
1 Introduction

It is known to all that computer education not only allows students to get to know the advanced information technology, but also is good for students to cultivate comprehensive qualities. In addition, it can motivate students to pursue advanced scientific technologies, arouse their innovation awareness, improve their activity to learn new knowledge and cultivate their ability of independent study. Moreover, computer knowledge enables students to have strong hands-on ability, quick thinking, wide interests, broad mind and a broad spectrum of knowledge. Therefore, it is an important content for the quality education for all majors in higher vocational colleges to do well the propagate education of computer. However, the computer teaching in higher vocational colleges in present phrase is far from satisfaction. This paper makes explorations with this theme, which has certain actual meaning and guiding meaning [1, 2]. Therefore, it is an important content for the quality education for all majors in higher vocational colleges to do well the propagate education of computer [3].

2 The Present Situation of Computer Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges

With the rapid development of the modern computer technologies, the computer application changes for the better day by day. The information amount is on the increase rapidly [4]. This has brought out higher and higher requirements for the computer teaching in higher vocational colleges. However, seen from the present situation, the computer teaching in higher vocational colleges has a series of weaknesses, which has seriously affected the efficient improvement of the teaching efficiency.

2.1 Slow Renewal of Teaching Content

At present, most of the higher vocational colleges have adopted the teaching materials that cover the outline of national First Grade Level B examinations when teaching the course of computer. Considering that the First Grade Level B examinations are all over the country, the assessment usually lags behind the existence of new computer technologies. In addition, the teaching content often has a relatively long renewal period [5]. This is not beneficial to the cultivation of the new knowledge and new technology abilities for students. Moreover, it will make students have lower interest in learning. Their learning activity and initiative are not strong, not to mention the cultivation of their innovation abilities [6].

2.2 The Teacher Mode is Over Traditional

In present phrase, the computer basic course in higher vocational colleges basically adopts the traditional teaching model, in which the theoretical lectures and computer operations are separated. Computer teachers explain computer theories in class while arranging the students to conduct computer operation. This kind of teaching mode has the weakness that theoretical teaching and practical operation are separated, which is not beneficial for the students to grasp the theoretical knowledge learnt in class in time, nor is not good for students to strengthen what they have learnt. In this case, the class utilization ratio is lowered. It fails to arouse the subjective activity of student, making the students’ learning passive.

2.3 The Teaching Goal is Single

It is known to all that the basic goal for computer teaching in higher vocational colleges is to help students to pass certain computer application ability examinations successfully. It usually refers to the computer application ability test in all provinces or the national First Grade Level B examination as well as all kinds of computer high new technology examinations and so on. The whole teaching serves for the single examination goal. This has made the examinations the “theses” for our teaching. Teaching still serves for the examinations. This teaching goal results in the situation that although students have passed the examinations, they do not have strong ability to apply the computers in the real sense. Some students even fail to set the basic forms of the graduate thesis.

2.4 There is no Enough Attention Paid to the Quality Education

With the increasing popularity of the Internet and the rapid development of the computer technology, all kinds of computer content are filled with the network. Among the information, there are all kinds of harmful information. A lot of higher vocational colleges fail to pay enough attention to the quality education of the students. In this case, the students are lack of certain ability to distinguish between good and bad. They cannot resist the harmful information on the network. Therefore, it has been an important part in the computer course to raise the defence awareness of students towards the harmful information on the computer as well as to cultivate their good social morality.

3 How to Improve the Present Situation of Computer Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges

How the computer teaching for higher vocational colleges under the new circumstances and how the computer teaching for higher vocational colleges under the new requirements can be improved. The key to the improvement is shown as the followings:

3.1 To Have the Position of the Teaching Goal Accurately Fixed

The teaching goal is the starting point and foothold for the teaching activity. It has such functions as guidance, adjustment, motivation and evaluation. The computer teaching in higher vocational colleges should cultivate their students to be fully equipped with the computer culture qualities and excellent social morality. In this case, the students can be promoted to be equipped with solid computer operation ability. They are able to operate word and excel as well as the PowerPoint very skilfully. In addition, the students shall be made to fully grasp the application of basic software on office automation and website basic operations. Considering that the current information technology is flourishing with each passing day, the computer teaching mainly aims to cultivate the lifelong learning ability of the students. Only in this way can it keep with the time paces and never be out of the time.

3.2 To Arrange the Teaching Content Reasonably

The computer course in higher vocational colleges belongs to the practically oriented curriculum. It is the type of “the application of tools”. The attribute to the curriculum not only requires teachers to pay attention to the lecture of theoretical knowledge when arranging the teaching content, but also attaches importance to the cultivation of practical application ability as well as the innovation ability of the students. Therefore, the teaching content of the computers in higher vocational colleges should be equipped with the following four characteristics:

It should be equipped with the computer theoretical knowledge that meets the requirements of the education in higher vocational colleges. The concepts should be popular and easy to understand;

It should usually aim at cultivating the application ability of the students;

The content should reflect the new achievements and new trends relevant to the computer technologies;

The teaching content should proceed in an orderly way and step by step. It should start from the easy aspects and then to the difficult ones, which should meet the cognitive rules of the students. In all, the teaching content arranged by the teachers should reflect the new trend of the computer technology development so as to let students grasp the new knowledge and new technologies. Only in this way can the students be equipped with the ability to apply computers to solve practical problems.

3.3 To Actively Reform the Teaching Mode

The current computer teaching mode is a traditional teaching mode. As for the traditional teaching mode, it refers to the situation that teacher has accounted an absolute leading status in class, while students are in a passive condition. This does not go with the education of new times. Considering the circumstances, teachers should reform the teaching mode. On the one hand, teachers should introduce the multimedia technologies and the multimedia software and so on. A series of information teaching methods enable the teachers to rely on not only the blackboard and the textbooks. On the other hand, teachers are able to adopt the task driven methods so as to motive the learning interests of the students. That is to say, the teachers can announce a few tasks in class. For example, the teachers can let the students to accomplish a piece of word typesetting or the excel treatment and so on all by themselves. Proceeding to the next step, the teachers can set the students into groups and let them accomplish the learning tasks. Of course, these tasks should be changed according to the actual teaching circumstances. With the deepening of the teaching, the tasks should be connected to the future positions of the students step by step. In this way, it can show the value of the education in higher vocational colleges.

3.4 To Greatly Strengthen the Network Education

In the current society, the information on the network is expanding in an amazing speed. At the same time, the information on the network is open to all kinds of people. Therefore, the computer teachers in higher vocational colleges should have network education to the students. On the one hand, teachers should explain clearly the advantages and disadvantages of the network to the students. In addition, they should encourage the students to make use of the good aspects and get rid of the harmful information. On the other hand, the teachers should arrange some learning tasks that can be accomplished using the network. In this case, the students are able to get into the network with a purpose. In addition, they are able to accomplish their tasks using the computer knowledge they have learnt. In this way, they are able to achieve two things at one stroke. The students are not only able to get contact with the network, but also able to strengthen the computer knowledge.

3.5 To Actively Reform the Evaluation System

As an important link in the teaching activity, examinations are the directions of the teaching process. However, we should not take examinations for the examinations. We should see it as a method to evaluate the students. At the same time, we should not only examine the learning and understanding degree of the students to the computer theoretical knowledge, but also examine the practical application ability. Only in this way can the learning and understanding degree of the students to the computer technologies be tested. On the other hand, the teachers should arrange some learning tasks which are able to be accomplished using the network. In this case, the students are able to get into the network with a purpose.

4 Conclusions

Computer course is a compulsory basic course in the education for the higher vocational colleges. In the twenty-first century, the computer technologies are developing in a rapid way. In this age, we should arrange the teaching goal in a reasonable manner. We should select the teaching content and adopt the efficient teaching methods and modes. We should modify the way of teaching to suit the special requirements of each class or case as well as shooting the arrow at the target. That is to say, we should have a definite object in view. Only in this way can the talents with high qualities be cultivated so as to meet the development of modern society.