model element either corresponds to an explicit declaration in the source code (e.g., Class, Interface, Method), a Java package,Footnote 3 or Java types that are used but do not correspond to a known explicitly declared type (e.g., Array, Type Variable). An entity type is UNKNOWN when the type cannot be determined due to uncertainty in the analysis. Table 8.1 lists all entity model element types defined in Sourcerer. These types adhere to their standard meaning in Java, as defined in the Java Language Specification (JLS) [12].

Table 8.1 Entity types

A Relation model element represents a dependency between two Entities. A dependency d originating from a source entity s to a target entity t is stored as a Relation r from s to t. Table 8.2 contains a complete list of the relation types with a brief description and example for each. All of the relations are binary, linking a source entity to a target. The source entity for a relation is smallest entity that contains the code that triggers that relation. While containment is clear for most of the entities, it should be noted that FIELDs are considered to contain their initializer code and ENUM CONSTANTs are considered to call their constructors. The source entity is always found within the project being examined. This is not necessarily true of the target entity. It can be a reference to the Java Standard Library or any other external jar. In fact, due to missing dependencies, sometimes it is impossible to resolve the type of the target entity.

Table 8.2 Relation types

A Comment model element represents the comments defined in the Java source code.

Figure 8.2 shows Sourcerer’s relational model using an ER-diagram. It shows the five elements of Sourcerer’s relational model and a set of attributes for each of them. Table 8.3 provides the details on all the attributes of the model elements. Figure 8.2 and Table 8.3 provide information on how the model elements are linked with each other, and how the attributes in the relational model link the relational model elements with the storage model. For example, Project element’s ‘path’ attribute links it to the physical location defined by the storage model.

Fig. 8.2
figure 2figure 2

Sourcerer’s relational model

Table 8.3 Sourcerer’s relational model elements details

Various tools in Sourcerer make use of this information to connect the relational information with the textual contents stored in the physical files.

Entities and Relations are the key elements of the Sourcerer’s relational model that enables code specific search capabilities. Capturing and associating fully qualified names for code entities allows referring and looking up code entities across projects using the FQNs as keys. Therefore, FQNs for entities enables analysis of relations across projects. This led to innovative use of structural information in code search applications such as: (i) computing CodeRank (adaptation of Google’s Pagerank algorithm on code graph) and using it as a ranking heuristic in SCSE, (ii) and using feature vectors made up of FQNs of used entities as a basis to compute usage similarity for entities in SSI.

4.3 Index Model

The Index Model complements Sourcerer’s relational model by facilitating application of information retrieval techniques on the code entities. The index model specifies a Document representation for each code Entity in the relational model. A document in the index model is made up of a collection of Fields. Each field has a name and different types of values associated with them, the most fundamental being a collection of Terms. A term is a basic unit for search/retrieval. Terms are extracted from various parts of an entity, and stored in a corresponding field of a document representing a code entity.

Sourcerer’s information retrieval component is based on the popular Lucene [41] information retrieval engine. Therefore, its index model confirms to how Lucene models its contents. More details on Lucene’s contents model are available in [25].

Fields in Sourcerer’s index models can be categorized into five types:

  1. 1.

    Fields for basic retrieval that store terms coming from various parts of a code entity.

  2. 2.

    Fields for retrieval with signatures that store terms coming from method signatures and also terms that indicate number of arguments a method has.

  3. 3.

    Fields storing metadata, for example the type of the entity, so that a search could be limited to one or more types of entities.

  4. 4.

    Fields that store information to facilitate retrieval based on structural similarity (e.g., fields storing fully qualified names (FQNs) of used entities and terms extracted from similar entities).

  5. 5.

    Fields that pertain to some metric computed on an entity.

  6. 6.

    Fields that store unique identifiers (ids) of entities for navigational/browsing queries

Being based on Lucene, Sourcerer’s index model is quite flexible. Depending on a specific search application, an instance of a Sourcerer’s index schema can have a subset of various field types listed above. The three code search applications built on top of Sourcerer have used code index schemas with different configurations of fields and associated data sources.

Fields for retrieval with signatures allowed precise construction of queries for expressing desired method signatures and relations expected in test cases in CodeGenie. Fields storing retrieval based on structural similarity enabled retrieval schemes in SSI, and more like this queries based on usage in SAS. Rest of the index fields supported basic operations of the code search applications as in SCSE.

4.3.1 Structured Retrieval

Table 8.4 presents a subset of the fields available in the Sourcerer index. Sourcerer’s search index can be searched using Lucene’s query language [25, 41]. The following Lucene query demonstrates how different fields are utilized to express a query that incorporates textual as well as structural information:

Table 8.4 Sample search index fields

  short_name: (day of week)

    AND entity_type: METHOD

    AND m_ret_type_sname_contents: String

    AND m_args_fqn_contents: date

    AND cdef: (date util)

The above query has the following meaning: find a method with terms day, of and date in its short name (or simple name in JLS [12]), that returns a type with short name String, and takes in any number of arguments with term date as part of its argument in their FQNs. This is an example of a query that CodeGenie would construct for a unit test that would have an assertion that looks like:

  Date date = ...


With an index structure that has fields resembling various structural elements in code, Sourcerer provides a code-specific index model.

4.3.2 Code-Specific Retrieval Schemes

Sourcerer’s index model enables implementation of retrieval schemes for a variety of code search applications.

A retrieval scheme tuned for code search takes a query and returns relevant code entities using a combination of code specific heuristics. A heuristic is an idea to associate meaningful terms to code entities.

Consider a source code document in Java as shown in the top right part in Fig. 8.3. If we focus on the method entity (createResource) shown inside the code document, there can be multiple ways to associate meaningful terms to that entity. On the top-left part in Fig. 8.3, several metadata related to the method createResource are shown. For example ‘FQN’ indicating the fully qualified name of the method entity, ‘Used FQNs’ listing the FQNs of the APIs that the code entity uses, and ‘Similar Entity’ indicating another method entity makeIcon that uses the same two APIs as createResource uses.

Fig. 8.3
figure 3figure 3

Heuristics for code retrieval

Lower part of Fig. 8.3 shows how we can define several heuristics that would associate different meaningful terms with the method entity createResource.

The first heuristic ‘Code as Text’ treats source code entities as normal text document. Based on some code specific parsing (such as removing symbols and splitting on camel case) ‘Code as Text’ will associate the following terms with the method entity createResource: create, resource, file, open.

While writing code developers often express their design in some hierarchic fashion; for example the method createResource is defined inside the class entity creatResource that is further defined inside the package util. Programming languages allow expressing such information about hierarchic containment in a naming scheme resulting in fully qualified names (FQNs) for entities. For example, in Java, the FQN of the method createResource is given as follows: util.ResourceManager.createResource(). The second heuristic ‘focus on names’ assumes FQNs express structure and design of code entities, and associate terms extracted from FQNs with code entities.

The third heuristic ‘Specificity’ says that the simple name of the method carries more specific information about a code entity, and therefore terms extracted from simple name should have some higher priority compared to others. This is represented as a boost value (shown as BV in Fig. 8.3) for list of terms associated with ‘Specificity’ heuristics.

The ability to prioritize the heuristics differently allows experimentation and choosing the most effective retrieval performance.

The fourth heuristic ‘Usage’ says that the FQNs of the used entities also carry some important information about the functionality of the code entity, as it is by using these FQNs the entity is implementing some feature in the code. Therefore this heuristic extracts terms from the FQNs of the used entities.

Finally, ‘Usage Similarity’ says that, terms found in code entities that have similar API usage patterns can be used to describe each other. For example, as shown in Fig. 8.3 both methods createResource and makeIcon are implementing same behavior by using same APIs. This suggests that, to some extent, terms extracted from makeIcon can be used to describe the functionality implemented in createResource.

Sourcerer’s index model allows incorporating these code specific heuristics by leveraging the semi-structured document model of Lucene. For each of the heuristics the index model introduces a field that would store terms extracted based on the heuristic. Each field is given an appropriate boosting value so that some heuristics could be given higher priority (depending on the code search application). With such an index model, a retrieval scheme for a code search application simply specifies which fields to choose to match the user query. A different strategy to retrieve code entities can be implemented by varying these schemes. For example, the top right corner of Fig. 8.4 shows the code snippet for the method entity createResource (previously shown in Fig. 8.3). The bottom part of Fig. 8.4 shows an index document with five different fields capturing five different heuristics respectively. The top left part of Fig. 8.4 shows in a tabular form, how two schemes would match the same query create icon to the index document (and thus the method entity) differently. Scheme 1 uses only three heuristics, compared to Scheme 2 that uses all five.

Fig. 8.4
figure 4figure 4

Incorporating heuristics in index model

Scheme 1 looks over a limited set of terms associated with the method entity createResource. This set only includes one of the terms create present in the query create icon. Scheme 2 includes two more fields that makes it look over a richer set of terms that includes both of the terms found in the query. Assuming that all terms in query need to be matched for a document to be retrieved, Scheme 2 outperforms Scheme 1 because Scheme 2 uses additional heuristics to harvest more meaningful words describing code entities.

Vocabulary problem is a fundamental problem in information retrieval. It arises from the fact that humans have different vocabulary to describe similar concepts. Consequently, terms used in a query might not be present in all relevant documents. This can severely hinder retrieval because not all users would know the right terms to use to retrieve a relevant document. Sourcerer provides a solution to harvest more meaningful words for code entities by incorporating code-specific heuristics in the index model. This enables developing retrieval schemes that allows code entities to be matched with relevant query terms even when the terms themselves are not originally present in the code entity. This contributes a unique solution to tackle the vocabulary problem in code search.

For an elaborate description of vocabulary problem, see [8]. SAS used Scheme 2 retrieval scheme shown in Fig. 8.4 and used all five heuristics shown in Fig. 8.3.

5 Stored Contents

The Sourcerer infrastructure maintains a collection of stored contents corresponding to each of the three models.

A File Repository keeps a collection of files downloaded and fetched from open source repositories in the Internet. The structure of the file repository follows the storage model.

Two different databases store the relational information about the contents in the file repository. First, ArtifactDB stores limited information about the jar files found in the repository in order to enable the automated resolution of missing dependencies [28]. Second, SourcererDB stores the relational information on all projects, files and code entities that exist in the file repository. Both databases exist as MySql databases whose schemas confirm to Sourcerer’s relational model.

A Lucene-based Search Index is available that stores information about terms extracted from each code entity in the corresponding documents and fields. The search index uses a code index schema following the index model.

Sourcerer’s web site [34] provides details on the most recent statistics on the size of its contents. Currently, its repository contains above 3 million source files from 18,826 open source projects.

6 Services

All the artifacts managed and stored in Sourcerer are accessible through a set of Web services. These services provide a layer of abstraction and programmatic access to rapidly build applications that can leverage the underlying contents stored in Sourcerer.

Relational Query: Both ArtifactDB and SourcererDB are implemented as MySql databases. They provide direct access to query the underlying structural/relational information in Sourcerer using standard SQL. Relational Query is the basis for rich structural queries over code. Dependency slicing, code rank, and usage similarity all relied on SQL queries. As another use-case of using relational information, given below are some details on snippet extraction (taken from [3]) implemented for SAS.

Snippet Extraction in SAS: The retrieval scheme for SAS takes a keyword query and returns a ranked list of code entities as search result. This ranked list of entities is called hits and each entry in the list is called a hit. The retrieval scheme also returns the total number of entities in the index that match the query. For each hit the corresponding ‘entity_id’ (a unique identifier for a code entity) is available. Further details about the code entity can be queried from SourcererDB using the ‘entity_id’. SAS uses the information returned by its retrieval scheme to extract a corresponding code snippet for each hit (entity) in the list.

Snippet extraction proceeds in two steps. First, given a set of hits, a list of top APIs (used entities) is generated. This process is shown in Algorithm ??. As an input Algorithm ?? takes a list of top ‘n’ hits where, ‘n’ is the greater of 10 or 10 % of the total number of hits. These ‘n’ hits give ‘n’ unique entity ids (Line 2). To find the list of top used entities, the search application queries SourcererDB for the top non-JSL entities that are used by the entities in the list (Line 3). For each entity the top five Interfaces, Methods, Constructors, and Classes are selected. Among all these used entities in the list, only those entities that are used by at least three different entities are returned as the top used entities (output of the algorithm).

The second step involves generating code snippet for each entity in the hits. This is done using the list of top used entities and the ‘entity_id’ of a given hit. The algorithm for this process is shown in Algorithm ??. The procedure first queries SourcererDB to locate all the positions in the source of an entity where any of the top APIs are used (Line 3). For all APIs that are used in a position, a rationale comment is generated (Lines 5–8). A rationale comment indicates the type and FQN of the used API. Then, a few of the surrounding lines of code are extracted from each starting position (Line 9). Rationale comments are inserted on top of these extracted lines (Lines 10–13). Finally, a sequence of these commented code fragments is returned as an example code snippet. A sample Java code snippet generated using a hit returned for a query “write to workbench error log” is shown in Fig. 8.5.

Fig. 8.5
figure 5figure 5

Annotated API usage example for the task of programmatically writing to eclipse workbench’s log

In Fig. 8.5, Lines 5 and 14 are two positions in the code where some top APIs were found to be used. Lines 1–4 show rationale comments for two APIs (IStatus and the constructor for class Status) that are used in Lines 6–10. Similarly, Lines 12 and 13 show rationale comments for two APIs that are used in Line 14.

Repository Access: This service provides access to the textual contents of three of Sourcerer’s relational model elements: File, Entity, and Comment. Repository access is a simple HTTP-based Web service that returns the full text for one of the three relational model elements given their unique ids as parameters.

Dependency Slicing: This service provides dependency slices of the code entities in SourcererDB. A dependency slice of an entity is a program (collection of Java source files) that includes the entity as well as all the entities upon which it depends. Requested slices are packaged into zip files, and should be immediately compilable. The dependency slicing service can take in one or more entity ids and return a zip file containing the collection of sliced/synthesized Java files that the given set of entities depend on. The chapter by Ossher and Lopes in this volume provides an in-depth discussion of dependency slicing.

Code Search: This service implements a query processing and a code retrieval facility. Code search applications (such as CodeGenie [1619] and Sourcerer API Search) can send queries as a combination of terms and fields and the service returns a result set with detailed information on the entities that matched the queries. The query language is based on Lucene’s implementation using which clients can express structural information in the queries. The matching and scoring (ranking) of entities follow Lucene’s implementation. Details on how Lucene matches the query terms in index fields and score the matched entities are given in [37]. In summary, a boolean retrieval is performed based on a Lucene query as described earlier in Sect. 8.4.3, then all matched entities (documents) are ranked using the TF-IDF measure [23].

Similarity Calculation: The Similarity Calculation service takes in an entity_id of an entity ‘e’ and returns a list of other entities that are similar to ‘e’. Currently, the similarity calculator can suggest similar entities based on three different measures of usage similarity. For this purpose, the similarity calculator uses the usage information stored in SourcererDB. The similarity calculation service works based on a feature vector representation of code entities. As shown in Fig. 8.6 for each code entity such as the methods foo(..) and bar(..) a vector representation of used APIs are stored, where each entry in the vector indicates usage frequency (could be binary for certain similarity measures). For example, Fig. 8.6 shows that foo(..) uses API a1 once and API a2 twice. Given a measure of similarity based on feature vector (for example Cosine Distance [23]), the similarity measure between two code entities foo(..) and bar(..) can be computed (Usage_Similarity(foo(..), bar(..))). With this collection of feature vectors, for each entity a given set of top similar entities based on API usage can be computed by choosing an appropriate similarity function that works on feature vectors. The Structural Semantic Indexing (SSI) technique makes use of the similarity calculation service and uses three different measures of similarity. Further details on similarity calculation is available in [3] and [6].

Fig. 8.6
figure 6figure 6

Usage similarity computation based on feature vectors

Except the Relational Query service, all other services are HTTP-based services. Currently three services are open to the public. A detailed description of how to use these services is available online [35].

7 Tools

A number of loosely coupled tools are available in the Sourcerer infrastructure. These tools are primarily responsible for collecting/analyzing source code and producing the stored contents.

Code Crawler: Sourcerer consists of a multithreaded plugin-based code crawler that can crawl the Web pages in online source code repositories. One of the challenges in designing the Code Crawler was to adapt with the changes and differences with Web pages in different Internet repositories. To address this challenge, the crawler follows a plugin-based design. A separate plugin can be written targeting the crawl of a repository. This makes it possible to just update the plugin (or add new plugins) when a different (or new) Web site has to be crawled. Currently the crawler consists of plugins for Sourceforge [44], [40], Tigris [45], Google Code Hosting [39], and Apache [38]. The crawler takes a set of root URLs as an input and produces a list of download URLs and version control links along with other project specific metadata. This project specific metadata is in the form as specified by (the file in) the storage model. Since Sourcerer only supports Java source files, the crawler uses heuristics to detect the presence of Java source files in a repository’s Web page. These heuristics are common patterns specific to each repository. For example, a tag named ‘Java’ in a project from Google Code Hosting, and the presence of keywords such as ‘java’, ‘eclipse’, ‘ant’, etc. in a project from are used as indicators that a project has source code written in Java. These projects are candidates to be picked for further processing.

Repository Creator: The repository creator tool is responsible for parsing the code crawler’s output list, filtering noise from the list (e.g., removing duplicate links), and downloading the contents from the online repositories to Sourcerer’s local file repository. Given a local file repository’s root folder, the repository creator creates the required folder structure and places the contents as specified by Sourcerer’s storage model. The repository creator first creates the two level folder structure based on the number of projects it needs to add to the repository. Second, it creates the file describing each project. Third, it fetches the files from remote/original repositories. has metadata about two contents sources in remote repositories: (i) SCM systems such as svn and cvs, and (ii) downloadable packages such as compressed distributions (zips, tars, etc.). When information on a SCM repository is available, the repository creator first tries to check out contents from the respective SCM system. If errors are encountered, or if the SCM check out brings no contents, then the repository creator downloads all the packages, given that the information on links to the packages exist in After the download, the repository creator explodes the archives inside the content folder corresponding to the project. The end result of this process is a local Sourcerer file repository, based on the storage model, which contains contents fetched from remote open source repositories.

Repository Manager: The repository manager tool is responsible for two tasks: (i) library management, and (ii) optimizing the local repository for feature extraction. Under library management, the repository manager creates and maintains a local mirror of all jar files from the Maven2 central repository. It also aggregates all of the jar files from the individual projects into the jars directory. It then creates an index of all the unique jar files in the repository. These jars can be used to provide missing types to projects in Sourcerer’s file repository during feature extraction if needed. Under optimizing the local repository, the repository manager performs tasks such as compressing the contents inside a project’s folder, and cleaning the jars’ manifest files to avoid problems due to unexpected classpath additions.

Feature Extractor: The feature extractor in Sourcerer is responsible for extracting the detailed structural information from the source code files stored in Sourcerer’s file repository. The feature extractor is built as a headless Eclipse plugin, to make use of Eclipse’s (Abstract Syntax Tree) AST Parser. Before running the feature extractor, the source code is preprocessed to detect missing libraries using import statements. Some additional heuristics are used to be able to fully resolve the bindings in the source code types and links to the libraries. These heuristics are fully explained in an earlier publication [28]. The repository manager and the feature extractor together implement the required techniques for Automated Dependency Resolution, a key feature available in the Sourcerer infrastructure, that enables feature extraction from large number of open source projects despite missing dependencies and errors. In summary, automated dependency resolution works as follows. First, the feature extraction runs through the available projects to detect missing types. It creates the AST representation of code available in the projects and generates a list of missing types reported by the underlying Eclipse parser. From the list of missing types, the feature extractor generates a list of possible FQNs for those types to be found. It then looks up the ArtifactDB for possible jar files where the missing FQNs could be found. While doing so it selects the jar files that can provide the maximum number of missing FQNs. Once the jars are selected, they are included in the classpath of the project with missing types and then the feature extractor runs again. This process is repeated until all missing types are found or if no jars could be located for remaining missing types. After this step, the feature extraction does a full extraction of entities and relations from the projects. Our evaluation of automated dependency resolution has shown that it can increase the percentage of declaratively complete projects in Sourcerer’s file repository from 39 to 69 %. Automated dependency resolution is fully explained in [28].

Database Importer: This tool allows importing the Feature Extractor’s output into the code databases: ArtifactDB and SourcererDB.

Code Indexer: The code indexer tool is responsible to index all code entities in Sourcerer’s file repository using the textual and structural information available for the entities. The code indexer obtains this information using three services, the File Access Service – to obtain the full text corresponding to a code entity, SourcererDB to retrieve entities and comments related to a code entity being indexed, and Similarity Calculation service to retrieve similar entities. As a result of the indexing process, the code indexer produces a semi-structured full text index based on Lucene [41]. To index a code entity, the code indexer can retrieve all or some the following data: the full-text for the corresponding entity, the fully qualified names (FQNs) of related entities, comments of the used libraries, and FQNs of used entities. The search index schema will consist of fields to store the terms corresponding to these data types. The terms are extracted from the FQNs and full text of source code documents using code-specific analysis techniques (e.g., camel case splitting and removing language keywords as stop words). The code indexer tool consists of several of these code-specific analyzers.

Code Ranker: The code ranker tool constructs a graph representation of source code analyzed in Sourcerer. Entities constitute the nodes and relations constitute the edges in the graph. After constructing this graph, code ranker applies Google’s Pagerank [15] algorithm on top of this graph to compute the Pagerank (called CodeRank) for each entity which can be used as a measure of popularity of a code entity in the code graph. SCSE used the value of CodeRank as one of the heuristics to rank retrieved results.

8 Summary

The combination of models, services, and tools makes Sourcerer a unique infrastructure supporting three different code search applications. Going back to the requirements that were listed (in Sect. 8.2) for the three code search applications, we can summarize how Sourcerer meets these requirements.

SCSE: The storage model, stored contents, and the crawler in Sourcerer allowed collection of source code from large number of open source repositories, and store them locally making available for required further processing. The relational model and the code parser tool allowed fine grained parsing and storing parsed information in a readily available form. Being able to parse source code allowed storing and retrieving source code at the level of finer entities such as classes and methods. Using fully qualified names as keys for entities, and following relations in SourcererDB, SCSE provided a structure-based measure of CodeRank to rank code entities. As discussed in the index model, several code-specific heuristics were supported to build retrieval schemes that were specific to source code.

CodeGenie: The semi-structure index model with fields that supported retrieval using signatures provided basic retrieval for CodeGenie. Information about code entities and relations between them, allowed implementation of dependency slicing – a novel technique to extract and synthesize declaratively complete code snippet collection for CodeGenie.

SAS: Information on entities and usage (relations such as method calls and class extensions) allowed building API usage profiles for each code entities in the form of feature vectors. This served as the basis for usage similarity computation among code entities, allowing to devise novel indexing technique such as SSI using the usage similarity heuristic. Furthermore, full relational information on relations among code entities allowed computing useful API usage statistics that helped implementing useful snippet extraction technique.

The three code search applications were built one after another and Sourcerer evolved as it had to support the requirements for the applications. These requirements can be seen as major challenges that code search infrastructure builders need to address. A major lesson learnt with the implementation of three code search applications was that structural information provides valuable ways to build effective code search applications, and challenges inherent in building such applications can be overcome by harnessing large collection of source code and libraries available over the Web. Two important factors contributed to Sourcerer’s success. First, a principle of leveraging structural information in source code to build effective search applications. This principle guided its design and implementation. Second, a loosely coupled architecture that made it possible for selective use of smaller set of elements across applications.

While SCSE, CodeGenie, and SAS represent three state-of-the art research prototypes for code search, Sourcerer does not address needs to develop every code search application that developers would need. For example, Sourcerer does not provide support for information related to evolution and code changes, and therefore does not support search requirements around the problems related to evolution. Also being focused solely on Java as the language of choice, Sourcerer does not provide support to search in other languages. Sourcerer does not do any form of de-duplication of source code while maintaining the repository for the three code search applications. These could be some possible future improvements for Sourcerer and next generation code search infrastructures.

Sourcerer’s contents as well as its implementation are freely available for others to use. The content is released as a citable dataset [21]. The implementation is available as an open source project in Github [36]. These efforts have enabled external researchers to use Sourcerer’s content and services in their research [22, 24, 27, 30, 33].

9 Further Reading

Descriptions of earlier versions of Sourcerer are available in [2] and [20]. SCSE was first described in [1]. Code specific heuristics used in SCSE and their formal evaluation is discussed in [20] and [6]. Further details on CodeGenie is available in earlier publications [17, 18]. For details on user experiments and effectiveness evaluation of CodeGenie consult [6]. For detailed discussion on implementation and evaluation of SSI refer to [3]. More details on SAS is given in [4]. A definitive resource on details of the Sourcerer infrastructure, in particular the research contribution it made along with all three code search applications presented earlier (SCSE, CodeGenie, and SAS) is the author’s doctoral dissertation [6]. A revised version of Chap. 3 from [6] appears in [5]. The chapter by Ossher and Lopes in this book provides the most recent and detailed discussion on dependency slicing that is one of the core services available in the Sourcerer infrastructure. The Software Engineering research community has produced a large body of work related to code search. A detailed review of some of these closely related to Sourcerer is available in [6] (Chap. 1). Next we summarize some of the work that focused on building code search application on top of a large-scale repository.

Merobase [14] is an infrastructure similar to Sourcerer. Like Sourcerer, Merobase has built a large code repository, a code/component search engine and a Test-Driven Search application using its repository. Merobase offers syntax aware code search, and covers additional languages (C++ and ADA). There is no documented evidence that Merobase includes structural ranking such as Sourcerer Code Search Engine’s CodeRank, or advanced indexing techniques leveraging structural similarity such as Sourcerer’s SSI. Its Test-Driven Code Search application, Code Conjurer, provides a feature to do background search not present in CodeGenie (Sourcerer’s TDCS application), but lacks automatic dependency slicing that allows declaratively complete program slices to be merged into a developer workspace to create self-complete code fragments satisfying the unit tests. Sourcerer also provides techniques to do deep parsing of declaratively incomplete code found in repositories; this makes Sourcerer resilient and superior in terms of extracting and leveraging structural information from source code collected from the ‘wild’. The chapter by Hummel and Janjic in this volume provides an in-depth discussion of CodeConjurer.

Maracatu [9, 10] is another infrastructure built for code search. Similar to Sourcerer, it is limited to searching Java source code. The authors of Maracatu present useful requirements such as index update and optimization, but it is not clear whether Maracatu implements all of such requirements. Sourcerer does not have a proper mechanism to update its index to deal with changes in code repositories. Maracatu also supports faceted search, where the facets are platform, component type and component model. Sourcerer’s index model (being based on Lucene) supports faceting out-of-the box on any metadata present in its index. However, the only faceting that has been implemented in an end-user search application is in Sourcerer API Search, where the top API elements can be used as facets to filter the code results.

S6 [29] is another Test-Driven Code Search application, that applies code transformations to convert source code found via code search into workable solutions. Parseweb [31], is another code search application that uses source and destination object types as input query to retrieve code files from existing code search engines. It applies program analysis on retrieved files to extract method sequences that work as code samples to get destination object types from source types. Applications such as S6 and Parseweb can easily benefit from code search infrastructure such as Sourcerer.

Portfolio [26] is a code search application that incorporates structural information in ranking and retrieval. One of its unique feature is to show the call graph of functions involved in the search results. Portfolio provides search access to over 18,000 C/C++ projects and 13,000 Java projects. As reported in its web site, the Java projects used in portfolio come from Sourcerer and Merobase repositories [33].

Although not a code search infrastructure, FLOSSmole [13] is another major undertaking in building large collection of metadata about open source projects on the Web. Currently, FLOSSmole reports a massive data collection of more than 500,000 open source projects in its web site [32]. For code search infrastructure builders, now it is possible to leverage FLOSSmole’s project metadata to build code repositories instead of spending an effort in implementing custom spiders and crawlers for code.