
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.


Normal-hearing human listeners are remarkably good at understanding speech in adverse listening environments. Acoustic degradation to speech can be due to ­energetic or informational masking (Brungart 2001). Here, energetic masking refers to the energetic overlap between the target speech and maskers, arising dominantly in the auditory periphery. Informational masking refers to the interference caused by the perceptual similarity between the target speech and maskers, arising dominantly in the central auditory system. In this study, energetic masking of speech is studied using a stationary noise masker with a long-term spectrum matching that of speech. The stationary noise affects the audibility of speech by severely reducing its intensity contrast, i.e., the depth of the spectro-temporal modulations (see also Stone et al. 2011). Informational masking, in contrast, is exemplified by the masking caused by a competing speech signal. In this case, both speech streams are audible and intelligible, and therefore the difficulty the listeners face is to identify which speech features are from the target speech and then to selectively process them.

We recorded neural responses from normal-hearing human listeners using MEG, which can measure cortical activity precisely synchronized to the temporal envelope of speech (Ding and Simon 2012). Based on the MEG measurements, we analyzed how the neural synchronization to speech is affected by acoustic interference, speech or noise, at different intensity levels. It is demonstrated that a robust neural representation of speech is maintained in human auditory cortex, reflecting a variety of top-down and bottom-up gain control effects in human auditory cortex.

The Cortical Representation of Competing Speech Streams

Experimental Procedures

In this competing-speech experiment (Ding and Simon 2012), two stories, narrated by a male and a female speaker respectively, were mixed into a single acoustic channel with different intensity ratios. One speaker was always presented at roughly 75 dB SPL, while the other was presented at either the same level (by RMS value) or 5 or 8 dB weaker. These two speakers were referred to as the constant-intensity speaker and the varying-intensity speaker, respectively. For this set of speech mixtures, when different speakers were attended to, the target-to-masker ratio (TMR) ranges from −8 to 8 dB. Each stimulus was presented twice under each attentional condition (attend-to-male vs. attend-to-female).

For each TMR, two 1-min duration stimuli were presented, after each of which a comprehension question was asked to ensure the subjects’ attention. The listeners correctly answered 71 % of the questions, and this percentage did not significantly vary with TMR (  p  >  0.7, one-way repeated-measures ANOVA). Six subjects participated in the experiment. Five of them were asked to subjectively rate speech intelligibility (as percentage) after the first listening to each stimulus. The neuromagnetic signals were recorded using a 157-channel whole-head MEG system.

Neural Reconstruction of Each Speech Stream

The temporal envelope of each speech stream was reconstructed separately, by integrating neural activity over time and MEG sensors. The reconstructed envelope ŝ(t) is ŝ(t)  =  Σ k  Σ τ r k (t  +  τ)h k (τ), where r k (t) is the recording from the kth MEG sensor and the decoder h k (τ) is a weighting matrix for the kth MEG sensor and a time lag τ between the stimulus and response. The decoder was optimized using boosting, with ten-fold cross validation, which maximizes the accuracy of neural reconstruction, i.e., the correlation between the reconstructed envelope and the actual envelope of speech (Ding and Simon 2012). The envelope of each speaker, s(t), was expressed on a linear amplitude scale. The accuracy of the neural reconstruction depends on how precisely the speech envelope is encoded in neural activity and is an index of the fidelity of neural encoding.

The chance-level reconstruction accuracy was estimated by generating pseudo-reconstructions based on unmatched stimulus-response pairs. To create a stimulus not matching the neural response, we cut the actual stimulus into eight segments, shuffled them, and concatenated the shuffled segments. A hundred pseudo-­reconstructions were generated based on the shuffled stimuli, and the maximal reconstruction accuracy from the pseudo-reconstructions was used as a threshold to test the significance of normal neural reconstructions (P  <  0.01).

Beyond the correlation analysis, a more detailed relationship between ŝ(t) and s(t) is obtained by fitting ŝ(t) as a function of s(t). This function is called the amplitude-intensity function (AIF). Since the neural reconstruction is just the spatial-temporally integrated neural response, the AIF describes the relationship between the instantaneous amplitude of the neural response and the instantaneous intensity of the stimulus.


The temporal envelope of each speaker in the stimulus is reconstructed separately from the cortical response. The correlation between the reconstruction and the actual envelope of speech is shown in Fig. 41.1a. The reconstruction accuracy is above chance for both speech signals (P  <  0.01 for every condition) and is significantly higher for the attended speech (P  <  0.02, 2-way repeated-measures ANOVA, factors: attention, TMR). The main effect of TMR and the interaction were both not significant. Since the same decoder is used in every TMR condition, the TMR-independent reconstruction accuracy suggests TMR-independent neural encoding of the temporal modulations of each speech stream.

Fig. 41.1
figure 00411

Cortical reconstruction of each of two competing speech streams. (a) The correlation between neural reconstruction and the actual envelope of each speaker (filled and hollow symbols for attended and unattended speakers, respectively). The two speakers are shown by circles and diamonds, respectively. The correlation with each speaker is normalized based on the correlation at 0 dB TMR when the speaker is attended. (b) The AIF for each speaker, under each attentional state. The x-axis is the stimulus intensity and the y-axis is the dimensionless amplitude of the neural reconstruction on a linear scale. The level difference between the speakers is indicated by the line style

The TMR-independent neural reconstruction implies neural compensation for the intensity change of the speakers. This is further investigated using the AIF, which describes the relationship between the instantaneous amplitude of the neural response and the instantaneous intensity of the stimulus envelope (Fig. 41.1b). The AIFs for the two speakers show distinct behaviors. The AIF for the varying-intensity speaker shifts leftwards as the intensity of the speaker decreases, regardless of the attentional state of the listener. A leftward shift of the AIF indicates an increase in response gain since lower intensity is needed to achieve a given response amplitude. When fitted by a line, the AIF shifts 6.0  ±  0.2 dB and 5.0  ±  1.1 dB (Mean  ±  SEM) for the attended and unattended speaker, respectively, as the intensity of the speaker changes by 8 dB. The AIF for the constant-intensity speaker, in contrast, is not significantly affected by the intensity change of varying-intensity speaker. Therefore, the neural representation of each speaker only adapts to the mean intensity of that speaker, rather than the mean intensity of the stimulus mixture. In other words, neural adaptation to sound intensity is auditory stream specific.

Cortical Representation of Speech Masked by Noise


In the speech-in-noise experiment (Ding and Simon 2013), each stimulus consisted of a 50-s duration spoken narrative. Stationary noise matching the long-term spectrum of speech was generated using a 12th-order linear predictive model and mixed into speech with one of the following six TMRs: quiet, +6, +2, −3, −6, and −9 dB. The intensity of speech was the same for all stimuli while the intensity of the noise varied. Ten subjects participated.

Each stimulus (12 in total) was presented three times. The TMR always increased or decreased every two sections (counterbalanced over subjects). The subjects were asked a comprehension question after each section. During the first presentation of each stimulus, the subjects were asked to rate the intelligibility of each stimulus. The order how the sections were presented, whether with increasing or decreasing TMR, did not affect speech intelligibility (two-way repeated-measures ANOVA, factors: TMR, Order) or the neural reconstruction of speech (the same ANOVA) and therefore was not distinguished in the analysis.


To investigate how the cortical representation of speech is affected by background noise, we reconstructed the temporal envelope of the underlying clean speech, not the actual stimulus, from the cortical response to a noisy stimulus (Fig. 41.2). The correlation between the neural reconstruction and the actual envelope of speech remains high until the TMR drops to −9 dB (Fig. 41.2). This indicates that, above −9 dB, the temporal modulations of speech are cortically encoded by phase-locked activity, regardless of the degradation caused by noise. Decoding accuracy was not affected by TMR when the −9 dB condition is excluded (2-way repeated-measures ANOVA, factors: TMR, Trial).

Fig. 41.2
figure 00412

Neural reconstruction of speech masked by stationary noise. (Left) The correlation between the neural reconstruction and the temporal envelope of the underlying clean speech. (Middle) At −3 dB TMR, individual subject’s intelligibility rating is significantly correlated with the accuracy of neural reconstruction. (Right) The AIF for each TMR condition. The curves, from left to right, correspond to conditions with decreasing TMR

At the intermediately low TMR of −3 dB, the median of the rated speech intelligibility was 55 % and varied widely. At this TMR, individual subject’s subjectively rated speech intelligibility is significantly correlated with neural reconstruction accuracy (R  =  0.78  ±  0.15, bootstrap, Fig. 41.2). No such correlation was found at high and low TMRs, because of ceiling (median  >90 %) and floor (median ≤10 %) effects in the ratings.

Stationary background noise reduces the depth of the spectro-temporal modulations, i.e., intensity contrast, of speech. Therefore, the robust neural encoding of speech suggests that the loss of stimulus contrast is compensated for by the auditory system. To demonstrate this, we estimated the AIF for each TMR condition and found the AIF to be strongly TMR dependent (Fig. 41.2), showing neural adaptation to intensity contrast. The slope of the AIF, extracted by a linear regression, increases 16  ±  2 dB (Mean  ±  SEM) as TMR decreases from infinity (quiet) to −6 dB.

Time Course of Neural Encoding During Energetic and Informational Masking

Temporal Response Function

How the cortical response is generated by temporal modulations of speech can be modeled using the temporal response function (TRF). For the competing-speech experiment, the response was modeled as the sum of two TRF models, one for each speaker. The TRF was derived from a spectro-temporal response function that was estimated based on the normalized spectrogram of speech (z-score) expressed on a logarithmic scale (Ding and Simon 2012). Since the TRF is based on the normalized spectrogram, the gain of the TRF is invariant to the changes of the stimulus intensity only if neural activity is fully adapted to such changes. A TRF is estimated for each MEG sensor. Two major components are seen in the TRF, with distinct neural sources and response latencies. As an effective representation of both components, the TRF shown here is the sum of the TRFs projected to the neural sources of the two components.

Time-Dependent Gain Control

The TRFs from the competing-speech and speech-in-noise experiments are shown in Fig. 41.3. The TRF characterizes the temporal evolution of the neural response evoked by a unit power increase of the speech stream it is applied to. The earliest two peaks of the TRF have latencies near 50 and 100 ms, called the M50TRF and M100TRF, respectively. In the competing-speech experiment, the amplitude of the M100TRF but not the M50TRF is significantly modulated by attention (P  <  0.03, four-way repeated-measures ANOVA, factors: attention, hemisphere, speaker, and TMR). Furthermore, the shape of the TRF is independent of the TMR, for both the constant-intensity speaker and the varying-intensity speaker. A stimulus-invariant TRF reflects a complete neural adaptation to the mean intensity of the stimulus, since the TRF is derived from normalized speech envelope. In the speech-in-noise experiment, the M50TRF weakens as TMR decreases (negative correlation between M50TRF amplitude and TMR, P  <  0.001, bootstrap). The M100TRF, however, remains largely stable between +6 dB TMR and −6 dB TMR (no significant correlation between M100TRF amplitude and TMR).

Fig. 41.3
figure 00413

The temporal response function (TRF) in the competing-speech experiment (ab) and in speech-in-noise experiment (c). (a) The TRF for the attended and unattended speech streams. The M100TRF is modulated by attention, but the M50TRF is not. (b) The shape of the TRF is invariant to TMR. (c) In noise, the M50TRF weakens as the TMR decreases while the amplitude of M100TRF remains stable as the TMR changes from +6 to −6 dB

Spectro-temporal Processing of Speech

Object-Based Gain Control

Neural adaptation to sound intensity occurs at multiple stages of the auditory system (Robinson and McAlpine 2009). The competing-speech experiment further suggests that the neural adaptation to sound intensity occurs separately for each auditory stream/object. In that experiment, the stable representation of the varying-intensity speaker must be maintained by neural adaptation to sound intensity, while the stable representation of the constant-intensity speaker requires no adaptation to the overall intensity of the sound mixture (which itself covaries with the intensity of the varying-intensity speaker). Therefore, the stable representation of both speakers cannot be explained by a simple mechanism of global intensity gain control, which would result in the neural representation of both speakers to be modulated in the same way based on the overall intensity of the acoustic stimulus. Instead, the results suggest object-specific intensity gain control.

Latency of Gain Control Effects During Energetic and Informational Masking

The properties of the acoustic masker, i.e., whether informational or energetic, influence the cortical processing of speech differentially. As revealed by the TRF analysis, in the competing-speech experiment, both the shorter- and longer-latency cortical responses are insensitive to the change in masker intensity. In the speech-in-noise experiment, however, only the longer-latency response M100TRF is resilient to the masker. This influence of masker property is straightforward to explain. During informational masking, the audibility of each stream of speech is seldom a problem and therefore each stream drives early auditory response effectively. The key question during informational masking is the selection of acoustic features belonging to the speech target, which is only reflected by the attentional modulation of long-latency responses. During energetic masking, however, background noise reduces the audibility of speech and therefore attenuates the shorter-latency response. The noise robustness of the long-latency response can only be maintained by additional active neural processing. In summary, the shorter-latency (∼50 ms) response from core auditory cortex mainly reflects the audibility of a sound stream, while the ­longer-latency (∼100 ms) response is a robust representation of the target speech stream.

Relation to Speech Intelligibility

On the one hand, the cortical synchronization to speech is more robust to acoustic interference than rated speech intelligibility. For example, at −6 dB TMR, cortical synchronization to speech is not affected by acoustic interference, whether speech or noise, but rated speech intelligibility drops to about 50 % for a speech masker and only about 10 % for a noise masker. On the other hand, the precision of cortical synchronization to speech is a good predictor of individual’s intelligibility rating, when speech is masked by noise at −3 dB TMR. We explain this difference by dividing speech recognition into two consecutive processes. One is the parsing of the continuous and possibly noisy acoustic input into basic processing unit, e.g., syllables. The other is the decoding of linguistic information from each unit. We argue that the MEG-measured cortical synchronization to speech reflects the first parsing process, which is more reliable than the decoding of phonemic information from each unit (see Woodfield and Akeroyd 2010, for psychoacoustical evidence). In the presence of an intermediate amount of noise, the parsing process becomes a bottleneck for speech recognition, and therefore listeners who are better at extracting basic speech units rate speech intelligibility as higher.


We found that large-scale coherent cortical activity is precisely synchronized to the temporal modulations of speech, even in the presence of an acoustic masker twice as intense as the speech target. Two major sources of the speech-synchronized neural response are identified. One has shorter latency (∼50 ms) and is from roughly core auditory cortex. The other has longer latency (∼100 ms) and is from posterior association auditory cortex. The shorter-latency response is not modulated by attention and is susceptible to background noise. The longer-latency response, however, is strongly modulated by attention and is resilient against acoustic interference. In summary, the results suggest the emergence of a neural representation of the target speech stream embedded in a complex auditory scene. This auditory stream-specific representation is enhanced, from shorter-latency to longer-latency neural responses and from core to posterior auditory cortex.