
1 Introduction

Streamlining of natural product syntheses through the development of new step-, atom-, and redox-economical methods stands at the forefront of modern-day synthesis and drug discovery [13]. In this regard, some of the most efficient synthetic methods are those which couple a wide array of simple, as well as complex, chemical fragments – preferably in an iterative and manipulatable fashion – to rapidly access key portions of a wide array of bioactive small molecules. While silicon-based tethers are the most prevalent systems reported in the literature [48], the vast majority of applications couple fragments occupying only two of the four available valencies on the silicon atom, leaving the remaining two vacancies to ancillary groups. The synthetic utility of multivalent phosphorus, in particular the ability of phosphate triesters to serve as protecting groups, functional handles for transition metal-mediated transformations, and latent leaving groups (Fig. 1) [913], provides a compelling argument in favor of the use of phosphate triesters as multifunctional tripodal tethers in the synthesis of bioactive small molecules.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Representative reactivity profile of phosphates in organic synthesis

Towards this goal, in 2005, Hanson and coworkers published the first use of phosphate triesters as tripodal tethers for the synthesis of 1,3-skipped polyol-containing bioactive small molecules (Scheme 1) [14]. Inspired by the work of Burke and coworkers with ketal tethers [15, 16], the authors envisioned that the tripodal coupling of a chiral, non-racemic 1,3-anti-dienediol [as shown (S,S)-1.1] with phosphorus oxychloride and allyl alkoxide could provide a phosphate triester [as shown (S,S)-1.2] in which three-dimensional conformation could bias the reactivity of each olefin in the once C 2-symmetric dienediol. Symmetry breaking ring-closing metathesis, promoted by (IMesH2)(PCy3)(Cl)2Ru=CHPh (Grubbs second generation catalyst, G-II) [17] or Hoveyda-Grubbs second generation catalyst (HG-II) [1820], yields the corresponding bicyclo[4.3.1]phosphate (1.3) as a single diastereomer. The synthesis of 1.3 was later simplified to a three-step process, whereby dichlorodione 1.4 undergoes enantioselective hydrogenation under Noyori conditions [21] to provide dichlorodiol (S,S)-1.2 [22]. Subsequent olefination using Me3S+I ylide furnishes the desired dienediol [(S,S)-1.1], which, upon treatment with phosphorodiamidite 1.6, oxidation with tBuOOH, and diastereoselective RCM with G-II, affords bicyclo[4.3.1]phosphate 1.3 in good overall yield.

Scheme 1
scheme 1

Synthesis of bicyclo[4.3.1]phosphate 1.3

Since this initial report, efforts have been focused on the establishment of a reactivity profile for this bicyclo[4.3.1]phosphate system so as to fully understand its behavior in a variety of conditions (Fig. 2) [23]. This profile includes a variety of nucleophilic additions, stability in acidic and basic media, reductive tether removal with lithium aluminum hydride (LiAlH4), cross metathesis with a number of olefin cross-partners, chemoselective hydrogenation of the exocyclic olefin utilizing mild diimide reduction conditions [24], and stereoselective SN2′-cuprate additions to both the original diene-containing bicyclic phosphate and the hydrogenated analog. Several significant features of phosphate tethers continue to emerge from these investigations, including: (1) orthogonal stability, (2) latent leaving group ability which orchestrates selective cleavage pathways within the phosphate tether, (3) inherent stereochemical restraints which dictate regioselective hydrogenation and facile cross metathesis (CM), and (4) stereo- and regioselective cuprate addition into the cyclic allylic phosphate.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Synthetic utility of bicyclo[4.3.1]phosphates

The ongoing investigations involving the use of multivalent phosphate tethers have led to a series of publications and reviews [25, 26] on the application of this methodology to the total and formal syntheses of a number of biologically active natural products and their analogs, including dolabelide C, salicylihalamide A, (−)-tetrahydrolipstatin, and (+)-strictifolione (Fig. 3). This review highlights these syntheses, as well as certain advances in the development of this methodology which have allowed for the stream-lined synthesis of stereochemically complex polyol-containing intermediates with minimal purification and multiple points of diversification to provide facile routes for library-amenable synthesis.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Targeted natural products synthesized via the use of phosphate tether methodologies

2 Total Synthesis of Dolabelide C

Dolabelide C (2.1) was isolated and characterized by Yamada and coworkers in 1995, from sea hare Dolabella auricularia, and was shown to possess potent cytotoxicity against HeLa S3 cells (IC50 = 1.0 μg/mL) – a trait it shares with the other members of the dolabelide family (dolabelides A–D (Dolabelides A and B were isolated 2 years prior to the isolation of dolabelides C and D, [27]), Scheme 2) [28]. In 2008, the first two establishments of the northern and southern fragments toward the total synthesis of dolabelide C were published [29, 30], followed by the first complete total synthesis of the 24-membered macrolide in 2011 [31]. Retrosynthetic analysis showed that 2.1 could be obtained through the synthesis and coupling of two major fragments which could be generated from both enantiomers of [4.3.1]-bicyclic phosphate 1.3: C1–C14 subunit 2.2 and C15–C30 subunit 2.3 (Scheme 2). The eastern portion of 2.2 could be installed via cross-metathesis/chemoselective hydrogenation of (R,R,R P)-1.3 with the suitable type II cross partner [32]. Subsequent Pd(0)-formate ring opening of the bicyclic phosphate 2.4 would provide a terminal olefin for further diversification. Subunit 2.3 could be produced via organolithium addition of vinyl iodide 2.6 to aldehyde 2.5, which could be acquired from a series of transformations utilizing bicyclic phosphate intermediates 2.7 (n = 0, 3). In turn, intermediates 2.7 could be provided via a chemoselective hydroboration/oxidation pathway (through the intermediate where n = 0)Footnote 1 or a cross-metathesis/chemoselective hydrogenation pathway (through the intermediate where n = 3) from the simple [4.3.1]-bicyclic phosphate (S,S,S P)-1.3.

Scheme 2
scheme 2

Retrosynthetic analysis in the total synthesis of dolabelide C

The synthesis of the C1–C14 fragment of dolabelide C commenced with the cross-metathesis of (R,R,R P)-1.3 with olefin 3.1 – which was obtained in four steps from the corresponding TBS-protected Roche ester – in the presence of HG-II catalyst (6 mol%) in refluxing DCE (Scheme 3) (see footnote 1; [29, 31]). The resultant 1,2-disubstituted olefin was then hydrogenated selectively, in the presence of the internal olefin of the bicyclic phosphate, using mild diimide reduction, which is generated in situ from o-nitrobenzene sulfonyl hydrazine [24], affording the desired [4.3.1]-bicyclic phosphate 2.4 in 72% yield. Subsequent transposition of the allylic phosphate olefin under Pd(0)-formate conditions, followed by methylation of the free phosphate with TMS-diazomethane, selectively provided intermediate 3.2 containing the desired western terminal olefin – with regioselectivity of the opening arising from orthogonal orbital alignment within the [4.3.1]-bicyclic phosphate precursor [14, 29]. Phosphate removal with LiAlH4 generated diol 3.3, which, upon treatment with 2,2-dimethoxypropane (2,2-DMP) and pyridinium p-toluenesulfonate (PPTS), provided acetal 3.4, in 75% and 96% yields, respectively. Next, ozonolysis of the terminal olefin to form the terminal aldehyde and Grignard addition with 1-iodo-3-methylbutene yielded a 1:1 diastereomeric mixture of alcohol 3.5, which was successfully converted to a single diastereomer 3.6 via a three-step sequence involving oxidation of the secondary alcohol, acetonide deprotection with cerium trichloride heptahydrate, and directed anti-reduction of the resultant ketone under Evans’ conditions (60% yield, 90% based on recovered starting material, ds ≥ 20:1) [33].

Scheme 3
scheme 3

Synthesis of C1–C14 fragment

The synthesis of the C15–C30 fragment of dolabelide C was initiated using a cross-metathesis/chemoselective hydrogenation pathway which coupled [4.3.1]-bicyclic phosphate (S,S,S P)-1.3 and PMB-protected 4-penten-1-ol to provide the corresponding bicyclic phosphate 4.1 in good overall yield (Scheme 4). Stereo- and regioselective SN2′ cuprate addition to the bicyclic phosphate (the regio- and stereoselective nature of this SN2′ cuprate addition can be attributed to both electronic and steric constraints inherent to the [4.3.1]-bicyclic phosphate system; see Scheme 4 in [14]), followed by tether removal with lithium aluminum hydride, afforded the corresponding diol (4.2) in 91% and 92% yields, for each respective transformation. Acetonide formation with 2,2-DMP and PPTS, followed by dihydroxylation/reductive cleavage to form a terminal aldehyde which was reduced to the alcohol with sodium borohydride without purification, furnished alcohol 4.3 in excellent overall yield. TBS-protection of the eastern alcohol and PMB-deprotection of the western alcohol generated 4.4, which was successfully converted to the desired olefin via the formation and elimination of an intermediate iodide followed by TBS-deprotection. Oxidation of the primary alcohol under Swern conditions [34] to the corresponding aldehyde, followed by organolithium addition of vinyl iodide 4.6 using tert-butyllithium, produced 4.7 in good yield, albeit a 1:1 diastereomeric mixture. This stereoselectivity was increased to nearly 3:1 syn:anti via oxidation and subsequent reduction with sodium borohydride, allowing for some recovery of material (Scheme 4).

Scheme 4
scheme 4

Synthesis of C15–C30 fragment. (a) Dess–Martin periodinane, CH2Cl2, 85%; (b) NaBH4, MeOH, 0°C, 89%

With the syntheses of the C1–C14 and C15–C30 fragments complete, coupling of carboxylic acid 2.2 – obtained in three steps from 3.6 – with secondary alcohol 4.7 under Yamaguchi conditions [35] provided ester 5.1 in 77% yield (Scheme 5). Protecting group interconversion (TES to acetate), followed by acetonide and PMB-deprotection with PPTS and 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyano-1,4-benzoquinone (DDQ), furnished the macrocyclization precursor 5.3 in 73% overall yield (over four reactions). Finally, ring-closing metathesis in the presence of the G-II catalyst (20 mol%) afforded dolabelide C (1.1), along with the undesired Z-stereoisomer (1:1 E:Z), in a 24-step longest linear sequence (LLS) from commercially available starting materials. While the authors were hoping to improve the stereoselectivity of the final macrocyclization by varying catalyst and conditions, efforts proved fruitless, although new and improved methods in reagent-controlled, stereoselective macrocyclic ring-closing metathesis could provide a means of averting loss of precious material in this final step (for recent examples of reagent-controlled E-selective metathesis processes, see [36, 37]).

Scheme 5
scheme 5

Endgame of total synthesis of dolabelide C

One valuable aspect of tether methodologies, particularly those whose stereochemical influences impart orthogonal reactivity patterns within a functionality-rich system, is the potential to combine multiple steps into a one-pot, single purification sequence which allows for more efficient and streamlined syntheses of complex intermediates. In 2012, Hanson and coworkers published a series of studies on the combination of ring-closing metathesis, cross-metathesis, and chemoselective hydrogenation into a single three-reaction, one-pot sequential sequential process [38]. Within this study, the application of this one-pot, sequential protocol to the C1–C14 fragment of dolabelide C was included (Scheme 6). Exposure of (R,R)-1.2 to the G-II catalyst (3 mol%), followed by addition of the HG-II catalyst (6 mol%) and olefin cross partner, would provide the corresponding di-olefin-containing [4.3.1]-bicyclic phosphate product, which, upon treatment with o-NBSH and triethylamine (Et3N), would afford 2.4 selectively in 30% yield (67% average per reaction). Subsequent allylic phosphate transposition with Pd(0)-formate, methylation of the free phosphate, and tether removal with LiAlH4 would then generate the C1–C14 fragment (trans the carboxylic acid) 3.3 in five linear steps from the commercially available starting materials. This protocol would also reduce the LLS of the total synthesis of dolabelide C from 24 LLS to 22 LLS. Further investigations involving other one-pot sequential processes mediated by the phosphate tether could potentially streamline this synthesis – and other syntheses of complex small molecules – moving forward.

Scheme 6
scheme 6

One-pot, sequential RCM/CM/chemoselective hydrogenation route to C1–C12 of dolabelide C

3 Formal Synthesis of (−)-Salicylihalamides A

Salicylihalamide A (7.1) was isolated from Halicona sp. by Boyd, Erickson, and coworkers in 1997 (Scheme 7) [39, 40]. This marine macrolide was found to exhibit potent cytotoxicity (an average 15 nM GI50) against 60 NCI human tumor cell lines and selective inhibition of H+-ATPase (V-ATPase), with an IC50 value <1.0 nM against bovine brain V-ATPase [41]. In 2011, Hanson and coworkers reported the formal syntheses of salicylihalamides A and B from (R,R,R P)-bicyclo[4.3.1]phosphate 1.3 (Scheme 7) [42]. The synthetic route involves the construction of the core macrocycle via a late stage esterification of the diol fragment 7.3 followed by an E-selective RCM. Diol intermediate 7.3 could likewise be generated from bicyclic phosphate 1.3 via chemoselective hydroboration-oxidation of the exocyclic olefin, followed by a stereoselective SN2′-methylcuprate addition to open the bicyclic structure.

Scheme 7
scheme 7

Retrosynthetic analysis for salicylihalamide A

Bicyclo(4.3.1)-phosphate (R,R,R P)-1.3 was treated with 9-borabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane (9-BBN), followed by oxidation with sodium perborate tetrahydrate (NaBO3•4H2O), to provide the intermediate primary alcohol as the sole product; subsequent PMB-protection furnished the corresponding bicyclic phosphate intermediate 8.1 in good overall yield (Scheme 8). Next, regio- and diastereoselective methylcuprate addition to 8.1, followed by methylation of the resultant free phosphate, afforded phosphate monocycle 8.2 (75% yield, dr > 20:1) with a terminal olefinic functional handle. Monophosphate 8.2 was then subjected to cross metathesis with (Z)-2-butene-1,4-diyl diacetate (8.3) to generate monophosphate 8.4 in 83% yield; subsequent regioselective, Pd-catalyzed reductive allylic transposition, followed by phosphate removal with LiAlH4 produced diol 7.3 in excellent overall yield. The targeted diol 7.3 was esterified by treatment with sodium bis(trimethylsilyl)amide (NaHMDS) followed by exposure to 8.5, affording ester 8.6 as a 3.6:1 (desired:undesired) mixture of regioisomers. Gratifyingly, the other regioisomer was successfully converted back to the starting material 7.3 for further recycling. Finally, MOM-protection of the remaining secondary alcohol, followed by RCM with (PCy3)2(Cl)2Ru=CHPh (Grubbs first generation catalyst, G-I), provided macrolactone core 7.2 in 9 longest linear steps (LLS).

Scheme 8
scheme 8

Synthesis of advanced intermediate 7.2

4 Total Synthesis of (−)-Tetrahydrolipstatin

(−)-Tetrahydrolipstatin (THL, 9.6), or, as it is more commonly known, Orlistat®, is a stable, saturated analog of lipstatin (for information on the isolation and biological activity of lipstatin and its analogs, see: [4347] and references cited therein) which has been used as an anti-obesity agent but has found renewed interest as a potential anti-cancer agent because of its selective inhibition of thioesterase activity of fatty acid synthase (FAS) in cancer cells (Scheme 9) [48, 49] (see also [50, 51] and references cited therein). In 2010, a concise total synthesis of THL was reported utilizing a phosphate tether-mediated, one-pot sequential, ring-closing metathesis/cross-metathesis/chemoselective hydrogenation protocol to afford the desired bioactive small molecule in nine steps from the readily accessible (S,S)-dienediol 1.1 [22].

Scheme 9
scheme 9

Total synthesis of (−)-tetrahydrolipstatin

Prepared in three steps from (S,S)-dienediol 1.1, phosphate triene (S,S)-1.2 was transformed into [4.3.1]-bicyclic phosphate 9.1 via the aforementioned RCM/CM/chemoselective hydrogenation protocol. Treatment with the G-II catalyst (3 mol%), followed by the addition of HG-II catalyst (10 mol%) and 1-undecene, provided the intermediate diene-containing bicyclic phosphate, which could be converted to 9.1 via selective olefin hydrogenation under mild diimide reduction conditions in 40% yield (75% average per reaction). Subsequent stereoselective SN2′ cuprate addition of n-hexyllithium, directed by the concave nature of the bicyclic phosphate 9.1, followed by methylation of the free phosphate, furnished phosphate-containing 9.2 in 65% yield over two steps. Phosphate removal with LiAlH4 and chemoselective protection of the more sterically accessible alcohol with TIPS-triflate generated olefinic alcohol 9.3 in good yield. Ozonolysis of the terminal C–C double bond to generate a terminal aldehyde, followed by oxidation under Pinnick conditions [52], produced carboxylic acid 9.4 in 93% yield over two steps. β-Lactonization using bis(2-oxo-3-oxazolidinyl)phosphonic chloride (BOPCl) and subsequent TIPS-deprotection with HF•pyridine yielded β-lactone 9.5, which, under exposure to N-formyl leucine and Mitsunobu conditions developed by Schneider [53], afforded (−)-tetrahydrolipstatin (9.6) in 94% yield.

5 Phosphate Tether-Mediated One-Pot, Sequential Processes to Functionalized Polyols

In 2012, Hanson and coworkers developed a three-reaction, one-pot sequential methodology involving RCM, CM, and chemoselective hydrogenation, without intermediate isolation, to facilitate the efficient synthesis of complex and diverse polyol fragments [38]. In this protocol, phosphate triene [as shown (R,R)-1.2] would be treated with catalytic HG-II (6 mol%), in the presence of 1,4-benzoquinone additive, to facilitate a diastereotopic ring-closing metathesis reaction (Scheme 10). Upon completion of the RCM, the solvent (CH2Cl2) was evaporated, and CH2Cl2 or 1,2-dichloroethane, an olefin cross-partner, and additional catalyst were added to the crude reaction mixture to promote cross-metathesis with the terminal olefin of the resultant bicyclic phosphate and provide substituted intermediates 10.1.Footnote 2 After the completion of CM, chemoselective diimide reduction (utilizing o-NBSH) was performed to generate hydrogenated CM bicyclic phosphates 10.2 in good to excellent overall yield (40%–85%, 74%–95% average per reaction). The observed chemoselectivity presumably arises from the deactivated nature of the endocyclic olefin, as well as steric constraints within the bicyclic structure – characteristics innate to the phosphate tether which allow for a certain amount of orthogonal reactivity between the two olefins. The terminal olefin of the initial intermediate bicyclic phosphate, which shows nearly type III [32] olefin behavior in CM reaction, readily undergoes cross-metathesis with a variety of type I and type II olefin cross partners, including those containing free alcohols (10.2a), electron-withdrawing groups (10.2b), and steric bulk (10.2c). In addition, stereochemically-rich cross-partners could allow for the facile synthesis of more complex bicyclic phosphate intermediates (10.2d, as well as the application to C1–C14 of dolabelide C), which could prove useful in the simple and efficient synthesis of polyol-containing bioactive small molecules.

Scheme 10
scheme 10

RCM/CM/chemoselective hydrogenation protocols to functionalized bicyclic phosphates

In 2013, Hanson and coworkers reported a detailed study to investigate the effect of ring-size, stereochemistry, and substitution in the context of RCM reactions to provide bicyclo[n.3.1]phosphate tether systems (Scheme 11) [54]. In this study, a series of phosphate tethered trienes were synthesized via the tripodal coupling of different 1,3-anti diene diols (11.1), allylic (11.2) and homoallylic alcohol partners (11.3) with phosphorus oxychloride (P(O)Cl3). Various bicyclo[n.3.1]phosphates (11.411.8) were obtained in good to moderate yields, highlighting the potential of phosphate tethers to mediate the coupling of stereochemically rich alcohols. For seven- to nine-membered ring systems, exclusive Z-selectivity was observed (11.411.7), while the ten-membered ring formations were highly E-selective (11.8).

Scheme 11
scheme 11

Detailed study of the effects of substitution, ring size, and stereochemical complexity on the formation of bicyclic phosphates

More importantly, with respect to the eight-membered ring formation, the allylic methyl substitution played a significant role in dictating which of the diastereomeric trienes SM 5.9 would participate in RCM (Scheme 12). When treated with G-II, the 1:1 mixture of diastereomeric trienes 12.2 provided bicyclic phosphate 12.3 as a single diastereomer, along with diastereomerically enriched unreacted starting material. Product formation was rationalized according to the favored transition state 12.4, in which the RuL n -metallocyclobutane and adjacent methyl group were trans to each other, with the larger of the two (the metallocyclobutane) exocyclic with respect to the newly formed bicyclic phosphate. This double diastereotopic differentiation via kinetic resolution by RCM could prove useful in the selective synthesis of stereochemically rich polyol-containing intermediates but also currently presents a limitation and a challenge to the scope of molecules which can be acquired via this specific protocol. Taken collectively, the RCM study demonstrated the utility of phosphate tether in synthesizing complex systems with high diastereoselectivity and also facilitated our understanding of the underlying factors governing RCM for such complex systems.

Scheme 12
scheme 12

Double diastereotopic differentiation via kinetic resolution by RCM

Building upon the previous two studies described above, in 2014, Hanson and coworkers united the idea of coupling stereochemically rich fragments with one-pot, sequential processes to synthesize a variety of polyol scaffolds by phosphate tether-mediated one/two-pot sequential methods (Scheme 13) [55]. The strategy relies on the order of addition of the alcohol partners for tripodal coupling and the cross metathesis steps, thereby generating scaffolds bearing differentiated olefinic ends. Thus, pseudo-C2-symmetric monophosphate (S,S)-12.1 was coupled separately with allylic alcohol 13.1 and homoallylic alcohol 13.2, yielding two different trienes, 13.3 and 13.4, respectively. Triene 13.3 was subjected to RCM and subsequent CM with homoallylic alcohol 13.2, followed by chemoselective hydrogenation in the presence of o-NBSH (ortho-nitrobenzenesulfonylhydrazide), produced bicyclic phosphate intermediate (not shown in the scheme). Upon tether removal of the resulting bicyclic phosphate intermediate, polyol 13.5 was obtained in an overall yield of 26% over four reactions performed in a two-pot sequence (71% avg/rxn). Similarly, triene 13.4 was subjected to the same two-pot protocol to furnish polyol 13.6 in an overall yield of 24% over four reactions performed in a two-pot sequence (70% avg/rxn).

Scheme 13
scheme 13

General reaction conditions: RCM – HG-II (3 mol%), 1,2-DCE/CH2Cl2, 2 h; CM – HG-II (3 mol%), CH2Cl2, CM partner (3–5 equiv.); LAH reduction – LiAlH4 (2–4 equiv.), THF, 0°C, 2 h; chemoselective H2o-NBSH (12 equiv.), CH2Cl2, Et3N, overnight; global H2o-NBSH (20 equiv.), CH2Cl2, Et3N, overnight

Next, triene 13.3 was subjected to RCM, CM with homoallylic alcohol 13.2, and subsequent tether removal with LAH to produce polyol 13.7, bearing both (Z)- and (E)-configured olefins, in an overall yield of 35% over three reactions (70% avg/rxn) in a one-pot sequence. Following a similar one-pot protocol, polyol 13.8 was generated from triene 13.4 in an overall yield of 35% over three reactions (70% avg/rxn). Starting from triene 13.4, a one-pot sequential RCM/CM/LAH and global hydrogenation, in the presence of excess o-NBSH, furnished polyol 13.9 in an overall yield of 26% in two pots over four reactions (72% avg/rxn). The same polyol 13.9 was obtained from triene 13.3 following similar reaction sequences. Importantly, this study highlighted that stereochemically enriched polyol scaffolds bearing both (Z)- and (E)-olefinic geometries – which would otherwise be difficult to produce via (Z)- and (E)-selective CM of 1,3-anti diol subunits with olefinic partners – can be generated via phosphate tether-mediated one-/two-pot reaction protocols which minimize the time and effort spent on individual purification steps.

6 Total Synthesis of (+)-Strictifolione

In 2013, Hanson and co-workers reported a library-amenable, “pot-economical” synthetic approach utilizing two consecutive, phosphate tether-mediated, one-pot sequential processes and a cross metathesis reaction to afford two antifungal natural products, (+)-strictifolione (14.4, Scheme 14) and (6R)-6[(E,4R,6R)-4,6-dihydroxy-10-phenyl-1-decenyl]-5,6-dihydro-2H-2-pyrone (15.3, Scheme 15), in good yield with minimal purification [56]. Exposure of phosphate triene (R,R)-1.2 to one-pot, sequential RCM/CM/chemoselective hydrogenation conditions, similar to those described above [38], with olefin cross-partner cis-stilbene, provided bicyclic phosphate 14.1 in 52% overall yield (81% avg/rxn). Subsequent allylic transposition under Pd(0)-formate conditions, in situ methylation of the resultant free phosphate with dimethylsulfate [Me2SO4], and phosphate tether removal with LiAlH4 furnished differentiated diol 14.2 in a single, high yielding purification step (65% overall yield, 87% avg/rxn). Finally, cross-metathesis of diol 14.3 with lactone 14.4, prepared in five steps according to via the Jacobsen protocol [5759], afforded (+)-strictifolione (14.4) in 77% yield and excellent E-selectivity. This three-pot concise route generated the desired natural product in 26% overall yield from (R,R)-1.2 and provides an efficient, scalable, and library-amenable approach to strictifolione, as the protocol allows for easy diversification of the western and eastern portions of the molecule through simple modification of cross-metathesis cross partners.

Scheme 14
scheme 14

Total synthesis of (+)-strictifolione via P-tether mediated, one-pot sequential protocols

Scheme 15
scheme 15

Total synthesis of 15.3 via P-tether mediated, one-pot sequential protocols

Similarly, the total synthesis of (6R)-6[(E,4R,6R)-4,6-dihydroxy-10-phenyl-1-decenyl]-5,6-dihydro-2H-2-pyrone (15.3) was accomplished following the three-pot protocol utilized in the total synthesis of (+)-strictifolione. Exposure of phosphate triene (S,S)-1.2 to RCM/CM/chemoselective hydrogenation conditions with olefin cross-partner phenyl-but-1-ene provided bicyclic phosphate 15.1 in 54% overall yield (82% avg/rxn). Next, one-pot Pd-catalyzed allylic transposition, in situ methylation of the resultant free phosphate, and reductive removal of the phosphate tether, followed by cross metathesis with 14.3, afforded the desired natural product (15.3) and good overall yield. Notably, this streamlined modular approach takes full advantage of orthogonal protecting- and leaving-group properties innate to the phosphate tether to eliminate the protecting group manipulations which – though often unavoidable – decrease the atom economy and simplicity of a straightforward synthesis.

7 Conclusions

The use of multivalent phosphate tethers, which couple both simple and complex alcohol fragments, has proven to be a valuable tool in the synthesis of stereochemically rich, polyol-containing bioactive small molecules. Moreover, the ability of the phosphate tether to mediate multiple orthogonal reaction sequences in a single purification step highlights its synthetic utility in the streamlining of routes toward both simple and complex intermediates, while providing facile means for the synthesis of analog libraries. Hopefully, as the understanding of these orthogonal reactivity patterns innate to the phosphate tether deepens, the potential of this method to simplify the synthesis of complex natural products and their analogs will incite other researchers to view these tethers as profitable complements to more established silicon counterparts.