
1 Introduction

Enterprise microblog marketing origins from the growing of microblog abroad on the internet. Since 2010, microblog has developed very fast in China, become an important platform for the exchange information afterwards blogs and social networking sites. At the same time, some domestic portal sites such as Sina, Sohu, Tencent and other major websites also vigorously layout microblog [1]. It not only builds up the more convenient communication platform for people unknown hitherto, but also creates many ways superior to the existing media marketing platform. The traditional marketing methods often can’t keep pace with the development of the times, so the emergence and development of microblog has prompted a new media marketing way which is called the microblog marketing [2].

As a new kind of marketing models, microblog marketing has the strong vitality and development opportunities. However, at the same time it also has many problems with external and internal threats [3]. So this paper conducts an in-depth SWOT analysis of the microblog marketing and subsequently discusses microblog marketing strategy which has important significance on improving the modern marketing theory and enterprise brand awareness, expanding consumer interaction, enhancing the economic benefits and other business areas.

2 Internal Environment Analysis of Enterprise Microblog Marketing

2.1 Advantage Analysis

2.1.1 Low Information Releasing Threshold

Compared with other traditional marketing patterns, microblog marketing has advantage of low threshold on releasing information. For microblog, even if only a signature or a picture can also become a “advertising” for servicing the enterprise’s marketing.

2.1.2 Convenient Information Transmission Channels

Information transmission of microblog has high speed and wide range. With the help of the most convenient marketing channel—network, microblog marketing congenitally transcends traditional marketing mode. For example, one to one marketing, experiential marketing and relationship marketing have the irreplaceable advantages on high-speed transmission and wide range dissemination. Compared with other equally with the help of network marketing, microblog marketing is more close to the majority of mobile phone users. If the microblog issued information in 140 words or less by fans each other, it will be similar to the formation of viral marketing mode. The scene, quick, extensive and real time feeling will also be more than that of any other Medias.

2.1.3 Instantly Affinity Communication Model

Microblog brings the interaction between the enterprises and their users. The traditional marketing model doesn’t consider the consumer’s specific situation, nor for their specific market segments, but shove a large number of the enterprise’s product information in front of consumers. It is a kind of single information flow like “savage bombing” [4]. Consumers can’t often bear the repeated advertising information over and over again. Sometimes the repeated advertising information not only can’t really attract the interest of consumers but also make the sense of boredom. While the microblog marketing uses the instantly affinity communication mode which has by the strong interactive between businesses and users.

2.1.4 Low Information Retrieval Cost

Because Google, Baidu, Yahoo! and other search engines have the powerful blog content retrieval function, microblog itself also can improve the webpage quality and visibility of search engine by low information retrieval cost. As long as opening the account and publish information on microblog, it may be included by the major search engines, thus greatly improving the possibility to be searched, and this process is very low cost. In addition, when a website is not famous and its accessible volume is low, it is often difficult to find valuable website to link. At this time it can use “microblog” for the enterprise’s website link. The target market is refined and accurate marketing ha:ens. Use a word to generalize, precision marketing is appropriate, apt to your market, product, management, customer segmentation.

2.2 Disadvantage Analysis

2.2.1 Clutter Information Releasing Threshold

The domestic microblog marketing is still not mature under the realistic condition and the number of blog fans undoubtedly becomes the best visual element to measure the marketing effects [5]. However, the network marketing advantage of microblog’ low threshold becomes a disadvantage to some extent because there is no other cheap cost way of marketing while the microblog marketing can finish only by mouse click. Low threshold flood causes various psoriasis fans, zombie fans to swarme out. Gray marketing has seriously overdraft netizen’s credit, which also makes the microblog fans rose rapidly but not spread the performance and sales volume.

2.2.2 Shortage Business Marketing Profit Pattern

Microblog marketing is the point to point broadcast on the network through the cluster methods to make everyone or every microblog to form an audience communities and the most refined lexical representations of certain information so as to achieve the purpose of information dissemination. From this point of view, microblog absorb everything of timely communication software. Although microblog makes a progress in the form, those questions such as whether to be concerned in a short period of time and which profit pattern can have new development are difficult to draw the conclusion. In addition, China Europe International Business School Marketing lecturer Chen Junsong appears that although more and more companies see the microblog marketing potential, microblog still cannot bear enterprise marketing.

2.2.3 Easily Facilitating Competitors

Microblog marketing has a big inevitable existing problem, that is, the enterprises also pay more attention to the access number of the enterprise’s microblog and ignore the process quality of information dissemination. Now many enterprises set up their own microblog in Sina, Tencent and other major domestic portal site, but if these microblog can’t well manage the process of the information dissemination, for example the enterprise’s interior staff “accidentally” leaked information, the enterprise’s microblog fans open completely and so on, these deeds possible provide a great convenience to use the core information or potential user groups information for their rivals.

2.2.4 Network Public Relations Crisis Problem

Because of the microblog content timeliness and quickly network transmission speed, microblog marketing greatly shorten the reaction time, which causes greater possibilities of the network public relations problems. Despite that microblog has logined in China for already 2 years, Chinese enterprise microblog marketing strategy is still in the exploratory stage, and during this time, there have been many companies experienced a larger network public relations problems. Let make the example to explain. DELL micro blog have make the enterprise’s profit. Also it planted a big tumble in the pricing error events. Taiwan Dell outleted shopping website error and Sina microblog is served as the main information communication center, resulting 100000 bench blasting the amount of panic buying price wrong goods in a night. Similar to the twitter form “social media length”, some small information may have been enlarged. So enterprise microblog marketing should pay the attention to important issues such as how the crisis public relations problems early warning, how the crisis public relations problems after treatment and so on.

3 External Environment Analysis of Enterprise Microblog Marketing

3.1 Opportunity Analysis

With the rapid development of internet technology, the appeal of traditional marketing mode such as one to one marketing, relationship marketing and experiential marketing drops greatly. As the network can provide the convenience to consumers, traditional marketing personnel will loss the larger share of the market and accordingly advertising is to adapt to the new media change. The enterprise’s operators and managers will also be more dependent on cyber source in positioning the market rather than the traditional data. It can say that the attractive of the traditional marketing way is not as good as before. The rise and growth of network platform provides a good opportunity condition for microblog marketing.

3.2 Threat Analysis

Perceptual sale is unable to assume independence of enterprise marketing. Although the enterprises can subdivide market according to the network user character, age, hobbies and other characteristics in the microblog marketing and make more accurate marketing strategy, the continuous improvement of product and service is insufficient. In addition, the enterprise’s microblog can contact interactive feelings with the users, but one must admit that microblog marketing in the final analysis is still “played an emotional battle” and the enterprises are still rely on feelings condenses with the consumer groups, so as to guide its perceptual consumption. Sales are divided into rational sale and perceptual sale. A successful sales is just to see which kind of model is winning. Microblog marketing is the application of perceptual sale taken seriously embodiment. Rational sales is relatively simple and intuitive and what is commodity. It is able to achieve any effect, stick out a mile. Emotional marketing are not the highest to product performance concerns, but through many channels of communication to stimulate consumers emotionally close, make people to the dependency formation.

4 Enterprise Microblog Marketing Strategy

4.1 Representative Marketing Strategy

Representative marketing, as the name suggests, is to advocate way for enterprise marketing by the representative. It plays an important role in attracting a large number of fans and improving the microblog attention. In fact, in China, many enterprises have been successfully used this marketing strategy. VANCL, an origin Internet garment enterprise, has started to introduce the way of star endorsement, Wang Luodan, Han Han’s endorsement to earn a large number of fans. At present similar commodity marketing has been a growing trend in the microblog, to better use enterprise microblog marketing must make oneself brand. Thus, representative marketing strategy can be a good choice. Each enterprise takes advantage of microblog on the effect of endorsement to get more social concern of fans and the degree rather than spend lots of money to hire spokesmen shooting in the expensive television media advertising. In addition, microblog representative Marketing can choose more spokesmans than traditional marketing no longer limited to the movie star and singer. For example the enterprise’s managers and operators will sometimes become more appropriate spokesperson in microblog, which not only make the company’s brand, but also close the distance between the consumer. In addition, employee representative marketing is also a good strategy.

4.2 Personalized Marketing Strategy

To some extent, a microblog likes a person. A person only with enough personality is easily to be remembered by people and microblog marketing can also use this simple truth. Whether individuals or enterprises all want to use the microblog for marketing through the accumulation of the user process. So personalized will undoubtedly become a good choice on how to let more users willing to be your audience.

Personalized marketing requires microblog pushing fans’ attention and the fans individual releasing personality to unprecedented center position. If the enterprises can establish the more personal contact with consumers, it should always remember that in microblog, to communicate with you is not a simple webpage behind which is a potential users. According to different consumer requirements of individual production, microblog should provide a more personalized sales and service to meet consumer’s consumption needs and tastes. So the competition ability of the enterprises will undoubtedly be enhanced.

4.3 Interactive Marketing Strategy

Microblog marketing is unilateral for the enterprises. It should be a interactive marketing with consumers to share the wealth and the emotion experience. Using this interactive marketing strategy, the enterprises strengthen interaction with users, which can help potential users become a fan, a friend, even loyal support. Accordingly, interactive marketing strategies become indispensable in the microblog marketing. In order to realize the interactive strategy, first of all enterprises must do their own positioning in order to rationally set the topic, that is to make clear the microblog open for what is for product promotion, corporate image and brand promotion and maintenance. To clarify their position, the enterprises must intend to set up a wide range of the agenda to work with the vast numbers of fans interact. The topic of the agenda often meets some users interesting, which can greatly shorten the distance between the enterprises and the consumers. In addition, the set of topics has also become a good carrier market research, through the interactive discussion topics, the enterprise’s managers can clearly understand potential user’s interesting. By frequent interaction, the enterprises can use the microblog marketing, market research, customer management and public relations crisis and all kinds of commercial activities to maximize the use of microblog’s strong plasticity, user influence. Interpersonal communication is rapidly waiting for a characteristic to serve for the enterprise.

4.4 Emotional Marketing Strategy

In the process of microblog marketing, the enterprises need to continue investing a lot of feelings. Consumers don’t love the enterprise’s microblog only as cold communication. To love fans sometimes is more useful than a few of advertising. In fact, the enterprise’s microblog fans are most the consumers or potential consumers. They have a considerable understanding and recognition on business products, services and brand culture. Microblog attracts them a common topic about corporate culture, values, emotional experience and interactive entertainment. Therefore, in order to ensure existing consumer groups not to shrink, the enterprises should establish an emotional bond with the fans. Compared with the official tone of the microblog, paying attention to the enterprise’s microblog is more favored by consumers. This is a typical case. A manager in Changan Ford made the summary about Changan Ford microblog marketing that it is the biggest mistake to do “too hard” on microblog. They use a kind of official tone to voice. “But one night he microblog is saying that it was late, we do not have a rest?” It will “be of no great importance” but have a lot of reply which caused intense interaction. It is after this, Changan Ford realized the important function of emotional marketing strategy in microblog and always uphold it.

5 Conclusion

Microblog marketing has just started in China. it’s just beginning. With the gradually increasing of the domestic microblog users and the microblog related product, microblog marketing will be more and more gotten the attention and researched. To try to explore using microblog marketing as soon as possible, the enterprises should integrate the skills and strategies tailored for the customers. A set of applicable marketing scheme is very important. Hope the paper can be valuable for the enterprises to improve the competitiveness of their own microblog marketing.